‘Convivencia’: Com-paring Legal Scenarios of a Life Together in Harmony


9th General Conference


Macau, 24-25 October 2024

The Theme:

‘Convivencia’: Com-paring Legal Scenarios of a Life Together in Harmony

In a seemingly dystopian present or era of post-truth, can the various dichotomous conceptions of law based on dualistic reasoning still be maintained? Or, are we no longer able to maintain the narrative of a normative universe by constantly creating and maintaining ‘a world of right and wrong, of lawful and unlawful, of valid and void’, as Robert M. Cover wrote?

In view of the apparent contradictions caused by a growing number of complex cross-cutting, cross-boundary and cross-cultural phenomena, such as artificial intelligence, climate change or zoonotic diseases, the time may have come again to rethink and transcend the dualisms that guided human thinking for a long time, creating wide gaps between not only law and law, but also between law and other scientific areas.

Juris Diversitas invites abstracts for papers that seek to not only identify different legal problems by contrasting their underlying causes but also by ‘com-paring’ them in the spirit of ‘convivencia or living together in harmony and in a way respectful of difference’. Convivencia is a term the late comparatist H. Patrick Glenn applied to explain ‘com-paring’ by describing it as ‘an enduring process of peaceful co-existence (in spite of difference in spite of potential conflict), in a way which ensures not uniformity but ongoing diversity’. While this call for papers is as open as it can be in a spirit of convivencia, we welcome proposals that apply a new legal logic aiming to break free from the ironclad shackles limiting the imaginative and creative power of the legal mind.

Registration Fees:

€200 or €125 for Juris Diversitas members who paid their 2024 dues. Special rates for young scholars under the age of thirty and scholars in developing nations: €150 or €75 for Juris Diversitas members who paid their 2024 dues. Note that fees do not cover travel, accommodation, or the conference dinner (€60).

Dates & Venue:

24-25 October 2024

University of Macau

Faculty of Law/Department of Global Legal Studies

Avenida da Universidade E32

999078 Taipa, Macao (China)

Le thème :

« Convivencia » : comparaison des scénarios juridiques du vivre ensemble en harmonie

Dans un présent apparemment dystopique ou une ère de post-vérité, les diverses conceptions dichotomiques du droit fondées sur un raisonnement dualiste peuvent-elles encore être maintenues ? Ne sommes-nous plus capables de maintenir le récit d’un univers normatif en créant et en entretenant « un monde de bien et de mal, de licite et d’illicite, de valide et de nul », comme l’écrivait Robert M. Cover ?

Face aux contradictions apparentes causées par un nombre croissant de phénomènes transversaux, transfrontaliers et transculturels complexes, tels que l’intelligence artificielle, le changement climatique ou les maladies zoonotiques, le moment est peut-être venu de repenser et de transcender les dualismes qui ont longtemps guidé la pensée humaine, créant de grands écarts non seulement entre le droit et le droit, mais aussi entre le droit et les autres domaines scientifiques.

Juris Diversitas fait appel à des contributions qui cherchent non seulement à identifier différents problèmes juridiques en contrastant leurs causes sous-jacentes, mais également en les « comparant » dans l’esprit de « convivencia ou vivre ensemble en harmonie et dans le respect de la différence ». Convivencia est un terme que le regretté comparatiste H. Patrick Glenn a utilisé pour expliquer la « comparaison » en la décrivant comme « un processus durable de coexistence pacifique (en dépit des différences et des conflits potentiels), d'une manière qui garantit non pas l’uniformité mais une diversité dynamique ». Si cet appel à communications se veut aussi ouvert que possible dans un esprit de convivialité, nous valorisons les propositions qui appliquent une nouvelle logique juridique visant à se libérer des chaînes qui limitent le pouvoir imaginatif et créatif de l’esprit juridique.

Droits d’inscription :

€200 ou €125 pour les membres de Juris Diversitas à jour de leur cotisation pour 2024. Tarif spécial pour jeune universitaire de moins de 30 ans et pour universitaire venant d’un pays en développement : €150 ou €75 pour les membres de Juris Diversitas à jour de leur cotisation pour 2024. Les droits ne couvrent pas les frais de voyage et de logement, ni le banquet du congrès (€60).

Dates & lieu :

24-25 Octobre 2024

University of Macau

Faculty of Law/Department of Global Legal Studies

Avenida da Universidade E32

999078 Taipa, Macao (China)

Click here to download the Final Program / Pour telecharger le programme definitif, cliquer ici.

All times on this schedule are in local time

Tous les horaires sont en heure locale


Thursday, October 24, 2024 / Jeudi 24 octobre 2024

8:30-9:15              Welcome / Registration

9:15-9:30              PLENARY SESSION — OPENING & WELCOMING ADDRESS                            

·         Olivier MORÉTEAU, Louisiana State University (United States), President (from remote)

·         Salvatore MANCUSO, University of Palermo (Italy), Vice President (Conferences)

·         Ignazio CASTELLUCCI, University of Teramo (Italy), Vice President (Projects)

9:30-10:30           PLENARY SESSION - KEYNOTE SPEECH 1

Chair: Salvatore Mancuso, University of Palermo (Italy)

·         Ruminations on Comparativism, Mixity, and Bijuralism in Legal Education

James Etienne VIATOR, Loyola University New Orleans (United States)

10:30-11:00        Coffee break

11:00-12:30        SESSION 1                                                                           

                1A – Legal histories of convivencia                                                                                                         

Chair: Ignazio CASTELLUCCI, University of Teramo (Italy)

·         The Cohabitation between Roman Law, Ecclesiastical Law, and German Customs in European Medieval Contest: The Roots of Property, Family and Succession Law in the Modern European Legal Systems,
Francesco Paolo TRAISCI, University of Molise, Campobasso (Italy)

·         Italian law in China? The Tientsin Settlement and its Legal Status,
Salvatore MANCUSO, University of Palermo (Italy)

·         Living Together and the Socialist Private Law: The Civil Code of the German Democratic Republic (1975-1990) between Political Imperatives and Reality,

Jonas KNETSCH, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (France)

                1B – Convivencia in tax and personal matters

Chair:  Sara MIGLIORINI, University of Macau (China)

·         The "selfish" use of environmental goods as the legal-tax basis of a "carbon-meat tax",

Martina D’IGNAZIO, University of Teramo (Italy)

·         How Each Country Captures the Tax Value within the Digital Business,

Gianni VIVONA, European University in Rome (Italy) and University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg)

·         Global Covivencia and the Reform of the International Institutional System,
Rostam J. NEUWIRTH, University of Macau (China)   


                1C – Convivencia and Globalization

Chair: Christa RAUTENBACH, North-West University (South Africa)

·         The Rights to Personal Information - A Victim of Global Capitalism,

Chitian WANG, University of Macau (China)

·         Peaceful Coexistence and Imperial Narratives: Identifying Shifting Paradigms for a Comparative Law of Transnational Cooperation Strategies,
Gianmatteo SABATINO,
Wuhan University of Economics and Law (China)

·         The Unsettled Governance of the Dual-Use Goods in the Light of WTO Security Exceptions,
Xueji SU, University of Macau (China)


12:30-14:30        LUNCH

14:30-16:00         SESSION 2 (PARALLEL SESSIONS)

2A – Challenges to Convivencia                

Chair: Eleni MOUSTAIRA, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece)

·         The influence of Islamic Sharia in a changing Arab world: A special focus on the Unified Arab Civil Law and the Kuwaiti Civil Law,
May HAMMOUD, Kuwait International Law School (Kuwait)

·         Islam and finance: a possible convivence?,
Francesco PETRUCCIANO, University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)

·         Fame, Paternalism and Private Justice: The Case of Paedophile Hunters,

Célia F. MATIAS, University of Macau (China)

2B – Convivencia within families                                             

Chair: Rostam J. NEUWIRTH, University of Macau (China)

·         How big is the village? Reassessing the protection of minors and the parent-child relationship,

Mathabo BAASE, University of Cape Town (South Africa)

·         Ubuntu Ethical Philosophy within African Approaches to Sexual Violence,
Fungisai GCUMENI, North-West University (South Africa)

·         Spiritual and material communion between the spouses, family obligations and civil Beyond the Void: Marriage nullity and legal nuance,

Ibitisaam AHMED, University of Cape Town (South Africa)

2C – Convivencia and commercial law

Chair: Chitian WANG, University of Macau (China)

·         Protection of shareholders' rights in the context of squeeze-out,
Anatoliy KOSTRUBA, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (France)

·         ‘Convivencia’ of different models in the enlarged European Union's Single Market,
Andrea PILETTA MASSARO, University of Turin (Italy)

·         Compliance in Competition law: Beyond the oxymoron, a tool to enhance conviviencia

Anne M. TERCINET, EM Lyon Business School, Lyon (France)


16:00-16:30         Coffee break

16:30—18:00      SESSION 3 (PARALLEL SESSIONS)

