03 April 2014

SYMPOSIUM: India in the Global Legal Context - Courts, Culture, and Commerce

I just discovered this Symposium. SPD

Courts, Culture, and Commerce
April 4 – 5, 2014
The University of Chicago
Social Sciences 224

India’s judiciary is renowned for being assertive and innovative, as well as increasingly influential in the global legal community. Furthermore, as a postcolonial society, the world’s largest democracy, and formerly closed economy, India stands at the nexus of multiple global networks. This two day symposium will bring together faculty and graduate students from law schools and social sciences disciplines across the University of Chicago, as well as from universities across the country, to explore ongoing dialogues between India and other nations on issues like civil rights, jurisdiction, public interest law, commercial development, and religion-state interactions. 

Jayanth Krishnan • Martha Nussbaum • Eduardo PeƱalver • Arvind Elangovan • Jothie Rajah • Bernadette Atuahene • Brian Citro • William Mazzarella • Elizabeth Lhost • Iza Hussin • Marc Galanter • Shyam Balganesh • Sital Kalantry • Anup Malani • Sayantan Saha Roy • Adrian Johns • Kaushik Sunder Rajan • Priya Gupta

For more information please contact the event organizer, Deepa Das Acevedo, at ndd@uchicago.edu

01 April 2014

CONFERENCE: Borders and Boundaries in Transitional Justice

Oxford Transitional Justice Research is holding its biennial summer conference on Friday 27 June, 2014 at the Law Faculty, University of Oxford.  OTJR welcomes papers falling within the theme ‘Borders and Boundaries in Transitional Justice.’
The past few years have seen a growing interest in cross-border issues in the study and practice of transitional justice.  For instance, the Operation Condor trial that began last year in a domestic court in Buenos Aires, Argentina, addresses transnational atrocities perpetrated in six countries in South America, and in the process raises questions about the design and validity of domestic amnesties in respect of extraterritorial wrongdoing.  In Europe, states have pursued domestic trials for international crimes committed abroad, such as genocide, or have opted to extradite suspects back to the country where the crimes occurred, highlighting a shift to the domestic application of international criminal law.  In the US, the Supreme Court’s decision in Kiobel has affected one important avenue of accountability for extraterritorial wrongdoing.
At the same time, traditional boundaries in the theory and practice of transitional justice are being redrawn, creating new dynamics of inclusion and exclusion.  In Liberia, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission sought to engage the state’s diaspora community, prompting questions about who is included in transitional justice processes.  Regional bodies, including the African Union and European Union, have started to play a more prominent role in determining states’ responses to past wrongs, challenging the boundaries of decision-making in transitional justice.  These developments also raise broader conceptual questions about the relationship between national, regional, and international ideas and practices of justice and accountability. 
The conference will explore how these and other borders and boundaries inform and affect transitional justice.  Within this theme, potential topics might include, but are not limited to:
  • How extraterritorial atrocities are addressed in, or excluded from, transitional justice;
  • The role of refugee, diaspora, and/or foreign communities in transitional justice;
  • Nationalism and pan-nationalism after gross human rights abuses;
  • The interaction between domestic transitional justice processes and foreign, regional, or international courts, for example in the application of the principles of complementarity and ne bis in idem; and
  • The interplay between domestic and international conceptions of justice and accountability.
 To propose a paper, please send an abstract of no more than 500 words to the OTJR Convenor, Miles Jackson –   miles.jackson@law.ox.ac.uk This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – by 21 April, 2014.  Abstracts should include your name, contact details, any institutional affiliation, and the title of the presentation.  Applications from scholars of all disciplines and doctoral and early-career researchers are welcomed.
Conference page is here.

31 March 2014

LECTURE: Farran on Property and the Law (2 April 2014)

Professor Sue Farran
(Northumbria School of Law and Advisory Council, Juris Diversitas)
'Are there guerrillas in my garden?
Challenging our understandings about property and the law'

The Board Room, Plassey House, the University of Limerick,
3:30 pm; Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Professor Sue
This talk is informed by my experience of researching land and people in the Pacific, especially in the Republic of Vanuatu, where I lived for a number of years. There people describe themselves as being ‘people of place’.  In the west this relationship of people and land is different. It is informed by ideas of property which both inform and shape the laws which govern that relationship.  Guerrilla gardening is just one of several contemporary forms of engagement with land that present challenges to the current laws and perceptions of property. Increasingly people are engaging with land in community with others under informal and formal arrangements and getting ‘earth under their nails’ for purposes other than the investment or commercial value of land. This presentation considers the challenges posed by the people-land relationships engendered through community orchards, woodlands, city farms, backyard gardens, urban permaculture and other initiatives, to our ideas about land, property, ownership, public and private spaces. Indeed these activities prompt us to ask if there is a shift from land as property to land as place?

Professor Sue Farran, PhD (NU); LL.M (Cambridge); LL.M (Natal); LL.B (Natal); B.A. (Hons) (English) (University of South Africa); B.A. (English and Social Anthropology) (Natal, (Durban))   

Sue's teaching career started in South Africa at the University of Natal (Pietermaritzburg) while she was an LLM student, and has included posts at the University of the West of England, the University of the South Pacific (in Fiji and Vanuatu) and the University of Dundee. She has also taught at the University of Angers, Lyons III and Stamford College, Kuala Lumpur, a private college in Malaysia.

Sue is an Adjunct Professor at the University of the South Pacific and an Associate at the Centre for Pacific Studies, St Andrews University. She is also an external examiner at Glasgow University, Middlesex University, and has been an external examiner at the University of the South Pacific, the University of Queensland and Southern Cross University, Australia.  She is a reviewer for a number of academic journals including most recently the Commonwealth Law Bulletin, the Journal of the Australasian Law Teachers Association, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Laws, Melbourne Journal of International Law, Anthropological Review, Ethnology and the Journal of Human Rights

Enquiries to: sean.donlan@ul.ie  

30 March 2014

CALL FOR PAPERS: International Conference on Trade, Business and Economic Law

International Conference on Trade, Business and Economic Law (ICTBEL) provides an opportunity for academics, practitioners, consultants, scholars, researchers and policy makers with different backgrounds and experience to present their papers in the conference in Eginburgh, UK 16 June 2014.

Conference committee highly encourage doctorate (PhD) and postgraduate students to present their research proposal or literature review or findings or issues in this conference with a very special registration fees. Case studies, abstracts of research in progress, as well as full research papers will be considered for the conference program for presentation purposes.  
ICTBEL Organising Committee has now issued call for papers to be presented in the June 2014 conference, which will be held in Edinburgh, United Kingdom. Papers may address, but are not restricted to, the main theme from any of the following sub-themes.
  • International Trade Law
  • International Economic Law
  • International Business Law
  • Corporate/Commercial Law
  • Climate Change, Sustainable development and International Trade
  • Impact of Liberalisation and globalisation on trade, business and investment
  • Globalisation and Free Trade
  • Trade Policy 
  • Economic and Finance
  • International Trade Frauds 
  • Money Laundering regulations
  • Bribery and Corruption 
  • Foreign investments 
  • Mergers and Acquisition 
  • Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments 
  • International commercial arbitration and litigation    
  • Import and Export 
  • Letters of Credit 
  • WTO and related agreements
  • Abstract/proposal (300-500 words) by 14th April 2014  and/or 
  • Full Paper (Maximum 5,000 words) by 12th May 2014 to the Conference Committee. 

  • Details here.