Comparative Perspectives
June 21-22, 2013, UDM School of Law
The University of Detroit Mercy School of Law, the University of Windsor Faculty of Law, and the Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey stand alone in dual-degree offerings that provide students with the degrees necessary to practice in Canada, the United States, and Mexico, with the only three-year comparative Canadian and American dual-degree program and the first Mexican and American dual-degree program of its kind.
These partners invite you to attend Law & Legal Education in the Americas: Comparative Perspectives on June 21-22, 2013, at UDM School of Law. Registration is now open. Please see for additional information and follow the conference on Twitter.
The conference will explore three distinct paths: social justice, professionalism & pedagogy, and commercial and consumer law, which are tailored to reflect the emphasis of the dual-degree programs and the institutions themselves.
CONFERENCE LOCATION: The conference will take place at the University of Detroit Mercy's newly renovated law building, historic Dowling Hall, which was built in 1890 by the renowned architect Gordon Lloyd. The School of Law is located in the heart of Detroit's revitalized business district, with hotel accommodations just two blocks away at the Marriott Hotel Renaissance Center in the GM World Headquarters building, with beautiful views of the Detroit River and Canada. Special hotel rates are available until May 30, 2013. Details may be found on the conference web site at
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