an international, interdisciplinary
conference on comparative law (and more)
3-4 June
2013, Lausanne, Switzerland
Co-Sponsored with
the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law
DEADLINE: 15 January 2013
While any proposal on comparative law will
be considered, the conference's primary theme is diffusion (transplantation, reception, migration, contamination, etc) of
both laws and law-like norms, past and present and around the globe. A critical
element in the creation of all legal and normative traditions, diffusion takes
many forms. It may be overt or covert, voluntary or involuntary, concentrated
or diffuse, colonial or neo-colonial, etc.
Proposals may be case
studies or theoretical analyses of diffusion; they may be general (at the level
of legal traditions) or specific (trusts, family law, etc.). Participants might
analyse, among other topics, entangled legal histories, the diffusion of
Western legal models outside of the West, the dominance and rationale for the
present diffusion of Anglo-American legal forms, the relevance of legal origins
and traditions on contemporary structures, practices, the place of ‘mixed’ and
‘micro’ legal systems, etc.
Scholars from
outside of the discipline of law are strongly encouraged to
Proposals of
@250 words (or @1000 words for panel proposals) should be submitted to Seán
Patrick Donlan at Presenters whose proposals
are accepted will be expected to meet their own registration fees and travel
and accommodation costs.
registration fees:
- €50: Juris Diversitas Members (Full membership 2012 and 2013)
- €100: Juris Diversitas Members (Full membership 2013) or Members of the AiSDC
- €200: Non-Members
In addition to the
significant conference discounts, members will
also receive a free volume from our Book
The optional conference
dinner fee is €50.