About the Group
Juris Diversitas was founded in 2007. We are an international, interdisciplinary community for the study of legal and normative mixtures and movements. Originally comparatists, we have opened up a conversation with anthropologists, geographers, historians, philosophers, sociologists, etc. both within the law and beyond.
We publish a book series and hold general and specialized conferences.
We publish a book series and hold general and specialized conferences.
Juris Diversitas is the name of an association as defined in Article 60 et sequens of the Swiss Civil Code. The Association has its seat at the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law in Lausanne-Dorigny, Switzerland.
About the Blog
Our Blog is a public site dedicated to legal and normative hybridity and diffusion, past and present and around the globe. Those interested in our theme should add their names to our register by emailing us. We also welcome any comments or suggestions.
Our Blog is a public site dedicated to legal and normative hybridity and diffusion, past and present and around the globe. Those interested in our theme should add their names to our register by emailing us. We also welcome any comments or suggestions.
We co-organised, with the Swiss Institute of Comparative law (SICL), a conference in Lausanne in September 2009 on hybrid legal traditions. A selection of articles generated by that event was published as E Cashin-Ritaine, SP Donlan, and M Sychold (eds), Comparative law and hybrid legal traditions (2010).
We co-organised, with the Swiss Institute of Comparative law (SICL), a conference in Lausanne in September 2009 on hybrid legal traditions. A selection of articles generated by that event was published as E Cashin-Ritaine, SP Donlan, and M Sychold (eds), Comparative law and hybrid legal traditions (2010).
We co-organised, with the Department of Civil Law and the Mediterranean Institute, both of the University of Malta, a symposium on 'Mediterranean Legal and Normative Hybridity' in Malta in June 2010. At the symposium, the Mediterranean Hybridity Project was launched; a project roundtable was held in Catania in October 2010. The papers presented in Malta were published in the Journal of Civil Law Studies.
We co-organised, with the Department of Civil Law and the Mediterranean Institute, both of the University of Malta, a symposium on 'Mediterranean Legal and Normative Hybridity' in Malta in June 2010. At the symposium, the Mediterranean Hybridity Project was launched; a project roundtable was held in Catania in October 2010. The papers presented in Malta were published in the Journal of Civil Law Studies.

A conference on The concept of 'law' in context: comparative law, legal philosophy, and the social sciences was co-organised with the SICL and held on 21-22 October 2011. A collection of articles from, or inspired by, the conference--Concepts of law: comparative, jurisprudential, and social science perspectives--was published with Ashgate as part of the Juris Diversitas Book Series.
A colloquium on Doing justice: official and unofficial ‘legalities’ in practice was co-organised with the Centre Jacques-Berque and held in Rabat (Morocco) from 18-19 June 2012. The participants met again in March 2013 and a collection on the conference's themes was published.
A workshop entitled Crossroads East and West: visions of the economy in the Islamic and Western legal traditions was co-organised with The Protection Project and held in Turin (Italy) from 4-5 February 2013. Our first annual conference, Diffusion: an international, interdisciplinary conference, was held in Lausanne at the SICL in June 2013. Proceedings are published in the Juris Diversitas Book Series.
The second annual conference was held in Aix-en-Provence in July 2014. The theme was Comparative Law and... with presentations in English and in French. Proceedings were published in Le droit comparé et... Comparative Law and... (A. Albarian/O. Moréteau eds.), Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille (2016).
The third annual conference was held in Limerick, in June 2015. The theme was The State of/and Comparative Law.
The fourth annual conference was held at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, in May-June 2016. The theme was Unity and/or Diversity, with presentations in English and in French.
A colloquium on Doing justice: official and unofficial ‘legalities’ in practice was co-organised with the Centre Jacques-Berque and held in Rabat (Morocco) from 18-19 June 2012. The participants met again in March 2013 and a collection on the conference's themes was published.
A workshop entitled Crossroads East and West: visions of the economy in the Islamic and Western legal traditions was co-organised with The Protection Project and held in Turin (Italy) from 4-5 February 2013. Our first annual conference, Diffusion: an international, interdisciplinary conference, was held in Lausanne at the SICL in June 2013. Proceedings are published in the Juris Diversitas Book Series.

The third annual conference was held in Limerick, in June 2015. The theme was The State of/and Comparative Law.
The fourth annual conference was held at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, in May-June 2016. The theme was Unity and/or Diversity, with presentations in English and in French.
The fifth general conference was held in Lyon, in July 2017, and hosted by University Jean Moulin and emlyon business school. The theme was Law & Food, La cuisine juridique. Papers are published in two volumes in the Juris Diversitas Book Series (2021).
The sixth general conference was held in Potchefstroom, South Africa, in April 2019, and hosted by the North West University in partnership with the Southern African Society for Legal Historians. The theme was Law, Roots & Space.