08 September 2011

NOTICE: Law and Religion in the 21st Century Conference

A conference on Law and Religion in the 21st Century will be held on Friday, 23 September from 9:30-18:30. The conference is chaired by Prof. dr. H.S. Taekema and will be held at Huub Bals Zaal, Hotel New York, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Attendance is free, but places are limited. If you wish to attend, you should register by e-mail with Wouter de Been: debeen@law.eur.nl:

In recent years the separation of church and state has become a topical issue once more. With the arrival of sizable groups of immigrants for whom religion remains an integral part of their identity and the emergence of new forms of transcendence and spirituality, religion is back in the public square. In his recent work Habermas even speaks of the rise of a post-secular society, a society that needs to adjust to the enduring presence of religion even under conditions of continuing modernization.

This renewed vitality of religion, in turn, has elicited a vehement defense of the separation of church and state from defenders of secularism. The separation of church and state, they believe, is an historical achievement of the Enlightenment that should not be sold out to accommodate Muslim immigrants, evangelicals, or new age religionists.

07 September 2011

NOTICE: 'The Concept of "Law" in Context' Programme

A conference on 'The concept of "law" in context: comparative law, legal philosophy, and the social sciences' will be held from 21-22 October 2011 at the Swiss Institute of Comparative law (SICL) in Lausanne.

The programme of the conference, jointly organised with Juris Diversitas and the SICL, is as follows:

06 September 2011

CALL FOR PAPERS: International Law and the Periphery Conference (Cairo, 16-18 February 2012)

International Law and the Periphery

Call for Papers and Panel Proposals –
Conference American University in Cairo Egypt
16-18 February 2012
One year on from the “Arab Spring”, join us in Cairo to explore contemporary geographies of international law. You are invited to reflect anew upon the “cores” and “peripheries” of international legal knowledge and practice in the face of recent structural shifts. Where (if anywhere) are they located today? Does international law project a disciplinary periphery, or several? Who or what occupies international legal peripheries today and what does peripheral status imply? What may be at stake in the mapping of cores and peripheries? Are there cores in the peripheral and vice versa? To what extent, if at all, do core-periphery dynamics in international law channel development and reform? Long associated with dependency theory, world systems theory and geographical analyses of trade, core-periphery schematics have nonetheless informed international legal thought, argument and policy-making in a wide range of ways. This conference will enable scholars of law and related disciplines to revisit core-periphery dynamics in global governance, in both their symbolic and their material dimensions, and contribute to their re-imagining for the current age.

NOTICE: 50th Anniversary Conference of the Center for the Study of Law and Society at Berkeley Law

The 50th Anniversary Conference for the Center for the Study of Law and Society at Berkeley Law will be held shortly:

Great Hall, Bancroft Hotel
Thursday, November 3 & Friday, November 4, 2011

The Conference is free, but registration is required even if you are local. 

In the 50 years since the founding of the Center for the Study of Law and Society at the University of California, Berkeley by Philip Selznick with funding from the Russell Sage Foundation, the field of law and society has been firmly established in research centers and academic associations, in doctoral programs and in the legal academy. But law and society may be at a time of transition, and the time to consider the future direction of the field is upon us. What are the key questions to ask moving forward? What will be the field’s substantive strengths? Its theories? Its methods? Its institutional homes? In this Conference we bring together law and society scholars at the forefront of a range of disciplines and ask them to consider the future of the field from the lens of their own research questions, theories and methods. Through their choices of topics, theory and methodology, and through their career paths and the direction of their students, they represent those who are shaping the future of the field.