25 October 2013

JOURNAL: Law and Social Inquiry

JOURNAL: Law and Social Inquiry

The latest edition of Law and Social Inquiry, Journal of the American Bar Foundation(2013) is now available on Wiley Online Library. 


Juror Perceptions of the Legitimacy of Legal Authorities and Decision Making in Criminal Cases (pages 773–802)
Amy Farrell, Liana Pennington and Shea Cronin

Compliance: Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Explaining Adherence to Judicial Rulings (pages 803–835)
Diana Kapiszewski and Matthew M. Taylor

JOURNAL: Law & Society Review

JOURNAL: Law and Society Review

The latest issue of Law & Society Review is available on Wiley Online Library.

Legislating Change? Responses to Criminalizing Female Genital Cutting in Senegal (pages 803–835)
Bettina Shell-Duncan, Katherine Wander, Ylva Hernlund and Amadou Moreau
Addition by Subtraction? A Longitudinal Analysis of the Impact of Deportation Efforts on Violent Crime (pages 909–942)
Jacob I. Stowell, Steven F. Messner, Michael S. Barton and Lawrence E. Raffalovich

24 October 2013

OPPORTUNITY: Professorship of Japanese Law

The University of Washington School of Law invites applications for a tenured full professor faculty position focusing on Japanese Law. UW Law is interested in applicants who possess superior academic credentials including experience teaching Japanese Law. The position requires fluency in speaking and writing both English and Japanese and experience teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in Law in both Japan and the US. Successful candidates should have demonstrated excellence in scholarship in the field of Asian Law, with a significant publication record in both United States and Japanese scholarly and academic journals. We are seeking candidates with demonstrated engagement and stature in Japanese academia as well as similar engagement and stature in United States academia at a full professor level. Must have J.D. or equivalent degree. The University of Washington Law School seeks candidates who are committed to institutional and community service, and who share a passion for the school’s mission as a leader for the global common good. We are seeking a leader who is equally comfortable and adept with the academic enterprise in the US and Japan and enhances and furthers our strong connection to the legal educational and professional communities of Japan. University of Washington faculty engage in teaching, research, and service.
Founded in 1899, the University of Washington School of Law is one of the nation’s top public law schools and also enjoys strong private support for its outstanding JD program as well as leading programs in Asian Law; Health/Global Health; Law, Technology, and Arts; Business/Taxation; and Environmental Law. Located in William H. Gates Hall, a state-of-the-art facility in vibrant Seattle, the School of Law is also home to the Native American Law Center and the Barer Institute for Law and Global Human Services. The University of Washington is one of the world’s leading research institutions with over 250 degrees within 150 departments and programs across 18 colleges and schools, including the new interdisciplinary College of the Environment, and the Seattle campus is located at the confluence of Puget Sound and Lake Washington.
Written applications, including a letter of intent, resume, and the names and addresses of references (or letters of reference), should be emailed to lawjobs@uw.edu

23 October 2013

SPEECH: Vanderlinden on Legal Pluralism

Le Centre Perelman de Philosophie du Droit a plaisir de vous inviter à la Conférence Perelman 2013. A l’occasion de la parution de son livre dans la collection "Penser le droit" aux éditions Bruylant, Jacques Vanderlinden, historien, anthropologue et comparatiste des droits, prononcera la Conférence sur le thème : "Les pluralismes juridiques". 

La conférence aura lieu le vendredi 15 novembre 2013 (de 14 à 16h) à l'ULB (Campus du Solbosch, auditoire UD2-218.A).

22 October 2013

CONFERENCE: European Society for Comparative Legal History (ESCLH) - 2014 Conference

Highest Recommendation!!! SPD

ESCLH 2014 Conference
University of Macerata
8-9 July 2014
Deadline: 1 January 2014

The European Society for Comparative Legal History (ESCLH) – founded in 2009 – continues to highlight and promote the comparison of legal ideas and legal institutions across different national juridical fields. Following the second ESCHL Conference held at Amsterdam VU University (2012) dedicated to "Definitions and Challenges", the third ESCHL Conference will take place on 8-9 July 2014 in Macerata (Italy) and will be hosted by the University of Macerata. Under the heading "Traditions and changes" the Conference will develop a theme which is integral part of the challenges of comparative legal history.

Members of legal history and comparative law networks share an important and paradigm-challenging reflection on the concept of legal tradition. This concern blends skills and disciplines, such as the legal, social and historical perspectives in an attempt to understand law and how it changes. 

The conference would like to encourage scholars to use the comparative-historical approach for working on the complex concepts of ‘tradition’ and ‘change’, both separately and in correlation. This aim raises several questions. What do we think is tradition? How is it made up, how is it ‘built’ or ‘invented’? How does it relate to concepts like recollections, historical store-room, juridical experience, legal culture, legal system? What does a tradition help, why and how is it used to promote or, on the contrary, to reject changes and transformations? Is tradition a synonym of ‘past’ and is change a synonym of ‘future’? Or instead does a dialectic prevail which can, at times, unite or separate tradition and change?
What role do jurists and doctrine carry on in this field? 

