Fiduciaries of Humanity:
How International Law Constitutes Authority discusses a new model of public international law where individuals as
well as states are proper subjects, while human dignity has come to rival state
autonomy as an organizing principle of international law.
Translating the Social
World for Law: Linguistic Tools for a New Legal Realism provides specific examples of difficulties facing
interdisciplinary communication between law and social science in an era where
the legal academy is once again turning to social science.
Institutionalizing State Responsibility: Global Security and UN Organ investigates the
contributions of the General Assembly, International Court of Justice, and
Security Council in the implementation of the law of State responsibility.
Fighting at the Legal Boundaries: Controlling the Use of Force in
Contemporary Conflict offers a holistic approach towards the application of
the various constitutive parts of international law. It focuses on the
interaction between the applicable bodies of law by exploring whether their
boundaries are improperly drawn, or are being interpreted in too rigid a
Culture in Law and
Development: Nurturing Positive Change
presents a provocative new solution to the seemingly intractable problem of
combining international norms with local cultural traditions. It demonstrates
how the gradual expansion of customary international law provides a model for
changing culture in ways that protect and advance local populations.