Access to justice is recognized as a critical issue by the Government of
the Republic of Belarus. Through this project the Government of Belarus and the
UN continue the joint efforts towards ensuring the rule of law and access to a
fair trial for the population of Belarus. The ultimate goal of the UNDP project
is to ensure that the population of Belarus, including marginalized and
vulnerable groups, enjoy access to justice through an effective and
professional court system supported by the specialization of courts and judges,
which has been identified as an important prerequisite for effective and
professional court system functioning. This will be achieved through support for the full-scale
specialization of courts as prescribed in the Constitution of the Republic of
Belarus and further improvement of the legislation concerning the court system.
Further to this goal, the project will contribute to the systematic and
continuous professionalization of judges through life-long education.
The expert will be responsible for conducting of the expertise of
the pre-final version (draft) of the Concept and delivery of the
presentation of the results of their expertise at the Roundtable devoted to
developing of a concept paper including a set of recommendations towards
further improvement of the legislation and practice in the administration of
justice in Belarus (Institute for Re-training and Upgrading Qualifications of
Judges, Prosecutors and Legal Professionals at the Belarussian State
University, Minsk, Belarus).
S/he must have: a) an advanced degree in Law or related field; b) at least 8 years of legal experience; c) a
minimum of three years of experience of working in the administration of courts
on the decision-making positions; d) a minimum of three years of
essential experience in participation in the national (international)
associations of lawyers on the decision-making positions; e) understanding of
EU and Eastern European judicial systems and the political context of Belarus
is a plus; f) experience in the EU and elsewhere working with judicial systems
and court reform; g) ability to address an audience of judges and legal
professionals (a minimum of 3 lectures); h) excellent legal research and
presentation, analytical, and drafting skills; i) experience with UNDP (other
UN entities) or another reputable international organizations in the field is a plus; j) fluency in written and oral English and/or
German, Russian and Belarusian).
Additional information, including proposal forms, are available from
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