                3A – Comparative law approaches to convivencia                                                                           

Chair: Anne M. TERCINET, EM Lyon Business School, Lyon (France)

·         The dialogues of [comparative] law,
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece)

·         ‘Inter-Species Entanglement’ within Lusophone Legal Traditions,
Darya Pereira REGA
, Campania University (Italy)

·         A Fairer Tax System to Live Together in Harmony,
Annalisa PACE
, University of Teramo (Italy)

                3B – Crossing visions of convivencia                                                      

Chair: Christa RAUTENBACH, North-West University (South Africa)

·         Multidisciplinary Reflections beyond Anthropocentrism,
Andrea PRADI, Sara HEJAZI, University of Trento (Italy) and Richard HALL-WILTON, Bruno Kessler Foundation, Trento (Italy)

·         'Paws & Laws in Harmony’: China’s and South Korea’s approach to animal welfare laws,

Luo YONGXIN, University of Macau (China)

·         Convivencia between Humanity, Nature and Law: What the Rise of Rights of Nature May Mean for Life under the Cupola Called Earth

Markus G. PUDER, Loyola University New Orleans (United States)

3C – Asian stories of convivencia

Chair: Gianmatteo SABATINO, Wuhan University of Economics and Law (China)

·         Cross-Border Advance Directives: Finding Harmony between China, Hong Kong, and Macao,
Man Teng IONG, University of Macau (China)

·         The Geo-Legal Role of Chinese Traditions,
, University of Teramo (Italy)

·         From Neoliberalism to a Diversified and Equitable Framework for Patents Relating to Vaccines,

Gang WANG, University of Macau (China)


Friday, October 25, 2024 / Vendredi 25 octobre 2024

9:00-10:00           PLENARY SESSION - KEYNOTE SPEECH 2

Chair: Ignazio CASTELLUCCI, University of Teramo (Italy)

·         Cooperation Harmony and the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific,
Mark Feldman, Peking University School of Transnational Law (China)

10:00-10:30         Coffee break

10:30-12:30        SESSION 4 (PARALLEL SESSIONS)

4A – Converging visions on convivencia in dispute resolution                                                    

Chair: Anne M. TERCINET, EM Lyon Business School, Lyon (France)

·         Convivencia in Legal Evolution: Navigating the Dualisms of Bhe v Khayelitsha Magistrate,
Christa RAUTENBACH, North-West University (South Africa)

·         Online Dispute Resolution: An underestimated avenue towards access to justice?,
University of Cape Town (South Africa)

·         Is Restorative Justice an Example of Legal Insufficiency?,

Teresa LANCRY G ALBUQUERQUE E SOUSA ROBALO, University of Macau (China)


                4B – Convivencia in the digital era                           

Chair: Christa RAUTENBACH, North-West University (South Africa)

·         Adapting Compensation Models for Human Creators in the Era of AI-Generated Content,
Tianyu HAN, University of Macau (China)

·         Three is a Crowd’: Coloniality, Technology, Oligopoly and the Enabling Role of Law,
Sara MIGLIORINI, University of Macau (China)

·         The Internet Courts? Works for everyone?,
Carolina FABARA, Chinese University of Political Science and Law (China)


4C – Visions of convivencia on climate change

Chair: Gianmatteo SABATINO, Wuhan University of Economics and Law (China)

·         'Oxymora in International Climate Change Law – Common but Differentiated Responsibility as an Example,

Weijia ZHANG, University of Macau (China)

·         Rethinking Climate Change Law Jurisprudence in Nigeria: A Case for Transformative Environmental Constitutionalism,
Kingsley Osinachi ONU, Adeleke University and Adeniyi Olatuntosun SAN, University of Ibadan (Nigeria)

·         Harmonizing Energies: Convivencia and the Legal Pathways in China’s Renewable Energy Transition,

Kunjie WANG, University of Macau (China)

12:30-14:30        LUNCH

14:30-15:30         PLENARY SESSION – GENERAL MEETING OF JURIS DIVERSITAS                   

Chair: Olivier MORÉTEAU, President of Juris Diversitas (from remote)


19:30 Juris Diversitas Conference Dinner at “Sofitel Macau”          


Organizing committee:  Olivier MORETEAU, Salvatore MANCUSO, Ignazio CASTELLUCCI, Christa RAUTENBACH, Lukas HECKENDORN URSCHELER, Rostam J. NEUWIRTH.                                               


Travel: Macao has an international airport securing connections with Mainland China and East Asian cities (to Europe via Beijing, Shanghai or Taipei). Hong Kong airport is the closest international airport connected to Macao via shuttle buses that travel to Macao via the Hong Kong-Macao-Zhuhai bridge in around 40 minutes. The shuttle bus is available directly from inside the airport area as a transit connection, without entering into the Hong Kong territory. Tickets are available at the dedicated desk clearly indicated in the arrival area. For more information please refer to

After passing the Macao border at the Hong Kong –Macau Bridge Port you can find taxis or dedicated bus to go to your hotels. Taxis are reliable and have meter: please ask for a receipt (fa-piao) if necessary.

Accommodation and conference venue: The city is plenty of accommodation choices at different prices. If you want to proceed with your own reservation, please note that the conference venue is at the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau, Hengqin campus and it can be reached by taxi or public transport from the city centre. We have secured a 25% discount for conference participants at the Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16, please click on this link to make a reservation.

For further information about Macao, please refer to

Visa requirements: Please check the requirements for entry into Macau, as visa requirements differ from country to country, and can change at any time. Information can be found on the website of the Macau government Also consult the issuing authority in your home country for updated information.

Currency: The Macao currency is the Pataca. It is possible to withdraw money from all ATMs and credit cards are welcome everywhere.

Weather: The weather in October is fairly good with an average of 24-27 degrees Celsius. Nights could be a bit fresher, ranging between 20-24 degrees Celsius. It would be wise to bring something along if you are planning to be out in the open at night.


Palermo, 19-21 June 2023

Dystopian Visions of the Law

Could Francis Bacon have decided the Earl of Oxford’s case the other way? What would have happened if he did? What if Hua Guofeng had maintained leadership over the Chinese Communist Party longer after the death of Mao Zedong?

We can learn a lot about our history and present from a rigorous exercise of this kind. At any critical historical junction, struggles occur, and different forces and tensions collide, followed by a history written, or re-written, by winners: many historic elements get lost in narration.

Dystopian, alternative histories highlight societal elements that often survive and keep operating undercover for a long time – despite having officially been lost.

Juris Diversitas is proposing its members and friends worldwide participate in this visionary, fascinating exercise: devising, researching and producing rigorous, fact-based dystopian visions of any legal experience, with a view to unearthing hidden elements of the legal systems dealt with and their actual normative impact.



Email Professor Olivier Moréteau at, with indication of name, institution and email address as you want them to appear on the list of participants. 


Conference Fees:

€200 or €125 for Juris Diversitas members who paid their 2023 dues. Special rate for young scholars under the age of thirty coming for the first time and scholars in developing nations: €150 or €75 for Juris Diversitas members who paid their 2022 dues. Note that fees do not cover travel, accommodation, or the conference dinner (€50).

A reduction of €25 will be applied to the fees for registration before 31 March 2023.

Dates & Venue:

19-21 June 2023

Università degli Studi di Palermo

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e delle Relazioni Internazionali – DEMS

Via Maqueda, 324

90134 Palermo, Italia

8e Congrès général
Palerme, 19-21 Juin 2023

Regards dystopiques sur le droit

Francis Bacon aurait-il pu décider que la common law l’emportait sur l’equity (Earl of Oxford’s case)? Que serait-il arrivé s’il l’avait fait? Et si Hua Guofeng avait tenu le Parti communiste chinois plus longtemps après le décès de Mao Zedong?

Il y a beaucoup à apprendre sur l’histoire et sur le présent en se livrant à de tels exercices, pourvu que ce soit fait avec rigueur. Chaque tournant critique de l’histoire donne lieu à des luttes, au choc de tensions et de forces qui s’opposent, les gagnants écrivant et réécrivant l’histoire. De nombreuses informations historiques se perdent dans la narration.

Les récits historiques dystopiques ou alternatifs font ressortir des forces sociétales qui souvent survivent et continuent d’opérer de manière occulte, alors qu’elles sont officiellement réputées disparues. 

Juris Diversitas propose à ses membres et ses amis du monde entier de participer à cet exercice fascinant et visionnaire : il s’agit d’identifier et de produire par une recherche rigoureuse un regard dystopique factuel d’une expérience juridique quelle qu’elle soit, dans l’idée de révéler des éléments cachés du système juridique choisi ainsi que leur véritable impact normatif.  



Contactez le Pr Olivier Moréteau ( en indiquant votre nom, institution et courriel tels que vous les voulez voir apparaitre sur la liste des participants. 


