03 February 2012

REMINDER: Juris Diversitas Colloquium on Doing Justice: Official and Unofficial ‘Legalities’ in Practice

Doing Justice:
Official and Unofficial ‘Legalities’ in Practice

Juris Diversitas is organising, with the Centre Jacques-Berque, a colloquium on Mediterranean laws and norms. It will be held in Rabat, Morocco from 15-16 June 2012.

Participants, both jurists and others, are asked to speak on the complexity of

  • state laws (both Western and non-Western), including the gap between legal theory and practice
  • other non-state normative orders (religious, customary, etc)

Speakers may discuss, in English or French, either of these aspects (including case studies) or the relationship between the two.

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS: Jurisdictional Complexity Workshop

Jurisdictional Complexity Workshop

Ghent University (Belgium) - 6-7 July 2012 

As part of a project on ‘jurisdictional complexity’ in Western legal history (c1600-1900), led by Dr Seán Patrick Donlan (Limerick) and Dirk Heirbaut (Ghent), a workshop will be held in Ghent from 6-7 July 2012.


Participants in the workshop need not be part of the project and are free to discuss other periods and places. 

The workshop will focus on the historiographical methods necessary for the study of jurisdictional complexity, the attempt to capture a sense of the legal-normative whole in context studied. As described in the project statement, to do this: 

[t]hose working on the project will be encouraged to utilise a number of interdisciplinary methods—comparative, contemporary theories of interpretation, as well as historical anthropology, geography, and sociology …. [The project] is, in effect, an analysis of the both the ‘law in action’ (per Roscoe Pound) and the ‘living law’ (per Eugen Ehrlich) of the past. Concentrating on limited geographical areas, its case studies will investigate, in a form akin to modern comparative ‘country reports’, both the legal and normative complexity of the past. It will do so, however, in light of the realities of the past, avoiding the imposition of modern national and juridical boundaries [and will] serve as instantiations of wider intellectual and institutional developments…. 

02 February 2012

CALL FOR PAPERS AND SESSION PROPOSALS: Stateless Law? The Future of the Discipline

McGill University, Montreal

Faculty of Law, McGill University
2829 September 2012

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the first graduating class of the McGill Program, the Faculty of Law and the Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law will host an international conference on the future of the discipline of law. This event will aim to foster a debate that critically assesses the latest developments in legal thought and innovative approaches to law, in the light of the challenge of globalization and the move away from a national paradigm for understanding law. It will also ask the question of how to integrate the insights so gained into the teaching of law. The concern is with law in all its dimensions: public and private, local and transnational, formal and informal. By being forced to abandon, at least in part, the posited law of the nation state as their lode star, legal education and legal scholarship have been presented with an opportunity to break the mould of centuries of legal nationalism: an opportunity that encourages new, transdisciplinary and transnational ways of thinking about law. In short, the goal is to re-assess and to re-imagine the discipline of law, its place in the university, and its role in society. The working languages of the conference will be English and French.

NOTICE: Registration - Second Biennial Conference of the European Society for Comparative Legal History


Second Biennial Conference of the

The Second Biennial Conference of the ESCLH will take place on 9 and 10 July 2012 in Amsterdam. The venue is the campus of the VU University. 

The Conference theme is “Comparative Legal History - Definitions and Challenges”: how do we delineate the landmarks which fruitful legal historical comparison requires and which are the specific problems that a comparative-historical approach of the various branches of law may encounter? 

Subthemes are Fascist Criminal Law (coordinator Stephen Skinner) and Corporate Law (coordinator Dave De ruysscher).

Enrolment/Registration is possible through the conference website until June 11: http://www.rechten.vu.nl/comparativelegalhistory

The fee (including coffee/tea during the breaks, drinks on Monday afternoon, the lunch and canal round trip on Tuesday) is €100 for non-members and €50 for students and PhD-students. ESCLH-members enroll free of charge. For the Buffet-Diner on Monday night an additional fee of €40 per head will be required for all participants (members, non-members and companions).

For additional information, please see the original notice.

CALL FOR PAPERS: British Association of Comparative Law Postgraduate Workshop on Comparative Law

British Association of Comparative Law (BACL)
Postgraduate Workshop on Comparative Law
Kent Centre for European and Comparative Law
Kent Law School
Canterbury, UK
19–20 June 2012

The Kent Centre forEuropean and Comparative Law (KCECL) will host the British Association of ComparativeLaw (BACL) “Postgraduate Workshop on Comparative Law” on 19-20 June 2012. The workshop will precede an international conference on “Comparative Law: Engaging Translation” on 21-22 June 2012. Both events are scheduled to take place at Kent Law School, Canterbury, Kent, UK.

The BACL Postgraduate Workshop on Comparative Law is designed for doctoral students working on dissertations in the field of comparative legal studies and related subjects. In a round-table setting, the 2-day workshop will address both the benefits and methodological problems of postgraduate research in comparative law.

31 January 2012

CALL FOR PAPERS: Comparative Law Call for Papers for SLS Conference

Comparative Law Call for Papers for SLS Conference, from David Marrani
SLS Conference 2012 Bristol - Call for Papers: Comparative Law Section

Dear all,

The 2012 SLS Annual Conference will take place at Bristol University from 11-14 September. The theme of the conference this year is “Pressing Problems in the Law and Legal Education” and papers on that topic are particularly welcome.