Reference to traditions and changes helps us better use comparative legal history, opening up not just what happened, but why it did. In doing so we must reflect not only on categories as such but also on how they are used. We know that power and every legally relevant public or private institution has the tendency to legitimise itself making recourse to values such as tradition or rationalisation (understood also as an incentive to change). Two recent examples will suffice: the growing use of polyvalent categories like that of "western legal tradition" (both in the singular and the plural) or that, more recent, of "common constitutional traditions". 

The Conference welcomes proposals on any area of comparative legal history which relate to the theme of "Traditions and changes". 

The starting keynote address will be delivered by Michael Stolleis, Professor emeritus of public law and history of modern law at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, former Director of the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History. The final keynote address will be given by Lauren Benton, Professor of History, Silver Professor, Affiliate Professor of Law, Dean, Graduate School of Arts & Science, New York University. 
Factual information: 

  - Those interested in presenting a paper at the ESCLH Conference 2014 in Macerata are requested to submit the title of their paper, a short abstract (approximately 250 words) and a short CV before January 1st 2014 to the organizing committee c/o Dr. Antonella Bettoni, University of Macerata (antonella.bettoni@unimc.it).
- The presentations of each paper will not exceed 20 minutes and should be in English. 
- It is also possible to present a complete proposal for one or more panels (4 papers for every panel) with a topic within the field of comparative legal history. 
- At the end of January 2014 it will be announced which papers are accepted. The abstracts of these papers will shortly thereafter be made available on the Conference-page website. For further information see: www.unimc.it/dg/it/ricerca/conferenze  

CALL FOR PAPERS: Law, Culture, and Place

Association of American Geographers Conference

Tampa Florida April 8-12, 2014

Organizer: John Carr, University of New Mexico (carrj@unm.edu)

While traditional approaches to understanding the law often draw stark divisions between the legal sphere and matters of culture and place, theorists informed by Critical Legal Studies and other forms of critical theory have long treated these borders as permeable. Given the powerful ways that the law informs cultural understandings of place, and in-turn is undergirded by often latent understandings of place, work investigating these imbricated influences continues to be essential.

Accordingly, we invite papers for this session that explore such topics as:

- The ways the law codifies and/or challenges cultural understandings of place
- The geographic imaginations that animate the juridicial realm.
- The potential for work bridging legal, cultural and/or geographic research
- The spatio-cultural work that the legal system does
- The mutually constitutive roles of place as a social construction and the law as an institution of meaning and power

In doing so, we hope to shed light on both what legal geography has to offer cultural geography, and what cultural geography has to offer legal geography. We invite research originating from any theoretical and methodological perspective.

Interested contributors should contact carrj@unm.edu and submit abstracts by November 15, 2013.

21 October 2013

CALL FOR PAPERS: Annual Comparative Law Work-in-Progress Workshop.

Aggiungi didascalia
Annual Comparative Law Work-in-Progress Workshop
March 7 and 8, 2014, University of California at Los Angeles School of Law

American Society of Comparative Law, Maximo Langer, University of California at Los Angeles Kim Scheppele, Princeton Program in Law and Public Affairs, Jacqueline Ross and University of Illinois College of Law invite all interested comparative law scholars to consider submitting a paper to the next annual Comparative Law Work-in-Progress Workshop, which will be held on Friday and Saturday, March 7 and 8, 2014, at the University of California at Los Angeles School of Law. Participants should plan to arrive on Thursday evening March 6 and to leave on Sunday March 9.


The annual workshop continues to be an important forum in which comparative law work in progress can be explored among colleagues in a serious and thorough manner that will be truly helpful to the respective authors. We will accept up to seven papers and select a mix of both junior and senior scholars.

The participants will consist of the respective authors, commentators, and faculty members of the host institutions. The overall group will be kept small enough to sit around a large table and to allow serious discussion. Each paper will be discussed by two commentators and all authors are expected to have read and to be prepared to discuss all of the papers selected for the workshop. The papers will not be presented at the workshop. They will be distributed well in advance and every participant must have read them before attending the meeting. Commentators will present and discuss the papers, after which the workshop participants will be invited to join in the discussion. The author will be given an opportunity to respond and ask questions of his or her own. There are no plans to publish the papers. Instead, it is up to the authors to seek publication if, and wherever, they wish.The Workshop will be funded by the host school and by the American Society of Comparative Law, subject to final approval of our annual co-sponsorship proposal at the upcoming meeting of the ASCL. Authors of papers and commentators will be reimbursed for their travel expenses and accommodation up to $600.00, by either the University of California at Los Angeles School of Law or by the American Society of Comparative Law, in accordance with the ASCL reimbursement police (as posted on its webpage.) The ASCL asks that authors inquire into funding opportunities at their home institutions before applying for reimbursement by the ASCL.

PAPER SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: Interested authors should submit papers to Maximo Langer at langer@law.ucla.edu by January 5, 2014. We will inform authors of our decision by the end of January.
"Work in progress" means scholarship that has reached a stage at which it is substantial enough to merit serious discussion and critique but that has not yet appeared in print (and can still be revised after the workshop, if it has already been accepted for publication). It includes law review articles, book chapters or outlines, substantial book reviews, and other appropriate genres.
The aim is not only to provide an opportunity for the discussion of scholarly work but also to create the opportunity for comparative lawyers to get together for two days devoted to nothing but talking shop, both in the sessions and outside. We hope that this will create synergy that fosters more dialogue, cooperation, and an increased sense of coherence for the discipline.