Droits d’inscription :

€200 ou €125 pour les membres de Juris Diversitas à jour de leur cotisation pour 2023. Tarif spécial pour jeune universitaire de moins de 30 ans venant la première fois et pour universitaire venant d’un pays en développement : €150 ou €75 pour les membres de Juris Diversitas à jour de leur cotisation pour 2022. Les droits ne couvrent pas les frais de voyage et de logement, ni le banquet du congrès (€50).

Une réduction de €25 sera appliquée sur les droits en cas d'inscription avant le 31 mars 2023.

Dates & lieu :

19-21 juin 2023

Università degli Studi di Palermo

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e delle Relazioni Internazionali – DEMS

Via Maqueda, 324, 90134

Palermo, Italia

Juris Diversitas is the name of an association as defined in Article 60 et sequens of the Swiss Civil Code. The Association has its seat at the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law in Lausanne-Dorigny, Switzerland.

Juris Diversitas est une association régie par les articles 60 et suivants du Code civil suisse. Son siège est à l’Institut suisse de droit comparé, Lausanne-Dorigny, Suisse.

All times on this schedule are in local time

Tous les horaires sont en heure locale


Monday, June 19, 2023 / Lundi 19 juin 2023

8:30-9:15            Welcome / Registration

9:15-9:30            PLENARY SESSION — OPENING & WELCOMING ADDRESS                         

·       Olivier Moréteau, Louisiana State University (United States), President (from remote)

·       Salvatore Mancuso, University of Palermo (Italy), Vice President (Conferences)

·       Ignazio Castellucci, University of Teramo (Italy), Vice President (Projects)

9:30-10:30          PLENARY SESSION - KEYNOTE SPEECH 1

Chair: Ignazio Castellucci, University of Teramo (Italy)

·       What if… the Roe v. Wade case had not existed?

Barbara Pozzo, University of Insubria (Italy)

10:30-11:00       Coffee break

11:00-12:30       SESSION 1                                                                   

              1A – Anglo-American dystopias                                                                                        

Chair: Salvatore Mancuso, University of Palermo (Italy)

·       From William the Bastard to William the Conqueror: what if the Norman invaders had been rejected on the shores of  Sussex?,
Francesco Paolo Traisci, University of Molise, Campobasso (Italy)

·       Leibniz and George I: An alternate history of Anglophone law for the global age,
Joseph P. Garske, (United States)

·       A brilliant future behind its back: the irresolute advance of privacy in the US tort law realm,
Biagio Andò, University of Catania (Italy)                                            

12:30-14:30       LUNCH

14:30-16:00       SESSION 2 (PARALLEL SESSIONS)

2A – Gender equality and family law     

Chair: Antonello Miranda, University of Palermo (Italy)

·       Intersectionality and gender strategies in traditional/minority leadership contexts: a comparison between South Africa and Germany,

Kyriaki Topidi & Christa Rautenbach, European Centre for Minority Issues (Germany) and North-West University (South Africa)

·       Sliding doors on protection of women’s rights in Islamic Africa. Women’s agency in Sudan legal development,

Maria Gabriela Mata Carnevali, University of Palermo (Italy)

·       Nationalization and re-privatization of family properties in 20th century Romania,

Ilyés Kinga, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania (Romania)

              2B – Regards dystopiques sur la religion, le langage et l’animalité                                         

Présidence : Lukas Heckendorn Urscheler, Institut suisse de droit comparé (Suisse)

·       Axiomes religieux : réalité contre fiction,

Jihane Benarafa, Université de Milan (Italie)

·       Et si la loi du 10 juillet 1976 n’avait pas reconnu la sensibilité de l’animal ?,

Sonia Desmoulin, Université de Nantes (France)

·       Langage, langage du droit et traduction : fictions, utopies ou dystopies ?,

Jean-Claude Gémar, Université de Montréal (Canada)

16:00-16:30       Coffee break


              3A – Dystopian visions from Eastern Europe                                                                            

Chair: Ignazio Castellucci, University of Teramo (Italy)

·       Laws in general and criminal laws in particular serve a very specific purpose: to maintain the impregnability of the existing social order”: evolution of the Criminal Code in Putin’s Russia,
Asya Ostroukh, University of the West Indies (Barbados)

·       Problems of legal discontinuity of the former Soviet Socialist Republics after the disintegration of the USSR,
Maryna Vahabava, University of Teramo (Italy)

·       Utopia becomes dystopia: non-pecuniary damage in soviet-style dictatorships,
Emőd Veress, University of Miskolc (Hungary)

              3B – Regards dystopiques croisés                                                                    

Chair: Anne Tercinet, EMLyon Business School, Lyon (France)

·       L'influence de l’histoire sur le choix du code civil en vigueur en Grèce,
Dimitra Tsiaklagkanou, Université d'Athènes (Grèce)

·       Si l’alliance franco-amérindienne avait triomphé ? 1759-2023 codification, négociation et justice autochtone en Amérique du Nord

David Gilles & Michael Coyle, Universités de Sherbrooke et Western Ontario (Canada)

·       L’échec du référendum français de 1969 : un constitutionnalisme social inabouti ?,
Alexis Bugada, University of Aix-Marseille (France)



Tuesday, June 20, 2023 / Mardi 20 juin 2023

9:30-10:30          PLENARY SESSION - KEYNOTE SPEECH 2

Chair: Salvatore Mancuso, University of Palermo (Italy)

·       La toge ou le turban ? Le juge constitutionnel d’Irak et l’Islam,
Harith Al-Dabbagh, Université de Montréal (Canada)

10:30-11:00       Coffee break

11:00-12:30       SESSION 4 (PARALLEL SESSIONS)

4A – Dystopias in codification                                                            

Chair: Anne M. Tercinet, EMLyon Business School, Lyon (France)

·       The construction of alternative legal comparisons. How to imagine a world without the Corpus Iuris Civilis,
Gianmatteo Sabatino, Zhongnan University of Economy and the Law - Wuhan (China)

·       Dystopian or not: alternate realities for Thibaut and von Savigny’s codification debate,
Markus G. Puder, Loyola University New Orleans (United States)

·       Dystopian competition law,

Andrea Piletta Massaro, University of Turin (Italy)

              4B – Information technology and artificial intelligence as sources of dystopia                          

Chair: Anthony Diala, University of the Western Cape (South Africa)

·       Subliminal artificial intelligence: between ‘black box’ and ‘digital magic’?,
Rostam J. Neuwirth, University of Macau (China)

·       Dystopian literature and ICT society,
Fulvia Abbondante, University of Naples Federico II (Italy)

·       Artificial intelligence and legal subjectivity,
Bruno Tassone, Universitas Mercatorum (Italy)

12:30-14:30       LUNCH

14:30-16:00       SESSION 5 (PARALLEL SESSIONS)

              5A – Constitutional dystopias                                                             

Chair: Christa Rautenbach, North-West University (South Africa)

·       Constitutional history and constitutional identity as a living instrument in parliamentary practice? Revisiting the Hungarian model,
Boldizsár Szentgáli-Tóth, Institute for Legal Studies - Budapest (Hungary)

·       Locus standi in the CJEU for individuals - the failed Constitutiona Treaty versus the Lisbon amendments, quo vadis?,
Ivan Sammut, University of Malta (Malta)

·       Fundamental rights violation in contemporary dystopian television with a special focus on the principle of equality,
Miriam Klema, University of Innsbruck (Austria)

·       Fake constitutional history in the service of political power

Zoltán Szente and Fruzsina Gárdos-Orosz, National University of Public Service and Institute for Legal Studies - Budapest (Hungary)

              5B – Judicial dystopias                                                           

Chair: Lukas Heckendorn Urscheler, Swiss Institute of Comparative Law (Switzerland)

·       Betraying the Maltese Utopia: the cruel backdrop of the first jury trials in Malta,
David Zammit, University of Malta (Malta)

·       Without Colbert, would justice have been relegated behind the administration in France?,
Hugues Bouthinon-Dumas, ESSEC Business School (France)

·       Policing with guns: what if the paramilitary Irish police model had been introduced in Malta in 1847?,
Mary Muscat, University of Malta (Malta)

16:00-16:30       Coffee break

16:30-17:30       PLENARY SESSION – GENERAL MEETING OF JURIS DIVERSITAS                            

Chair: Olivier Moréteau, President of Juris Diversitas (from remote)


20:00 Juris Diversitas Conference Dinner at “La Locanda del Gusto”


Wednesday, June 21, 2023 / Mercredi 21 juin 2023


9:00-9:30            PLENARY SESSION - KEYNOTE SPEECH 3

Chair: Ignazio Castellucci, University of Palermo (Italy)

·       Surfing dead,
Antonello Miranda, University of Palermo (Italy)

9:30-11:00          SESSION 6 (PARALLEL SESSIONS)                           

              6A – Farming, gambling, and notarial dystopias                                                                       

Chair: Rostam J. Neuwirth, University of Macau (China)

·       Once upon a farm: farm novels and the law,
Elmien du Plessis, North-West University (South Africa)

·       Taking morality away from gambling contracts,
Nadia Coggiola, University of Turin (Italy)

·       The (alleged?) evolution of public notary deeds after covid-19 pandemic,
Luigi Venusio Tamburrino, University of Teramo (Italy)

              6B – Dystopian tales of queer children, double surnames and whistleblowers              

Chair: Christa Rautenbach, North-West University (South Africa)

·       On fairy tales, queer children and human rights: rewriting Macatė,
Camilla Crea & Matteo M. Winkler, University of Sannio (Italy) and HEC Paris (France)

·       Money incentives for whistleblowers of corruption in municipalities: a dystopian perspective,

Johandri Wright, North-West University (South Africa)

·       Some comparative reflections on the unsolved question of double surname,

Domitilla Vanni, University of Palermo (Italy)

11:00-11:30       Coffee break                                                             

11:30-13:00       SESSION 7 (PARALLEL SESSIONS)

              7A – Dystopian international law?

