30 December 2014

JURIS DIVERSTIAS: President's Message 2014


I hope this finds each of you well.

I write on behalf of the Juris Diversitas Committee (me, OlivierIgnazioSalvatoreLukas, and Christa) with an update on our activities. My apologies for the length of this message. It's been another busy year. 

We have many new members and our Annual Conference, held at Aix-Marseille University (France) in July, was a great success. I’m especially thankful for the work of Olivier and the local organisers. In addition to other events being planned for the new year, our 2015 Conference will be held here in Limerick (immediately before the Irish Society of Comparative Law Conference). I hope that many of you can make it.

REMINDER - CALL FOR PAPERS: Juris Diversitas Annual Conference (Limerick, Ireland - 2-4 June 2015)

2-4 June 2015
School of Law, University of Limerick
Limerick, Ireland

[Note that the Irish Society of Comparative Law annual conferences will be held in Limerick immediately afterwards. Its theme is ‘Comparative Law: From Antiquity to Modernity’ and the same proposal may be submitted for both conferences. See here.]

While any proposal on comparative law (broadly conceived) will be considered, the conference’s primary theme is the relationship between social and legal norms and social and legal institutions. In memory of Roderick A Macdonald (1948-2014) and H Patrick Glenn (1940-2014), both former members of our Advisory Council, particular attention will be given to the diverse themes of their scholarship: for example, ‘common laws’, ‘constitutive polyjurality’, ‘critical legal pluralism’, ‘everyday law’, and ‘legal cosmopolitanism’.

As with our past conferences, proposals on a wide variety of topics will be accepted: comparative jurisprudence and legislation, legal philosophy, legal education, law reform, etc. Presentations may be theoretical analyses or case studies on the past or present, North or South, East or West ….

Panel proposals and interdisciplinary presentations are strongly encouraged, as is the participation of doctoral students and scholars from outside of the discipline of law. While parallel sessions of three twenty-minute presentations will be used, we welcome more original session structures.

Proposals should be in English or French. Proposals of c250 words (or 1000 words for panel proposals) should be submitted to Olivier Moréteau at moreteau@lsu.edu by 15 January 2015, with a short biography or resume (c250 words). Please send Word documents only, with minimal formatting.

Registration fees are €200 (€125 for Juris Diversitas members paid up for 2015). Membership and fee payment information is available on the Juris Diversitas Blog (http://jurisdiversitas.blogspot.ie/). Note that fees don’t cover travel, accommodation, or the conference dinner (€50).