18 November 2013

WORKSHOP: Spaces of Indigenous Justice

Spaces of Indigenous Justice

University of Leeds

12-13 December 2013

An interdisciplinary workshop hosted jointly by the Centre for International Governance and the Centre for European Law and Legal Studies, and funded by the World Universities Network (WUN), features leading experts from institutions across the UK, Europe, the USA and Australia.

This workshop aims to draw together the diverse strands of scholarship in the research field of Indigenous justice and governance by the adoption of specifically interdisciplinary and spatial perspectives.
While issues of, for example, tribal courts, native title, normative boundaries, Indigenous constitutionalism and the rights, recognition and self-determination of Indigenous peoples are of interest to scholars in a variety of fields, including legal theory, sociology, public policy, political philosophy, anthropology, critical geography, international and comparative law, there is a very real need to bring these intertwined and related ideas from the peripheries of their respective disciplines to an interdisciplinary core.
- Recommended. SPD

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