22 June 2010

ERD Regional Conference


ERD Regional Conference

Promoting Resilience through Social Protection in Sub-Saharan Africa

Novotel Dakar - Avenue Abdoulaye Fadiga - Dakar - Senegal

28-30 June 2010

The Conference builds on a wealth of country-specific studies as well as on regional research mainly on Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) to address they key question of which types of social protection have worked and/or are expected to work best for the region. Some of the major challenges facing social protection design and implementation in SSA such as chronic poverty, state fragility, financial viability and donor involvement are assessed.

For additional information about the program, the registration formalities and other issues contact the European Report on Development Secretariat at


21 June 2010

NOTICE: Von Daniels on Law from a Transnational Perspective

Ashgate's published another very interesting title: Detlef von Daniels' The Concept of Law from a Transnational Perspective:

This book brings together the fruits of different traditions in legal philosophy and draws on them to develop a systematic thesis on the concept of law. The work uses a legal model to explore the underlying question of how the current phenomena of transnational law are best understood, in combination with an examination of the traditions of Jürgen Habermas's critical theory and H.L.A. Hart's analytic jurisprudence. This leads the authors to conclude that the key to a fruitful dialogue and comprehensive understanding is to appreciate that the concept of law is not state-cantered and must reflect relationships to other legal systems.