22 May 2015

WORKSHOP: Researching Chinese Legal History in Europe

Researching Chinese Legal History in Europe: The State of the Field

SOAS, University of London

Various Speakers
Date: 4 June 2015Time: 10:00 AM
Finishes: 5 June 2015Time: 1:00 PM
Venue: Russell Square: College BuildingsRoom: G3
Type of Event: Workshop
For centuries, scholars based in Europe have examined China’s past in an attempt to understand the various processes influencing the development and evolution of Chinese legal tradition(s). This line of research continues in Europe today, yet given the diversity of institutions and disciplines in which researchers work, as well as the field-specific publications in which they publish, the current state of the field of Chinese legal studies in Europe remains under specified.  What questions are scholars seeking to answer?  Which methods and theories are being employed to examine historical phenomena in China’s legal past?  What source material is available for scholars and students, and at which institutions?  What is the future of Chinese legal history in Europe?  This workshop seeks to answer some of these questions by bringing together several scholars from various European institutions, who are actively engaged in the study of China’s legal past.  Through presentations of current work and roundtable discussions, we hope to establish a community of scholars actively engaging China’s legal past, and also to map out future avenues of research and multi-institutional collaboration.

19 May 2015

CALL FOR PAPERS: Tel Aviv University - Faculty of Law: 3rd Annual TAU Workshop for Junior Scholars in Law: "Theory coming to life"

The Tel Aviv University Buchmann Faculty of Law is pleased to invite submissions to its third annual workshop for junior scholars in law. The workshop provides junior scholars with the opportunity to present and discuss their work and receive meaningful feedback from faculty members and peers, and aims to invigorate the scholars’ active participation in the community of international junior scholars in law.
Through law, theory comes into our daily lives in many ways. The workshop will explore the connection between theory and life:
different fields of law, such as criminal law, public law, corporate law, civil law, international law, cyber law, environmental law and others? What is the connection between human rights theories and their acceptance or rejection by different actors? How does legal theory deal with rapid changes in science and technology? What are the potential theoretical justifications to recognize obligations of states towards foreign individuals or communities? How can different actors, such as governments, philanthropists, public litigators and human rights organizations use theory to further their cause? How do lessons learned from historical events affect the formation of theory and practice?
We welcome junior scholars (doctoral candidates, VAPs, writing fellows and recent graduates of doctoral programs) from universities and research institutions throughout the world to submit abstracts engaging with the leading theme of the workshop.
Limited travel grants and accommodation will be available for participants with no institutional funding.
Submissions: Abstracts of up to 500 words of the proposed presentation (with a short bio and your current institutional affiliation(s)) should be submitted by email to TAU.junior.scholars@gmail.com by June 15, 2015
Applicants requesting travel grants and/or accommodation should indicate so in their submission, along with the city they expect to depart from and an estimate of the funds requested.
Applicants will be informed of acceptance or rejection by July 15, 2015. Selected presenters must submit their papers up to 10,000 words in length by September 30, 2015.
For further inquiries contact us at TAU.junior.scholars@gmail.com