07 September 2012

NOTICE: Journal Publications (courtesy of the Réseau Européen Droit & Société/European Network on Law and Society)

The Réseau Européen Droit & Société/European Network on Law and Society list of journal publications included:
·  Clio@Themis. Revue électronique d'histoire du droit
·  Crime, Histoire & Sociétés = Crime, History & Societies
·  European Law Journal. Review of European Law in Context
·  Journal of Law and Society
·  Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law
·  Law & Social Inquiry
·  Law & Society Review
·  Social & Legal Studies. An International Journal
See below for additional details.
Clio@Themis. Revue électronique d'histoire du droit
ISSN 2105-0929 ;  Secrétaire de rédaction de la revue Clio@Themis : Frédéric Audren. Texte intégral en ligne : HTTP://www.cliothemis.com/.
N° 5/juin 2012.

Dossier  : « Ecrire l'histoire du droit : rompre avec les schémas nationaux ? Un dialogue franco-britannique »

Actualité de la recherche : « L'enseignement du droit et ses critiques. Approches croisées ».

Traduction : Richard Hyland, « Babel : un She'ur » (1990).
Frédéric Audren, « Ouverture : Dénationaliser l'histoire du droit ? » ; John W. Cairns, « National, Transnational and European Legal Histories : Problems and Paradigms. A Scottish perspective » ; Jean-Louis Halpérin, « Est –il temps de déconstruire les mythes de l'histoire du droit français ? » ; Michael Lobban, « The Varieties of Legal History » ; Alain Wijffels, « Le ius commune européen : ‘hareng rouge' de l'approche comparative des traditions juridiques anglaise et française » ; David Deroussin, « Comment forger une identité nationale ? La culture juridique française vue par la doctrine civiliste au tournant des XIXe et XXe siècles » ; Soazick Kerneis, « Le droit à l'épreu ve de l'anthropologie historique : le cas des modes alternatifs de résolution des conflits » ; Liora Israël, « Le rôle du droit dans la formation des élites : retour sur une thématique centrale des analyses critiques du droit » ; [ David Sugarman, « Legal Education and Legal Critics in England » - A paraître prochainement] ; Rafael Encinas de Munagorri, « Quelle critique pour l'enseignement du droit ? » ; Richard Hyland, « Richard Hyland " Babel : Un She'ur" (1990) ».
Crime, Histoire & Sociétés = Crime, History & Societies
ISSN 1422-0857. Semestriel (International Association for the History of Crime and Criminal Justice, C/O René Lévy, rédacteur en chef, GERN –CESDIP-CNRS, Immeuble Edison, 43 bd Vauban, F-78280 Guyancourt. Tél. 01 34 52 17 33 ; fax . 01 34 52 17 32 ; e-mail : rlevy@cesdip.com . Abonnements : Librairie Droz S.A., 11 rue Massot,CH-1211 Genève 12 ; e-mail : droz@droz.org ; www.droz.org ; version électronique : HTTP://chs.droz.org)

N° 2012/1.
Herman Diederiks Prize :  Richard Ward, «Print Culture, Moral Panic, and the Administration of the Law: The London Crime Wave of 1744».

: Jim A. Sharpe, «Reporting Crime in the North of England Eighteenth – century Newspaper : a Preliminary Investigation»; Rosalind Crone, «The Great 'Reading' Experiment : an Examination of the Role of Education in the Nineteenth-century Gaol» ; John Carter Wood, «Press, Politics and the 'Police and Public' Debates in Late 1920s Britain» ; Vincent Fontana, «‘La puissante main de l'Empereur'. Institution policière et surveillance politique à Genève durant la période française (1798-1813)».
European Law Journal. Review of European Law in Context
ISSN : 1351-5993 (print). Bimestriel (Réd.  c/o Prof. Francis Snyder, CERIC, Université Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille III, 38 av. de l'Europe, F-13090, Aix-en-Provence europeanlawjournal@wanadoo.fr ; diff. Wiley-Blackwell ; HTTP://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=1351-5993)

Vol. 18, issue 5, September 2012, p. 607-737.
Damian Chalmers, “Introduction: The Conflicts of EU Law and the Conflicts in EU Law” ; Marco Dani,   “Rehabilitating Social Conflicts in European Public Law” ; Michelle Everson and Christian Joerges, “Reconfiguring the Politics–Law Relationship in the Integration Project through Conflicts–Law Constitutionalism” ; Damian Chalmers, “The European Redistributive State and a European Law of Struggle” ; Floris de Witte, “Transnational Solidarity and the Mediation of Conflicts of Justice in Europe” ; Alexander Somek, “From Workers to Migrants, from Distributive Justice to Inclusion: Exploring the Changing Social Democratic Imagination”.

