Our conference on 'The concept of "law" in context: comparative law, legal philosophy, and the social sciences' will be held from 21-22 October 2011 at the Swiss Institute of Comparative law (SICL) in Lausanne:The coexistence of the laws of the state and other normative orders, in the Western past and the global present, is a challenge to both modern legal philosophy and comparative law. The continuing importance of non-state norms, trans-national and sub-national, undermines the state-centred focus of much contemporary jurisprudence. It also problematises the neat division of complex and dynamic legal traditions into discrete families of closed legal systems.
For addition information, please contact Lukas Heckendorn Urscheler at or +41 21 692 49 11. A registration form is available at
Finally, note that our project on Legal Philosophy in Context will also be discussed on Friday, 21 October 2011. For additional information, please contact Seán Patrick Donlan at
Additional information will be provided shortly about a meeting of our members.
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