10 December 2012

NOTICE: The Civil Law Initiative (La Fondation pour le Droit Continental)

I'm reminded that the Fondation pour le Droit Continental/Civil Law Initiative co-organised a Convention of Mediterranean Jurists in Algiers for yesterday and today. The theme was 'legal certainty' and the conference was in both French and English. 

My apologies for not noting this earlier.

The Initiative 'was created to bolster the influence of continental law and contribute to ensuring striking a global legal balance.' Its objectives include:
  • To promote the benefits of written and codified laws on the international stage in order to strike a balance between the diverse legal systems, based on innovative, high-quality research, as well as on a wide-reaching policy of dissemination.
  •  To generate a sense of solidarity among civil-law legal professionals as a means of orchestrating joint efforts to promote this legal system.
  • To implement a legal influence strategy at the international level in the interests of civil-law companies.
  • To enhance the expertise of legal professionals on a global scale.
  • To reinforce and develop the international presence of the continental law stakeholders.
  • To contribute, through training, to the worldwide expansion of civil-law legal professionals.
This 'mixed jurist' heartily approves.

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