With the coming into force of the Treaty
of Lisbon the competences of the European Union in the realm of criminal law
have greatly expanded. The Union, in a multitude of legislative instruments,
requires its Member States to criminalize a wide variety of harmful conducts.
However, the criminal law legislation of the European Union has so far almost
exclusively focused on specific criminal offences and has failed to develop and
define general principles of criminal law. The Union frequently refers to
conduct, attempt and participation in its legislation but fails to determine
what these concepts should denote to. As a result the scope of European
criminal law may differ among European countries as Member States will apply
their national doctrines to European legislation.
This book aims to step in this lacuna
by establishing what actus reus and
rules on participation should look like in European criminal law. In addition
it investigates inchoate offences and corporate criminal liability. How should
the doctrines of conduct, omission and causation be defined? How to attribute
liability in the event that several people cooperate to bring about a criminal
result? What should preparing and attempting a crime refer to in European
criminal law and how can corporations best be held responsible for the harm
they have caused? To answer these questions this book distills common general
principles on actus reus,
participation, and inchoate and corporate liability from the national criminal
justice systems of the Member States as well as from European Union law. These
results are subsequently merged into coherent principles of European criminal
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