Book reviews.
Journal of Law and Society
ISSN : 0263-323X (Print) ;1467-6478 (Online). Trimestriel (Cardiff Law School, P.O. Box 427, The Law Building, Museum Avenue, Cardiff CF10 3AX, Wales, G.-B.; e-mail : ThomasPA@cardiff.ac.uk .
Diffusion  Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, customerservices@blackwellpublishing.com ; HTTP://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=0263-323x)

Volume 39, Issue 2, June 2012,  p.  185–327.
David Bholat, Alison Dunn and Joanna Gray, ““Share and Share Alike? Hedge Funds, Human Rights, and Owning Enterprise in Britain” : Clare McGlynn, Nicole Westmarland and Nikki Godden, “ ‘I Just Wanted Him to Hear Me': Sexual Violence and the Possibilities of Restorative Justice” ;  Jo Samanta, “ There's Nothing New in Dying Now: Will Welfare Attorney Decision Making at End of Life Make a Real Difference?” ; Dave Cowan, Caroline Hunter and Hal Pawson, «  Jurisdiction and Scale: Rent Arrears, Social Housing, and Human Rights” ; Roger Brownsword, “Whither the Law and the Law Books? From Prescription to Possibility”

Book Reviews ; Books received.
Vol. 39, Issue 3, September 2012, p. 329-490.

Carolyn Abbot,  “Bridging the Gap – Non-state Actors and the Challenges of Regulating New Technology” ; Gavin W. Anderson ,  “Beyond ‘Constitutionalism Beyond the State'” ; Xin He, “A Tale of Two Chinese Courts: Economic Development and Contract Enforcement” ; Kieran McEvoy and Louise Mallinder, “Amnesties in Transition: Punishment, Restoration, and the Governance of Mercy”.
Review article : Jiří Přibáň, “Constitutionalism as Fear of the Political? A Comparative Analysis of Teubner's Constitutional Fragments and Thornhill's A Sociology of Constitutions”.
Book reviews.
Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law
ISSN : 0732-9113. (Foundation for the Journal of Legal Pluralism C/O Gordon R. Woodman, School of Law, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK ; Tél. (+44) (0)121 414 6313 ; Fax (+44) (0)121-414-3585 ; e-mail : G.R.Woodman@bham.ac.uk ;  sommaires sur le site : HTTP://www.jlp.bham.ac.uk/),).
N° 63/2011.

Special issue : « International development interventions », Guest editor: Helene Maria Kyed.
Helene Maria Kyed, “ Introduction to the Special Issue: International Development Interventions” ; Bruce Baker, “ Justice and Security Architecture in Africa: The Plans, the Bricks, the Purse and the Builder” ; Monique Marks, Jennifer Wood, Julian Azzopardi and Thokozani Xaba, “ Reconfiguring State and Non-State Actors in  the Provision of Safety in (South) Africa:  Implications for Bottom-Up Policing Arrangements and for Donor Funding”; Stephen Lubkemann, Deborah Isser and Peter Chapman, “  Neither State nor Custom – Just Naked Power: The Consequences of Ideals-Oriented Rule of Law  Policy-Making in Liberia” ; Cherry Leonardi, Deborah Isser,  Leben Moro and Martina Santschi, “The Politics of Customary Law Ascertainment in  South Sudan” ; Louise Wiuff Moe, «  Hybrid and ‘Everyday' Political Ordering: Constructing and Contesting Legitimacy in Somaliland” ; Miranda Forsyth, “ Spinning a Conflict Management Web i n Vanuatu:  Creating and Strengthening Links Between State and Non-State Legal Institutions » ; Paul Jackson,  ”Decentralised Power and Traditional Authorities: How Power Determines Access to Justice in Sierra Leone” ;  Anne Griffiths, «  Delivering Justice: The Changing Gendered Dynamics of Land Tenure in  Botswana”.
Law & Social Inquiry
ISSN : 0897-6546 (print). Trimestriel (American Bar Foundation, American Bar Foundation ; diff. Wiley ;  HTTP://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-LSI.html ).

Volume 37, Issue 2,  Spring 2012, p. 229–534.
Issue 2,  Spring 2012 : Gregory Shaffer,  “Transnational Legal Process and State Change” ; Terence C. Halliday, “Architects of the State: International Financial Institutions and the Reconstruction of States in East Asia” ; Heinz Klug, “Access to Medicines and the Transformation of the South African State: Exploring the Interactions of Legal and Policy Changes in Health, Intellectual Property, Trade, and Competition Law in the Context of South Africa's HIV/AIDS Pandemic” ; Maira Machado, “ Similar in Their Differences: Transnational Legal Processes Addressing Money Laundering in Brazil and Argentina” ; Minzee Kim and Elizabeth Heger Boyle, “Neoliberalism, Transnational Education Norms, and Education Spending in the Developing World, 1983–2004” ; Matthew A. Light, “What Does It Mean to Control Migration? Soviet Mobility Policies in Comparative Perspective” ; Deborah James and Evan Killick, “ Empathy and Expertise: Case Workers and Immigration/Asylum Applicants in London” ; Sean Robertson, “Exception to Excess: Tactical Use of the Law by Outgroups in Bias Crime Legislation”.