Chair: Gianmatteo Sabatino, Zhongnan University of Economy and the Law - Wuhan (China)

·       Indigenous Approaches to Peacebuilding,
Anthony Diala, University of the Western Cape (South Africa)

·       Cultural Heritage Divided by (International) Law: The Case of North Macedonia,
Alexandr Svetlicinii, University of Macau (China)

·       The BRICS Organization: a real threat to the West?,
Marta Bono, University of Palermo (Italy)

              7B – Fantasmes dystopiques dans la loi et les conventions internationales

Chair: Anne Tercinet, EMLyon Business School, Lyon (France)

·       Interprétation dystopique de la Convention internationale CMR,
Dimitra Tsiaklagkanou, Université d'Athènes (Greece)

·       Et si la Convention internationale relative aux droits des personnes handicapées (CIDPH) n’avait pas été adoptée ?,
Paul Véron, Université de Nantes (France)

·       La loi fantasmatique. Entre dystopie surmoïque et utopie sociale,

Dario Alparone, Université de Rennes 2 (France)

13:00—13:15     PLENARY SESSION – CLOSING REMARKS              


Organizing committee:  Olivier Moréteau, Salvatore Mancuso, Ignazio Castellucci, Christa Rautenbach, Lukas Heckendorn Urscheler, Gianmatteo Sabatino, Marta Bono.                 

To download the program / Pour télécharger le programme  Click here / Cliquer ici            



9-11 June, 2021


 9 au 11 juin 2021

Zoom Webinar


Most sessions have been recorded and are accessible to the public on YouTube. They are accessible from the links in the program below:
De nombreuses sessions ont été enregistrées et sont accessibles au public sur YouTube. Elles sont accessibles depuis les liens dans le programme ci-dessous:

Juris Diversitas is the name of an association as defined in Article 60 et sequens of the Swiss Civil Code. The Association has its seat at the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law in Lausanne-Dorigny, Switzerland.

Juris Diversitas est une association régie par les articles 60 et suivants du Code civil suisse. Son siège est à l’Institut suisse de droit comparé, Lausanne-Dorigny, Suisse.

All times on this schedule are Swiss (Lausanne) time, same as Berlin, Brussels, Paris or Rome

Heure de Lausanne, Berlin, Bruxelles, Paris ou Rome


Wednesday, June 9, 2021 / Mercredi 9 juin 2021

9:30—10:00 PLENARY SESSION — OPENING & WELCOMING ADDRESS                                 [PL1]

·       Olivier Moréteau, Louisiana State University (United States), President

·       Salvatore Mancuso, University of Palermo (Italy), Vice President (Conferences)

10:15—11:45     PARALLEL SESSIONS I                                                                                    

I.A         Dark Aspects in Selected Asian Legal Systems                                                             [PS1A]

Chair: Ignazio Castellucci, University of Teramo (Italy)

·       "The law be damned!". Hamao Shirō and the Problem of Legal Injustice in Modern Japan, Giorgio Colombo, Nagoya University (Japan)

·  Panchayati Raj and Local Governance: Tools and Processes of Negotiation in Jharkhand, Chiara Correndo, University of Turin (Italy)

·       Rule of Law and Rule of Virtue in the Asian Legal Traditions,

Gianmatteo Sabatino, University of Trento (Italy)

I.B          Legal Philosophy and its Hidden Dimensions                                                               [PS1B]

Chair: Lukas Heckendorn Urscheler, Swiss Institute of Comparative Law (Switzerland)

·       The [Many] Facets of Law,

Elina N. Moustaira, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece)

·       Archetypal Structures and the Myth of Law,

Fabrizio Sciacca, University of Catania (Italy)

·       Reason as the Dark Side of the Law: A Leibnizian Perspective,

Ekaterina Yahyaoui, National University of Ireland Galway (Ireland)

10:15—12:00     PANEL 1 – Drivers of Change and Drawbacks of Post-Soviet Law: The Odd Evolution of Constitutionalism, Political Power and Market Economy                                                       [PA1]   

Coordinated by: Cristian Collina & Cristina Poncibò

·       Russia’s Two-Headed Eagle: Policy Transfer Towards the Future while Transplanting Laws from the Past. The Case of Complex Dynamics in Regulating Constitutional Rights and Freedoms in RF,

Nina Belyaeva, Higher School of Economics, (HSE) (Russia)

·       Restoration, or Eclipse? What Shadow does the Continuing Soviet Legacy Continue to Cast over Restoration of the Great Legal Reforms of 1864, and Russia’s Future in the Council of Europe?

Bill Bowring, Birkbeck College, University of London (United Kingdom)

·       The Legacy of the Socialist Leviathan? State Re-Building and Constitutionalism in Post-Soviet Russia,

Cristian Collina, University of Turin (Italy)

·       Private Property and Political Power in post-Soviet Russia,

Cristina Poncibò, University of Turin (Italy)

·       The Transplant of European Competition Law in The Russian Federation,

Tatiana Shaburova, University of Turin (Italy)


16:00—17:30     PARALLEL SESSIONS II                                                                                   

II.A        La face cachée de la responsabilité civile et pénale                                                    [PS2A]

Présidence : Salvatore Mancuso, University of Palermo (Italy)

·       L’article 282 du Code pénal nigérien : entre torts et travers,

Bachir Chaibou Dan Inna, Université de Zinder (Niger)

·       Les décisions collectives sur la face cachée du droit de la responsabilité

Olivier Moréteau, Louisiana State University (États-Unis)

·       Revisiter le droit des contrats et le droit de la responsabilité français,

Dimitra Tsiaklagkanou, Université d’Athènes (Grèce)

II.B        Dark Sides of Family Law                                                                                          [PS2B]

Chair: Antonello Miranda, University of Palermo (Italy)

·       What Makes ‘Good Law’ in the Context of Religious Marriages?
Waheeda Amien,
University of Cape Town (South Africa)

·       Family in Tax Systems,
Annalisa Pace, University of Teramo (Italy)

·       The Dark Side of Family Law,
Rosamaria Tristano, University of Palermo (Italy)


18:00—19:30     PARALLEL SESSIONS III                

III.A       Le droit caché dans la littérature                                                                  [PS3A]                

Présidence : Olivier Moréteau, Louisiana State University (États-Unis)

·       L’inconscient, la loi et la jouissance, Dario Alparone, Université de Catane (Italie)

·       Le droit d’auteur comme avatar des rites pacificateurs,
Arnaud Billion, Université de Lyon (France)

·       La face cachée de l’œuvre et de la vie d’Oscar Wilde : fondement d’une pensée critique tragi-comique du droit,
Yves Goguen, Université de Moncton (Canada)

III.B       ComparativeLaw on the Dark Side?                                                            [PS3B]

Chair: Christa Rautenbach, North-West University (South Africa)

·  Church Law without Dark Sides? Comparing Catholic and Protestant Positions in Germany, Burkhard J. Berkmann, Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich (Germany)

·    Constructing a Legal Culture for the Global Age: A Machiavellian and Ramist Approach,
Joseph P. Garske (United States)

17:50—19:30     PANEL 2 – “Waiting for someone or something to show you the way”: the Legacy of the Dark Side of the (Comparative Legal) Moon                                                                                      [PA2]   

Coordinated by:
Pasquale Viola

·       “And after all, we’re only ordinary man.” The Narrative of Diversities in Comparative Law,

Pasquale Viola, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli (Italy)

·       “Breathe in the air … don't be afraid to care”. Comparative Law and the Epistemic Revolution of Environmental Constitutionalism,

Domenico Amirante, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli (Italy)

·       Any Colour You Like. The State Monopoly of Indigeneity as an Agenda of Internal Colonialism in Plurinational Bolivia, and the Hilado Abigarrado (Multicolored Fabric) of Mestizo Identities,

Enrico Buono, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli (Italy)

·       “No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun.” The Extension of locus standi and the Value of Time in the Trial: Comparative Suggestions from Indian Social Action Litigation,

