A conference on 'The concept of "law" in context: comparative law, legal philosophy, and the social sciences' will be held from 21-22 October 2011 at the Swiss Institute of Comparative law (SICL) in Lausanne.

The programme of the conference, jointly organised with Juris Diversitas and the SICL, is as follows:
16:30-16:45 Organiser’s Welcome
16:45-18:15 Session One
◦“‘The drunkenness of things being various’: Laws and norms in historical perspective” Seán Patrick Donlan (University of Limerick)
◦“The concept of law in post-national perspective” Alessio Lo Giudice (University of Catania)
◦“Comparing Apples and Oranges: Some Thoughts on Hidden Assumptions in Comparative Law” Lukas Heckendorn Urscheler (Swiss Institute of Comparative Law)
◦"Pleading for more concepts of law. The African concept of law in a comparative perspective" Salvatore Mancuso (University of Macao)
09:00-09:45 Plenary
◦“Remembering and applying legal pluralism: Law as kite flying” Werner Menski (School of Oriental and African Studies, London)
09:45-11:15 Session Two
◦“From living law to legal pluralism: Contested definitions and current debates” Gerhard Anders (University of Zürich and Edinburgh)
◦“Dynamics of normative Plurality: Translations and differentiations in practice” Julia Eckert (University of Berne
◦“Globalizing Socio-Legal Indicators” David Nelken (University of Cardiff and Macerata)
11:15-11:45 Break
11:45-12:45 Session Three
◦“Jurists and Justice: The Dark Side of the Law” Mauro Bussani (University of Trieste and the International Association of Legal Science)
◦“The Concept of Law and Comparative Law” Mark Van Hoecke (University of Ghent)
12:45-13:45 Lunch
13:45-15:15 Session Four
◦"Borrowing Procedural Concepts - A European certiorari?" Alexander Morawa (University of Lucerne)
◦"Legal Pluralism in a Praxiological Perspective: An Ethnomethodology of Law in Action in the Egyptian Context" Baudouin Dupret (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France)
◦“The Conundrum of the Concept of World Law” Marc Amstutz (University of Fribourg)
15:15-15:45 Break
15:45-16:45 Session Five
◦“Legal Pluralism as a Challenge to Political Liberalism” Emmanuel Melissaris (London School of Economics)
◦“The Creation and Use of Concepts of Law when Confronting Legal and Normative Plurality” Andrew Halpin (National University of Singapore)
16:45-17:45 Discussion
17:45-18:00 Concluding Remarks by the Organizers
A volume will subsequently be published consisting of articles based on the conference papers as well as a small number of additional papers related to the theme of the conference.
For addition information, please contact Lukas Heckendorn Urscheler at info@isdc.ch or +41 21 692 49 11. A registration form is available at http://www.isdc.ch/.
Finally, note that the Juris Diversitas project on Legal Philosophy in Context will also be discussed on Friday, 21 October 2011. For additional information on the project, please contact Seán Patrick Donlan at sean.donlan@ul.ie.

The programme of the conference, jointly organised with Juris Diversitas and the SICL, is as follows:
Friday 21 October 2011
16:30-16:45 Organiser’s Welcome
16:45-18:15 Session One
◦“‘The drunkenness of things being various’: Laws and norms in historical perspective” Seán Patrick Donlan (University of Limerick)
◦“The concept of law in post-national perspective” Alessio Lo Giudice (University of Catania)
◦“Comparing Apples and Oranges: Some Thoughts on Hidden Assumptions in Comparative Law” Lukas Heckendorn Urscheler (Swiss Institute of Comparative Law)
◦"Pleading for more concepts of law. The African concept of law in a comparative perspective" Salvatore Mancuso (University of Macao)
Saturday 22 October 2011
09:00-09:45 Plenary
◦“Remembering and applying legal pluralism: Law as kite flying” Werner Menski (School of Oriental and African Studies, London)
09:45-11:15 Session Two
◦“From living law to legal pluralism: Contested definitions and current debates” Gerhard Anders (University of Zürich and Edinburgh)
◦“Dynamics of normative Plurality: Translations and differentiations in practice” Julia Eckert (University of Berne
◦“Globalizing Socio-Legal Indicators” David Nelken (University of Cardiff and Macerata)
11:15-11:45 Break
11:45-12:45 Session Three
◦“Jurists and Justice: The Dark Side of the Law” Mauro Bussani (University of Trieste and the International Association of Legal Science)
◦“The Concept of Law and Comparative Law” Mark Van Hoecke (University of Ghent)
12:45-13:45 Lunch
13:45-15:15 Session Four
◦"Borrowing Procedural Concepts - A European certiorari?" Alexander Morawa (University of Lucerne)
◦"Legal Pluralism in a Praxiological Perspective: An Ethnomethodology of Law in Action in the Egyptian Context" Baudouin Dupret (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France)
◦“The Conundrum of the Concept of World Law” Marc Amstutz (University of Fribourg)
15:15-15:45 Break
15:45-16:45 Session Five
◦“Legal Pluralism as a Challenge to Political Liberalism” Emmanuel Melissaris (London School of Economics)
◦“The Creation and Use of Concepts of Law when Confronting Legal and Normative Plurality” Andrew Halpin (National University of Singapore)
16:45-17:45 Discussion
17:45-18:00 Concluding Remarks by the Organizers
A volume will subsequently be published consisting of articles based on the conference papers as well as a small number of additional papers related to the theme of the conference.
For addition information, please contact Lukas Heckendorn Urscheler at info@isdc.ch or +41 21 692 49 11. A registration form is available at http://www.isdc.ch/.
Finally, note that the Juris Diversitas project on Legal Philosophy in Context will also be discussed on Friday, 21 October 2011. For additional information on the project, please contact Seán Patrick Donlan at sean.donlan@ul.ie.
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