11 March 2014

MEMBERSHIP: Juris Diversitas

Juris Diversitas is an international, interdisciplinary community for the study of legal and normative mixtures and movements. 

We want to hear from you. 

Why not join the conversation?

Ordinary Membership is €50 ($66) for the calendar year. A Discounted Membership, for young scholars under the age of thirty or for scholars in developing nations, is €25 ($33).

In addition to being able to vote in elections, both memberships include discounts on conference fees. We also hope to offer all members discounts on volumes in the new Ashgate Juris Diversitas Series.  Each year, ordinary members will receive a selected volume from the Series for free. 

Book: Annuario Di Diritto Comparato 2013

Via S. Abbondio, 12 – 22100 Como 

Il giorno 13 marzo 2014 
alle ore 15.00 

nell’Aula Magna dell’Università degli Studi dell’Insubria 

Via Sant’Abbondio 12 - Como 

avrà luogo la presentazione 

pubblicato da ESI – Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane 

Diritto comparato e sistemologia: 
 le nuove sfide 

Prof. Barbara Pozzo (Università degli Studi dell’Insubria) 

Guest Professor: 
Prof. Jaakko Husa (University of Lapland – Finland) 

Ne discutono: 
Prof. Vincenzo Varano (Università degli Studi di Firenze), Prof. Antonio Gambaro 
(Università degli Studi di Milano), Prof. Maria Paola Viviani Schlein (Università 
degli Studi dell’Insubria), Prof. Michele Carducci (Università degli Studi del 
Salento), Prof. Mario Serio (Università degli Studi di Palermo), Prof. Cristoforo 
Osti (Università degli Studi del Salento), Prof. Guido Smorto (Università degli 
Studi di Palermo) Prof. Gabriella Mangione (Università degli Studi dell’Insubria).

Howard Kislowicz on "Sacred Laws in Earthly Courts: Legal Pluralism in Canadian Religious Freedom Litigation"

We are pleased to inform you about the new article of Prof. Howard Kislowicz (Faculty of Law, University of New Brunswick) on "Sacred Laws in Earthly Courts: Legal Pluralism in Canadian Religious Freedom Litigation".

In three cases, Amselem, Multani and Hutterian Brethren of Wilson Colony, the Supreme Court of Canada examined conflicts between state law and the religious practices of litigants. While much has been written about the holdings in these cases, less is known about the experience of the participants. Based on in-depth interviews with litigants, lawyers and experts involved in these cases, this article examines how the participants viewed their relationship to the Canadian legal system. Drawing on critical legal pluralist scholarship, the author demonstrates that in many instances, participants (i) considered their religious norms as legally binding; (ii) placed their religious obligations above Canadian law; and (iii) filtered state law through the lens of their normative, religious beliefs. The author also examines how participants, in their submissions to the court, challenged the status of Canadian law as the sole legal system governing their lives. For many participants, these cases represented a conflict between religious law and state law that could not be easily reconciled. The overlap of legal systems in the participants’ lives is complex and the boundaries between state and religious principles are often blurred. With a greater awareness of these issues, courts could be more conscientious in applying the proportionality test of section 1 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in religious freedom cases.