Maria Sarah Bussi, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli (Italy)



Thursday, June 10, 2021 / Jeudi 10 juin 2021

08:30—10:00     PARALLEL SESSIONS IV                                                           

IV.A       Clarifying Dark Privacy Issues                                                                          [PS4A]

Chair: Biagio Andò, University of Catania (Italy)

·       Snoopers at Work: Surveillance and the Right to Privacy,
Douglas Mark Ponton, University of Catania (Italy)

·       One App a Day Keeps the Virus Away. Digital Contact Tracing as a Tool to Handle the Pandemic,
Vera Lucia Raposo, University of Macau (China)

·       The European Data Protection Spectrum: Testing the Free Flow of Information Principle on the GDPR’s Market Side,
Giulia Schneider, Bocconi University, Milan (Italy)

IV.B       Darkness,Fakeness, Lights and Shadows                                                         [PS4B]

Chair: Anthony Diala, University of the Western Cape (South Africa)

·       Law and Mind Control Between Fact and Fiction: The Case of ‘Fake News’,
Rostam J. Neuwirth, University of Macau (China)

·       The Dark Side of the Law as a Mirror of the Dark Side of Man,
Andreas Rahmatian, University of Glasgow (United Kingdom)

10:30—12:00     PARALLEL SESSIONS V                 

V.A        The BlindSpots of International Law                                                                [PS5A] 

Chair: Ignazio Castellucci, University of Teramo (Italy)

·       ‘Jus in bello’ as the New ‘Jus ad bellum’. A Possible Pathology in International Public Law, Giovanni Barbieri, University of Tampere (Finland) / Università Cattolica, Milano (Italy)

·       The Dark Side of the BRICS: The Lack of a Legal Definition,
Marta Bono, University of Palermo (Italy)

·       Power, Law and Place in the Shadow of the Occupation: A Legal-Geographical Examination of the Transformation of the Susya Area (Shafa Yatta شفا يطّا) 1967 to 1998) in the Occupied Palestinian Territories,
Quamar Mishirqi-Assad & Alexandre (‘Sandy’) Kedar, University of Haifa (Israel)


V.B        MinoritiesBeyond Borders and Identities                                                           [PS5B]

Chair: Christa Rautenbach, North-West University (South Africa)

·       Improving Access to Justice for LGBTI People: The Role of Legal Clinics,
Laura Bugatti, University of Brescia (Italy)

·       The Dark Side of Law and Identity,
Nir Kedar, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan (Israel)

·       At the Outer Limits of the Rule of Law: Borders, Cities and the “Gypsies”,
Alessandro Simoni
& Giacomo Pailli, University of Florence (Italy)

10:30—12:00     PANEL 3 – Le clair-obscur de la transgression des valeurs (l’obscure clarté)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     [PA3]   

Coordination : David Marrani

·       David Marrani, Institute of Law (Jersey)

·       Pascal Richard, Université de Toulon (France)

·       Sophie Perez, Université de Toulon (France)

16:00—17:00 PLENARY SESSION – GENERAL MEETING                              [PL2]

Chair: Olivier Moréteau, President of Juris Diversitas

17:15—18:45     PARALLEL SESSIONS VI                                                                                  

VI.A       Liability on the Dark Side                                                                           [PS6A]

Chair: Lukas Heckendorn Urscheler, Swiss Institute of Comparative Law (Switzerland)

·       Liability for Sophisticated Robots: Lights and Shadows,
Livio Corselli, University of Palermo (Italy)

·       Devil’s Advocates. The Enforcers of Judicial Terror: Fouquier-Tinville, Vyshinsky, Freisler, Emmanuel Didier, Ottawa (Canada)

·       Causation, Proofs and Science: The Dark Side of Numbers,
Bruno Tassone, Universitas Mercatorum, Rome (Italy)

VI.B       Addressing Human Darkness                                                               [PS6B]

Chair: Alessandra Pera, University of Palermo (Italy)

·       The Law and Economics of Vice Regulation: Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll and the Limits of the Law,
John M. Church, Lousiana State University (United States)

·       The Dark Side of the Law Between Legislative Expectations, Jurisprudential Uncertainties and Dialogue Between the Courts,
Daniela Mainenti, YMCA Foundation - UniNettuno University, Rome  (Italy)

·       Judicial Wrongs and Miscarriages of Justice in a Comparative Perspective,

Domitilla Vanni di San Vincenzo, University of Palermo (Italy)

VI.C       Loi, religion et minorités : ombre et lumière                                                  [PS6C]

Présidence : Olivier Moréteau, Louisiana State University (États-Unis)

·   La face cachée de la codification : Modernisation et altération de l’esprit du droit musulman,
Harith Al-Dabbagh, Université de Montréal (Canada)

·       La face noire de la loi en Chine, hier et aujourd’hui,
Christine Chaigne, Aix-Marseille Université (France)

·       Quand le droit international nuit à la protection d’une culture minoritaire,
Denis Roy, Université de Moncton (Canada)

17:15—20:00     PANEL 4 – Darkness after Law                                                             [PA4]   

Coordinated by: Mario Ricca

·       Seeing Each Other Plain? Law and Identity in the Miserable Darkness of Hugo,

      Melissa Vazquez, University of Rome La Sapienza (Italy)

·       Defective Law,

Daniele Anselmo, Kore University of Enna (Italy)

·       Cyberlaw and Affectiveness: A Private Law Perspective,

Mirzia Bianca, University of Rome (Italy)

·       Lights and Shadows of Multilingualism on EU Citizenship,
Elena Ioriatti, University of Trento (Italy)

·       Darkness and Clarity in the Legal Domain: The Nightmare and the Noble Dream,

            Silvia Zorzetto, University of Milan (Italy)

·       After the Cave: The Dark Screen of the Norm,

            Paolo Heritier, University of Piemonte Orientale Torino (UPO), Italy

·  The Unknown Between Vagueness of Law and Legal Certainty - Apophatic and Cataphatic Strategies in the Imagining of the New Legal Frontiers,

           Peter Petkoff, Brunel University, London (United Kingdom)

·       The Shadow of Legal Word: the ‘Phrastic’ in Law and Its Semiotic Exceedance,

            Mario Ricca, University of Parma (Italy)


Friday, June 11, 2021 / Vendredi 11 juin 2021

08:30—10:00     PARALLEL SESSIONS VII                                                                        

VII.A      Clarifying Competition                                                                                        [PS7A]

Chair: Alessandra Pera, University of Palermo (Italy)

·       Digitalization: The Dark Side of the Art Form,
Raffaele Aveta, Vanvitelli University, Caserta (Italy)

·       Antitrust Political Side,
Andrea Piletta Massaro, University of Turin (Italy)

·       Leniency Policy: The Dark Side of EU and French Competition Law,

Anne M. Tercinet, emlyon business school, Lyon (France)

VII.B      How Humans Deal with Animals, Viruses and Other Things                       [PS7B]

Chair: Christa Rautenbach, North-West University (South Africa)

·       A Look at the Interactions and Management of the Coronavirus Pandemic,
Lucia Di Costanzo, Vanvitelli University, Caserta (Italy)

·       The Legal Status of Animals Between Anthropomorphization of Law and Dehumanization of Society,
Fiore Fontanarosa, University of Molise, Campobasso (Italy)

·       The Dark Side of the Law of Praedial Servitudes, Easements, and Restrictive Covenants, Asya Ostroukh, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill (Barbados)

10:30—12:00     PARALLEL SESSIONS VIII             

VIII.A    Legal History as a Tool for Clarification                                         [PS8A]                              

Chair: Anthony Diala, University of the Western Cape (South Africa)

·       Natural (out)Law: A Stowaway Carried by Modern Civil Law,
Emmanuel Araguas, Saintes (France)

·  “Electromagnetic Interferences” in the Realm of the Law? A Legal-Historical Exploration of Language as a Means to Dissociate Law from Society,
Agustín Parise, Maastricht University (Netherlands)

·   The Public Humiliation of the Debtor: The Dark Side of Insolvency in the Italian Historical Experience,
Alessandra Pera, University of Palermo (Italy)


10:20—12:00     PANEL 5 – Judgement: Perspectives from Law and Philosophy              [PA5]   

Coordinated by: Alessio Lo Giudice

·      The Possibility to Imagine a “General Theory of Legal Judgment”, Inspired by Arendt’s and Kant’s Remarks on Discernment,

Alessio Lo Giudice, University of Messina (Italy)

·       A Critique of the Distinction Between “Hard” and “Easy” Cases,

Angela Condello, University of Messina (Italy)

·      Fact-Finding and Adjudication in Criminal Trials: Reconstruction, Transfiguration and Projection of Human Behavior?

