12 October 2011

CALL FOR PAPERS: Seventh Annual Comparative Law Works in Progress Workshop (USA)

A Call For Papers for a Workshop on Works in Progress on comparative law has been issued. It is described as:

Kim Lane Scheppele (Princeton University, Program in Law and Public Affairs), Jacqueline Ross (University of Illinois College of Law), and James Whitman (Yale Law School) are calling for paper submissions for the Seventh Annual Comparative Law Works in Progress Workshop which will take place at the Princeton University on February 10-12, 2012. This workshop has been established jointly by Princeton University, the University of Illinois College of Law and Yale Law School and will be co-sponsored by the American Society of Comparative Law.

CONFERENCE DETAILS: The participants will consist of the respective authors, one commentator on each paper, faculty members of the host institution, particularly those with expertise in comparative law and research, and others interested in attending. The overall group will be kept small enough to sit around a large table and to allow serious discussion (20 people maximum). The papers will not be presented at the workshop. They will be distributed two weeks in advance and every participant must have read them before attending the meeting. The commentator will present a 10 to 15 minute introduction and critique, leaving at least one hour for discussion. There are no plans to publish the papers. Instead, it is up to the authors to seek publication if, and wherever, they wish.

CALL FOR PAPERS: Junior Faculty Interdisciplinary Scholarship Workshop

The Indiana University School of Law - Indianapolis will host an exciting new Junior Faculty Interdisciplinary Scholarship Workshop from 22-23 March 2012:

The workshop will explore “Objectivity in the Law” and is open to non-tenured academics whose research is interdisciplinary in nature. The normative value of objectivity runs through the purpose for most law, though social practices influence how laws are implemented. Submitted papers should focus on a chosen area of law and examine that law’s objective purpose and the relationship between its purpose and its actual implementation.

10 October 2011

NOTICE: Lerner and Rabello on Israeli (Re-) Codification

The Summer 2011 edition of the American Journal of Comparative Law (AJCL) recently published Pablo Lerner and Alfredo Mordechai Rabello, 'The (Re) Codification of Israeli Private Law: Support for, and Criticism of, the Israeli Draft Civil Law Code'.

Somehow I missed this. I spotted it on the Associazione Italiana di Diritto Comparato (AIDC, the Italian Association of Comparative Law) blog.

The abstract reads:

The drafting of the Israeli Civil Law Code is perhaps the most ambitious legal project—certainly in the area of civil law—undertaken by Israel since the establishment of the state. This Article highlights various aspects of the Draft Israeli Civil Code, demonstrating the manner in which a mixed legal culture undergoes the process of codification and paying particular attention to the relationship between codification and judicial discretion.

The success of the Israeli Civil Law Code depends on a broader understanding of the phenomenon of codification and the acceptance that codification is not an outdated form of law-making but rather a vital and flexible instrument that can be used to achieve a more adaptable and organized private law. Should it be approved as law, the Civil Code will afford a solid basis for a consistent development of Israeli Civil Law. With all its defects and flaws, it reveals the vitality of Israeli legal thinking, a vitality necessary to avoid stagnation and to keep a legal tradition relevant to changes in society.

Note, too, the AJCL's pre-print articles at http://comparativelaw.metapress.com/content/121176/?Content+Status=Accepted.

CALL FOR PAPERS: Third Biennial Literature and Law Conference (29-30 March 2012)

The Third Biennial Literature and Law Conference will take place at John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY), New York, New York (on the newly expanded campus near Lincoln Center in Manhattan) from 29-30 March 29-30, 2012:

Conference Organizer and Contact Person

Conference Theme: The Idea of Justice

Overview: This conference aims to bring scholars of literature and law into an interdisciplinary setting to share the fruits of their research and scholarship. Generally this conference consists of approximately 12 paper panels and roundtables, two talks by prominent speakers, and a post-conference reception. The conference fee will be $75, which will be payable by credit card through a link on the conference website (details below).

Call For Papers and Panels

We invite proposals for papers and panels that address topics that relate the humanities & arts (especially literary texts (broadly conceived)), to this year’s conference theme, the “idea of justice.” Of particular interest are papers and panels that in addition engage aspects of Professor Sen’s book, The Idea of Justice, or that attempt to integrate the theory with the practice of justice, and/or that engage and compare differing notions and perspectives of justice.

Panel proposals should contain the names and affiliations of the speakers, the titles of their papers, a clearly identified contact person, and an overall title for the panel. Panel proposals should be received by November 25th 2011. Given the 75-minute length for the panels at this conference, the panels should include no more than three presenters plus a commentator or moderator.