Review essays.
Volume 37, Issue 3, Summer 2012, p. 535-776.

Stuart Chinn, “Institutional Recalibration and Judicial Delimitation » ; Robert C. Bird and Donald J. Smythe, “ Social Network Analysis and the Diffusion of the Strict Liability Rule for Manufacturing Defects, 1963–87” ; Katya Assaf, “Magical Thinking in Trademark Law” ; Gautham Rao, “Administering Entitlement: Governance, Public Health Care, and the Early American State” ; Sean Farhang, “Legislative-Executive Conflict and Private Statutory Litigation in the United States: Evidence from Labor, Civil Rights, and Environmental Law” ; Jamie Rowen, “Mobilizing Truth: Agenda Setting in a Transnational Social Movement”.
Review essays : Tom Ginsburg, “Courts and New Democracies: Recent Works” ; William E. Scheuerman, “Emergencies, Executive Power, and the Uncertain Future of US Presidential Democracy”.
Law & Society Review
ISSN : 0023-9216. Trimestriel (Law and Society Association, Executive Office, University of Massachusetts, 217 Draper Hall, 40 Campus Center way, Amherst MA 01003-9244, USA. Tél. (413) 545-4617 ; Fax (413) 577-3194 ; e-mail mail  exec_office@lawandsociety.org ; www.lawandsociety.org;
Diffusion : Wiley-Blackwell, HTTP://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=0023-9216 )
June 2012, Volume 46, Issue 2, p.  221–462.
Presidential Address : Laura E. Gómez, “Looking for Race in All the Wrong Places” ; Commentators : Charles Lawrence III, “Listening for Stories in All the Right Places: Narrative and Racial Formation Theory” ; Carol J. Greenhouse, “Looking and Seeing, Meanwhile”.
Articles : Richard Nobles and David Schiff, “Using Systems Theory to Study Legal Pluralism: What Could Be Gained?” ; Pascoe Pleasence and Nigel J. Balmer, “Ignorance in Bliss: Modeling Knowledge of Rights in Marriage and Cohabitation” ; Olivia Salcido and Cecilia Menjívar, “Gendered Paths to Legal Citizenship: The Case of Latin-American Immigrants in Phoenix, Arizona” ; Renisa Mawani, “Specters of Indigeneity in British-Indian Migration, 1914” ; Yuval Feldman and Oren Perez, “Motivating Environmental Action in a Pluralistic Regulatory Environment: An Experimental Study of Framing, Crowding Out, and Institutional Effects in the Context of Recycling Policies”.
September 2012, Volume 46, Issue 3, p. 463-680.

Shauhin A. Talesh, “How Dispute Resolution System Design Matters : an Organizational Analysis of Dispute Resolution Structures and Consumer Lemon Laws” ; Paul Brace, Jeff Yates and Brent D. Boyea, “Judges, Litigants, and the Design of Courts” ; Lisa Vanhala, “Legal Opportunity Structures and the Paradox of Legal Mobilization by the Environmental Movement in the UK” ; Tamar Kricheli-Katz, “Choice,  “Discrimination, and the Motherhood Penalty” ; Meredith Martin Rountree, “I”ll Make Them Shoot Me”: Accounts of Death Row Prisoners Advocating for Execution” ; Gavin Slade, “No Country for Made Men: The Decline of the Mafia in Post-Soviet Georgia”.
Book Reviews–Kathleen E. Hull, Editor.
Social & Legal Studies. An International Journal
ISSN 0964-6639. Trimestriel (Department of Law, Keele University, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK ; Ed. Sage Publications Ltd ; HTTP://sls.sagepub.com)

June 2012; 21 (2).
Special Issue: “Repairing Historical Wrongs” (Guest editors: Gerry Johnstone and Joel Quirk)
Gerry Johnstone and Joel Quirk, “Introduction. Repairing Historical Wrongs ».
Lars Waldorf, « Anticipating the Past: Transitional Justice and Socio-Economic Wrongs” ; Claire Moon, “‘Who'll Pay Reparations on My Soul?'1 Compensation, Social Control and Social Suffering” ; Shogo Suzuki, “Overcoming Past Wrongs Committed by States: Can Non-state Actors Facilitate Reconciliation?” ; Janna Thompson, “Is Political Apology a Sorry Affair?” ;  Daniel Butt, “Repairing Historical Wrongs and the End of Empire” ; John Richard Oldfield, “Repairing Historical Wrongs: Public History and Transatlantic Slavery”.

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