Stefano Ruggeri, University of Messina (Italy)

·       Moral Particularism, Jurisprudence and Justice in Concrete Cases,

Paulo de Sousa Mendes, University of Lisbon (Portugal)

16:00—17:30     PARALLEL SESSIONS IX                                                           

IX.A       Shedding Light on Dark Aspects of Contract Law                                          [PS9A]

Chair: Anne M. Tercinet, EMLyon Business School, Lyon (France)

·       Language and Culture in International Arbitration: The Impact on Parties’ Due Process Right,
Ornella Guarino, University of Palermo (Italy)

·       The Dark Side of Contract Law: The Temptation to Condone Bad Faith,
Rosalie Jukier, McGill University, Montreal (Canada)

·       The Dark Side of the Law in Digital Contracts: The Case of Smart Contracts,

Sara Rigazio, University of Palermo (Italy)

IX.B       Clarificationsof Colonial Obscurities                                                               [PS9B]

Chair: Salvatore Mancuso, University of Palermo (Italy)

·       Coloniality and the Future of Laws in sub-Saharan Africa,
Anthony C. Diala, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town (South Africa)

·       Monumental Trees and British Colonial Environmentalism in Malta,
Mary Muscat, University of Malta, Valetta (Malta)

·       King Tom’s Plague Police: Extra-Legal Governance in British Malta,
David Zammit, University of Malta, Valetta (Malta)


18:00—19:30     PARALLEL SESSIONS X   

X.A        The Dark Side of Human Rights                                                           [PS10A]              

Chair: Mario Ricca, University of Parma (Italy)

·       Populism, Democracy and the Legislative,
Fulvia Abbondante, University of Naples (Italy)

·       The Dark Side of Human Rights Procedure – Is it a Breach of Substantive Human Rights’ Law?
Ivan Sammut, University of Malta, Valetta (Malta)

·       Deconstructing State-Centric Legal Spaces in Europe: The Legacy and Implications of the ECtHR’s Molla Sali Case,

Kyriaki Topidi, European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg (Germany)

X.B        Casting Light on U.S. Law                                                                  [PS10B]

Chair: Anne M. Tercinet, EMLyon Business School, Lyon (France)

·       Charting the Frontiers of Corporate Rights in the U.S. Legal System: Towards a Full-Fledged Personhood Status Paradigm?
Biagio Andò, University of Catania (Italy)

·       Mixing the U.S. Constitution, the Common Law, and Private Civil Law: Louisiana, Puerto Rico and the Philippines,
John S. Baker, Louisiana State University (United States)

·       The U.S. Criminal Justice System Seen through the Lens of Law and Order: SVU,
Nora V. Demleitner, Washington and Lee University, Lexington (United States)

18:00—19:30     PANEL 6 – L’action précède le droit ou l’injustice institutionnalisée?         [PA6]   

Coordination : Célia Berger-Tarare

·       L’action précède le droit ou l’injustice institutionnalisée ? L’exemple de la fiducia en droit romain,

Caroline Decoster, Université de Franche-Comté (France)

·       L’action précède le droit ou l’injustice institutionnalisée ? L’exemple de l’use en droit anglais,

Célia Berger-Tarare, Université de Franche-Comté (France)

·       L’action précède le droit ou l’injustice institutionnalisée ? L’exemple de la surveillance dysfonctionnelle des dons aux fins d’intérêt général en droit français,

Anne-Sophie Hulin, Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II (France)

19:40—20:00     PLENARY SESSION – CLOSING REMARKS                                         [PL3]     


Access Photo Album

Theme: Law, Roots & Space
In partnership with

Faculty of Law, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa
For more information, see

The Theme:
A couple of lawyers’ old friends: ‘Sources’ and ‘Jurisdictions’. In their parlance, these notions are often associated to modern, ‘positive’ law.
The idea of ‘Legal formants’ has been introduced to complete the picture, flexibilising it, making it more accurate, nuanced, realistic; an idea associated to comparative, socio-legal, anthropologic studies.
With ‘Roots’ and ‘space’ geographers, historians, political scientists get involved. These are certainly less frequent notions in legal circles: we may still wish to make friends with them, to enrich our perception of legal phenomena.
Roots’ is often associated to history of law and related discourses – if legal formants may complete a picture, legal roots do complete the movie, so to speak.
Space’: an open notion, perhaps a non-notion in modern legal discourse, generic enough to include every spatial dimension of legal phenomena: dissemination of movie theaters and other forms of diffusion of the various show-biz products could be the appropriate metaphor here, including space law and virtual property.
A legal discourse that goes beyond the checkboards, or the series of juxtaposed swimming pools – Tetris-style – containing water from their respective individual sources, produced by modern, Westphalian conceptions of the law. It goes, instead, to normative forces producing their effects without a precise geographic boundary: like radio stations, magnetic or gravitational fields. Or like intricate sets of rivers, lakes, canals, ponds, infiltrated wetlands, oceans, weather, all contributing to a locally diversified but still unitary eco-system and bio-sphere of water, landscape, vegetation, fauna.
A discourse on normative forces and the fuzziness of their historic and geographic reach.



July 10-12, 2017

Lyon, France

In partnership with
EM Lyon Business School & 
Université Jean Moulin

Law & Food

La cuisine juridique

The Theme:
For its 5th Annual Conference, Juris Diversitas revisits its culinary origins, expressed in the logo. The links between law and food are as old as the concept of law. Babylon, Egypt, Greece, and Rome cared about access to water resources and food, whether it came to trade or protection. Since times immemorial, Bhutan makes sure every citizen has access to a minimal acreage of land to secure food for the family. Whilst religions multiplied food prohibitions and prescriptions, customs redistributed land, shared its occupancy in creative ways, or favored communal property so that everyone had access to food. Laws have multiplied to facilitate food trade, security, safety, traceability, and also to promote and protect food and wine production, using trademarks and geographical denominations. In addition, the language of food and cooking offers legal thinkers and teachers mouth-watering metaphors, comparing rules to recipes, and their combination to culinary processes.

All law related food topics, whether liquid or solid, vegetal or animal, real or symbolic, tasty or toxic, old or new, home-made or industrial, fast or simmering, whether connected or not to the environment, sustainable development, climate change, literature, art, science, faith, beliefs, or any dimension of human experience may be revisited in an interdisciplinary perspective from the moment they intersect with rules, norms, or prescriptions of all kinds. You are invited to cook and share food for thought at every possible level, past, present, and future, local, regional, and global, topical and utopic, and feed at a two-day and a half worldwide intellectual banquet in a truly unique culinary capital of Europe.

2016 Annual Conference: 
Unity and/or Diversity
Unité ou diversité

May 30 to June 1, 2016
Louisiana State University Law Center
Baton Rouge, USA

See Conference Highlights

Theme: Comparative legal studies have long been perceived as an
 engine pulling legal traditions and systems towards 
convergence, harmonization, and unification. Today, legal pluralism 
pushes towards the recognition of human and social diversity. 
Does this mean that we have to choose between unity and 
diversity, Jus unum or juris diversitas?  To what extent do pluralistic 
societies embrace or reject harmonization and uniformity, 
or simply ignore them? Do we unify or add layers, increasing the 
complexity of legal orders? Does history reflect a move from 
diversity to unity or an ongoing conflict between the two? What 
makes unity successful or sustainable? This is an invitation to 
discuss, in an interdisciplinary way, the development of laws and 
social norms, in the dialectical tension between the ontological 
unity of human beings and mankind and the plurality of individual 
aspirations and social arrangements.

Registration fees: €200 or €125 for Juris Diversitas members paid up 
for 2016. Membership and fee payment information is available on 
the Juris Diversitas Blog ( 
Note that fees don’t cover travel, accommodation, or the 
conference dinner (€50).

Contact: Prof. Olivier Moréteau at

[Subject to change]

Monday, May 30

8:45—9:15          Registration & Coffee 

·         William R. Corbett, Interim Dean, Frank L. Maraist Professor of Law 
and Wex S. Malone Professor of Law, LSU Law Center
·         Olivier Moréteau, Russell B. Long Chair, LSU Law Center, 
President of Juris Diversitas
9:30—10:30        PLENARY—KEYNOTE  
·         The Problematic of Invisibility for Law in a Transnationalized World, 
Vivian Grosswald Curran, University of Pittsburgh (United States)

10:30—11:00     Break

11:00—12:30      PARALLEL SESSIONS I
I.A          Remixing Legal Traditions

·         Canada’s Legal Traditions: Sources of Unification, Diversification or Inspiration?
Rosalie Jukier, McGill University (Canada)
·         Unity and Diversity in Legal History of the Commonwealth Caribbean
Asya Ostroukh, Cave Hill Campus of the University of the West Indies (Barbados)
·         Rebuilding the Somali Legal System: Towards a New Mixed Jurisdictions?
Salvatore Mancuso, University of Cape Town (South Africa)

