Antonio Zuccaro has a Masters Degree from the
University of Catania (with a thesis in comparative private law) He is a PhD
candidate in European Comparative Legal
Studies at the University of Trento (Italy). His main fields of research include
Comparative Constitutional law, BioLaw, Bioethics, and European Union Law and
Citizenship Rights. He is on the Editorial Board of the BioLaw Journal, edited by the University of Trento, and Web Editor
for the PRIN (Program of Research of Relevant National Interest) Jurisdictions and Pluralism and for Trento’s
Laboratorio di Innovazione Istituzionale per l’Autonomia Integrale.
Antonio will serve as the primary
contact person for the Juris Diversitas Blog and Facebook pages. He will also
be working to make both more accessible and participatory. He can be contacted
at Antonio.Zuccaro@unitn.it.