I.B           Issues in Professional Liability: A Transnational Conversation

·         Unity and Diversity in European Product Liability Law
Ádám Fuglinszky, Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary)
·         Professional Liability in Civil Law and in Common Law
Domitilla Vanni Di San Vincenzo, University of Palermo (Italy)
·         Liability of Internet Service Providers for the Invasion of (Data) Privacy
Unity in Terminology, Diversity in Content
Lukas Heckendorn, Swiss Institute of Comparative Law (Switzerland)

12:30—14:00     Lunch

14:00—15:30      PARALLEL SESSIONS II

II.A         The Struggle for Legal Identity

·         An Essay on Ideology and Legal Education in Tiny Jurisdictions: The Example of Jersey
David Marrani, Institute of Law (Jersey)
·         Albanian Civil Code — An Example of Unity and Diversity in the Civil Law Family
Juliana Latifi, University of Tirana (Albania)
·         Commerce, Commonality, and Contract Law: Legal Reform in a Mixed Jurisdiction
Christopher K. Odinet, Southern University (United States)

II.B         L’absence de modèle unique : l’uniformisation en question

·         Entre unité et diversité : la construction d’un droit des biens transsystémique
Yaëll Emerich, Université McGill (Canada)
·         Harmoniser la diversité en droit des successions : oui mais avec précaution
Francesco Paolo Traisci, Università degli studi del Molise (Italy)

15:30—16:00      Break 

16:00—17:30      PARALLEL SESSIONS III

III.A        United in Diversity

·         Enantiosis and Comparative Law: The Case of Essentially Oxymoronic Concepts
Rostam J. Neuwirth, University of Macau (Macau)
·         Toxic Legal Thought Patterns: Cognitive Rhetoric Explains the Need for 
a Comparative Approach to Rhetoric in Law
Lucy Jewel, University of Tennessee (United States)
·         Dworkin on Legal Unity and Diversity
Christopher D. Boom, Tulane University (United States)

III.B        Societal and Legal Tensions in Africa

·         Mapping Traditional Authority Structures in a Post-Apartheid South Africa: 
Exploring the Status and Role of Traditional Authorities in 
a Decentralised Governance Structure
Christa Rautenbach, North-West University (South Africa)
·         Developments in Child Custody under Customary Law in Nigeria and South Africa
Kagiso A. Maphalle, University of Cape Town (South Africa)
·         Judicial Protection of Women’s Matrimonial Property Rights in Nigeria
Anthony C. Diala, University of Cape Town (South Africa)

19:30                     Conference Dinner

Tuesday, May 31

9:15—10:30        PARALLEL SESSIONS IV

IV.A        Competition Worldwide: Legal Strategies and Challenges

·         International Fragmentation of Competition Law: 
The Actual and Expected Contribution of BRICS Countries
Alexandr Svetlicinii, University of Macau (Macau)
·         Legal Diversity or Unity as a Product of Economic Strategies of Lawmakers 
under Regulatory Competition
Hugues Bouthinon-Dumas & Frédéric Marty, ESSEC Business School (Paris-Singapore) 
& GREDEG – CNRS / University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (France)

IV.B        Singular Voices in a Pluralistic Universe

·         Legal Transfers and National Traditions: 
Patterns of Modernization of the Public Administration 
in Polish Lands at the Turn of 18th and 19th Century
Michał Gałędek, University of Gdańsk (Poland)
·         Remedies for Trial Delay in Malta and Italy: a Laboratory for European Integration?
David Edward Zammit & Caroline Savvidis, University of Malta (Malta)
·         “United in One Body:” Can ‘Black Lives Matter’ be Rousseau’s ‘Best Friends,’ 
Fernin F. Eaton, Baton Rouge (United States)

10:30—11:00      Break 

11:00—12:30     PARALLEL SESSIONS V

V.A         La mondialisation et ses tensions

·         La fiducie québécoise : tensions et (r)évolution
Caroline Le Breton-Prévost, Université McGill (Canada)
·         Mondialisation et droit de la concurrence : 
vers une bipolarisation autant qu’une harmonisation des règles de droit ?
Anne M. Tercinet, EM Lyon Business School (France)
·         Comment le juriste français projette sa vision du droit dans 
le contexte de la mondialisation : une affaire d’influence ?
Olivier Moréteau, Louisiana State University (United States)

V.B         Diverse in Unity?

·         Anglophone and Civilian Convergence: 
The Question of Public Cultivation and Learning
Joseph P. Garske, (United States)
·         Global Legal Scholarship at Local Level, Bianca Gardella Tedeschi
University of Eastern Piedmont Amedeo Avogadro (Italy)
·         Good Faith, United in Diversity?
Olivier Beddeleem, EDHEC Business School (France)

12:30—14:30     Lunch

14:30—16:00      PARALLEL SESSION VI

VI.A       Fashion Law: Comparing Top Models

·         On Fashion: Introductory Remarks
Susy Inés Bello Knoll, Austral University (Argentina)
·         Intellectual Property in Argentina, Latin America and USA
Pamela Echeverria, Fashion Law Institute (Argentina)
·         Intellectual Property in France and the European Union
Alice Pezard, Conseiller honoraire à la Cour de cassation (France)

16:00—16:30     Break

16:30—17:30     Juris Diversitas General Meeting

17:30—18:00      Break

18:00—19:30      Tucker Lecture

·         The Proposed Organization of American States Model Law 
on Simplified Corporations: Perspectives and Challenges, 
Francisco Reyes, Chairman of UNCITRAL, 
Superintendent of Companies (Colombia)

19:30                     Reception

Wednesday, June 1

9:30—11:00        PARALLEL SESSIONS VII

VII.A      Beyond Universalism: Giving a Voice to the Unheard

·         The Emergence of Alternative Antidiscrimination Frameworks 
between Universality and Diversity
Raphaële Xenidis, European University Institute of Florence (Italy)
·         Beyond the Boundaries of Consensus: Comparative Law, Social Theory, and Dissent
Denis de Castro Halis, University of Macau (Macau)
·         Periodic Review of Human Rights: Does One Size Fit All in the Pacific?
Sue Farran, Northumbria University (United Kingdom)

VII.B      Revisiting Human Rights: What Room for Consensus and Dissent

·         Participation of Lay Citizens in the Criminal Trial in a Comparative Perspective
The Criminal Jury in France and Belgium
Claire M. Germain, University of Florida (United States)
·         Human Rights in National versus International Criminal Justice: 
The Gravity of Crimes as a Legitimate Source of Legal Pluralism?
Christophe Deprez, University of Liège (Belgium)

11:00—11:30      Break

11:30—12:30     Plenary—Closing Panel

·         Empires as Engines of Mixed Legal Systems
Vernon V. Palmer, Tulane University (United States)
·         Discussion, Robert Sloan, Louisiana State University (United States)

·         Conclusion, Olivier Moréteau, President of Juris Diversitas

2015 Annual Conference: 
The State of/and Comparative Law
2 June (afternoon) to 4 June 2015
School of Law, University of Limerick, Ireland
Co-sponsored by
School of Law, University of Limerick and Juris Diversitas

See Conference Highlights Album 1
See Conference Highlights Album 2

Papers will focus on comparative law (broadly conceived), including the relationship between social and legal norms and social and legal institutions. In memory of Roderick A Macdonald (1948-2014) and H Patrick Glenn (1940-2014), both former members of our Advisory Council, particular attention will be given to the diverse themes of their scholarship: for example, ‘common laws’, ‘constitutive polyjurality’, ‘critical legal pluralism’, ‘everyday law’, and ‘legal cosmopolitanism’.


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

14:00                     Registration
14:30                     Welcoming Address
In memoriam Roderick A. Macdonald (1948-2014) and H. Patrick Glenn (1940-2014)]
14:45                     Plenary – Keynote
Chair: Seán Patrick Donlan
·         A Theoretical Basis for Comparative Legal Pluralism, Brian Z. Tamanaha, Washington University School of Law (United States)
16:00-16:30         Break
16:30-18:00         Parallel Sessions I
I.A          Legal Pluralism in Africa
·         The Dominance of Legal Pluralism in a Post-Colonial South Africa: Where do We Stand almost Three and a Half Centuries after Western Legal Transplantation?Christa Rautenbach, North-West University (South Africa)
·         The Relevance of Comparative Jurisprudence in the Namibian Legal SystemSamuel Amoo, University of Namibia (Namibia)
·         Mapping or Codifying? The Project on the Ascertainment of Customary Law in SomalilandSalvatore Mancuso, University of Cape Town (South Africa)
I.B           Structuring Mixed Legal Systems
·         The Political Purpose of a Mixed Legal System Conception: The Case of ScotlandAndreas Rahmatian, University of Glasgow (Scotland)
·         Quebec’s “droit commun” as its Basic General LawMatthieu JuneauUniversité Laval, Québec (Canada)
I.C           New Dimensions of Constitutionalism
·         Constitutions beyond the State: a Miracle or a Mirage?Ekaterina Yahyaoui Krivenko, National University of Ireland, Galway (Ireland)
·         An Approach to Comparative Environmental ConstitutionalismFrancois Venter, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus (South Africa)
·         La démocratie moderne au miroir de la pensée chinoiseFrédérique Rueda-Despouey, University of Bordeaux (France)
18:00-19:00         Reception – Juris Diversitas Book Series Launch

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

9:00-10:30           Parallel Sessions II
II.A         Law, Religion and Tradition
·         The British Religious and Secular Courts in Historical and Comparative PerspectiveMartin Sychold, Swiss Institute of Comparative Law (Switzerland)
·         Interaction between Common Law and Islamic Law in Nigeria: a study of the application of the doctrine of Stare-Decisis in some Islamic Law cases in Northern NigeriaAhmed S. Garba, Bauchi State University, Gadau (Nigeria)
·         Traditio Canonica and Legal Tradition: The Role of the Canon Law in Contemporary Legal DebateLorenzo Cavalaglio, University of Udine (Italy)
II.B         Interaction and Convergence: Mixed Approaches
·         Liability for Losses Caused by Administrative Action in South Africa and the NetherlandsRolien Roos, North-West University (South Africa)
·         The Convergence of Defamation in English Tort and French Criminal LawMathilde Groppo, King’s College London, Dickson Poon School of Law (United Kingdom)
·         Public or Private? Comparing the German and British Approaches to Enforcing Consumer ProtectionShane Patrick McNamee, University of Bayreuth (Germany)
10:30-11:00         Break
11:00-12:00         Parallel Sessions III
III.A        Legal Cosmopolitanism in Territorialized and De-Territorialized Law
·         Resorting to International Instruments for the Interpretation of European Private LawIsabelle Rueda, University of Sheffield (United Kingdom)
·         International Commercial Arbitration, lex mercatoria, UNIDROIT Principles and Models Laws: Legal Cosmopolitanism within the World of Affairs?Matteo Dragoni, University of Pavia (Italy)

III.B        Of Elites and their Influence
·         On Legal Elites and the Legal Profession in CyprusNikitas Hatzimihail, University of Cyprus (Cyprus)
·         Anglo-Phone Legality: Ciceronian, Socratic and DerridianJoseph P. Garske (United States)
III.C        Views of Law and the Cities
·         The Interaction between Non-Judicial Mechanisms of Conflict Resolution and the State: the Case Study of MaputoConcetta Tina Lorizzo, University of Cape Town (South Africa)
·         Plurality and the CityJulian Sidoli del Ceno, Birmingham City University (United Kingdom)
12:00-14:00         Lunch
14:00-15:30         Parallel Sessions IV
IV.A       Comparative law, Circulation and Transplants
·         Comparative Law in Russia and CISIrina Moutaye, Institute of Legislation & Comparative Law, Moscow (Russia)
·         Legal Transplants and European Private LawDomitilla Vanni di San Vincenzo, University of Palermo (Italy)
·         The Circulation of Legal Arguments among Courts : The Case of Brown v. Board of EducationMaria Chiara Locchi, University of Perugia (Italy)
IV.B        Intercultural Integration: Cosmopolitism and Pluralism
·         Errant Law: Spaces and SubjectsMario Ricca, University of Parma, (Italy)
·         Living Together in a Critical, Pluralist and Cosmopolitan State?Emma Patrignani, University of Lapland (Finland)
·         Comparing Hybrid Legal Systems in India: Similarities in DiversityAndrea Borroni and Marco Seghesio, Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli (Italy)
IV.C        Justified and Unjustified Enrichment
·         Unjustified Enrichment: Should South Africa Venture into the Thick Forest of Passing on Defence?Aimite Jorge, University of Namibia (Namibia)
·         Unjust or Unjustified? A German-English Picture PuzzleNathalie Neumayer, University of Vienna (Austria)
·         Contract Formation in Context of Morality, Customs and PraxeologyJakub Szczerbowski, University of Social Sciences and Humanities (Poland)
15:30-16:00         Break
16:00-17:15         Plenary – Keynote
·         Forms of Combined Comparative Research: Synchronised or Restricted?Katharina Boele-Woelki, University of Utrecht (The Netherlands)
19:00                     Conference Dinner

Thursday, June 4, 2015

9:00-10:30           Parallel Sessions V
V.B         Indigenous Law and State Law
·         Explicit-Implicit Legal PluralismElina Moustaira, University of Athens (Greece)
·         Critical Legal Pluralism in AfghanistanNafay Choudhury, American University of Afghanistan (Afghanistan)
·         Implications of an Adaptation Theory of Indigenous Law on Legal Pluralism in AfricaAnthony C. Diala, University of Cape Town (South Africa)
V.C         Shifts in Transmitting Property and Nationality
·         Remodeling Values Protected by the Law of Succession in the European UnionElwira Macierzynska-Franaszczyk, Kozminski University (Poland)
·         Comparative Analyses of Testamentary CapacityLinda Schoeman, University of Pretoria (South Africa)
10:30-11:00         Break
11:00-12:00         Parallel Sessions VI
VI.A       Challenging Legal Traditions
·         Socio-Cultural Challenges to Comparative Legal Studies in Mixed Legal SystemsEsin Örücü, University of Glasgow (Scotland)
·         From Law as a Legal Tradition to Traditions Invented Through Law: a European PerspectiveLorenzo Bairati, University of Pollenzo (Italy)
VI.B        Pluralistic Views on Land Issues in Indonesia
·         Controversies on the Existences of Indigenous Lands in IndonesiaRina Shahriyani Shahrullah and Elza Syarief, Universitas Internasional Batam (Indonesia)
·         Legal Pluralism and Land Administration in West Sumatra: The Implementation of the Regulations of both Local and Nagari Governments on Communal Land TenureHilaire Tegnan, Andalas University, Padang (Indonesia)
VI.C        Clash or Balance? Cyber Security v. Privacy, DNA v. Presumption of Innocence
·         A Vague Balance between Cyber Security and Right of Privacy: Israeli, International and Italian Law in a Comparative PerspectivePaola Aurucci, University of Milan (Italy)
·         A Clash of Icons? Is DNA Evidence Posing Threats to Presumption of Innocence in Ireland and France?Michelle-Thérèse Stevenson, University of Limerick (Ireland)
12:00-14:00         Lunch

14:00-15:30         Parallel Sessions VII
VII.A      Panel – Buddhist Legal Traditions
·         Buddhist Tradition(s) on Law and GovernanceIgnazio Castellucci, University of Trento (Italy)
·         Tibetan Epiphanies of Buddhist LawAndrea Serafino, Università del Piemonte Orientale (Italy)
·         Tort Law in Buddhist Legal TraditionsLukas Heckendorn Urscheler, Swiss Institute of Comparative Law (Switzerland)
VII.B      Everyday Life, Gender and Happiness
·         Cryptotypes and Implicits in Gender IssuesBarbara Pasa (paper prepared with Lucia Morra), University of Turin (Italy)
·         Ethnographic Study of the Everyday Legal Pluralism in IndiaKarine Bates, University of Montreal (Canada)
·         Love and Happiness in LawAngelo Parisi, University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)
15:30-16:00         Break
16:00-17:00         Juris Diversitas General Meeting

17:00-17:30         Plenary – Closing Panel

2014 Annual Conference: COMPARATIVE LAW AND …
17-19 July 2014, Aix-en-Provence, France
Co-sponsored by the Faculty of Law and Political Science – Aix-Marseille University

See Conference Highlights Album 1

See Conference Highlights Album 2

See Conference Volume published by PUAM

Inherently interdisciplinary, the conference’s primary focus will be comparative law’s links to a wide variety of other disciplines and themes (e.g., anthropology, economics, feminism, history, the humanities, legal education, legal philosophy, literature, politics …). Proposals may be theoretical analyses or case studies on the past or present, North or South, East or West …

With keynote addresses by Jan Smits (opening), Duncan Fairgrieve and François Lichère, over sixty presentations, and two panels, this is a great opportunity to reflect and interact with scholars, from around the world, working at the edge of comparative law and other disciplines.

2013 Annual Conference: DIFFUSION
3-4 June 2013, Lausanne, Switzerland 
Co-Sponsored with the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law

See conference volume  published in Juris Diversitas Series

The conference's primary theme is the diffusion (transplantationreceptionmigrationcontaminationetc) of both laws and law-like norms, past and present and around the globe. A critical element in the creation of all legal and normative traditions, diffusion takes many forms. It may be overt or covert, voluntary or involuntary, concentrated or diffuse, colonial or neo-colonial, etc.  

Presentations may be case studies or theoretical analyses of diffusion; they may be general (at the level of legal traditions) or specific (trusts, family law, etc.). Participants might analyse, among other topics, entangled legal histories, the diffusion of Western legal models outside of the West, the dominance and rationale for the present diffusion of Anglo-American legal forms, the relevance of legal origins and traditions on contemporary structures, practices, the place of ‘mixed’ and ‘micro’ legal systems, etc.