07 December 2012
SHAMELESS SELF-PROMOTION: Donlan, Andò, and Zammit on Malta's Legal Hybridity

JOURNAL: Law and Humanities
The 2012: 2 Law and Humanities is now available online.
Oaths, Credibility and the Legal Process in Early Modern England: Part
Barbara J Shapiro
‘Observe how parts with parts unite / In one harmonious rule of right’:
William Blackstone’s Verses on the Laws of England
Matthew Mauger
Human Rights and Radical Universalism: Aimé Césaire’s and CLR James’s
Representations of the Haitian Revolution
Philip Kaisary
Dickens and the National Interest: On the Representation of Parties in Bleak
Jan-Melissa Schramm
Truth, Law and Forensic Psychiatry in Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood
Svein Atle Skålevåg
ONLINE REVIEW: Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law

An online review by Philip Taylor, a Barrister in the UK, is available here; he's also reviewed it, with Elizabeth Taylor, on Amazon.
ARTICLE: Siems and Mac Sithigh on Mapping Legal Research
Mathias M Siems and Daithi Mac Sithigh’s ‘Mapping legal research’, due for (2012) 71:3 Cambridge Law Journal 651, has been made available on SSRN:

06 December 2012
NOTICE: Free Online Issue of the International & Comparative Law Quarterly
latest issue of International &
Comparative Law Quarterly (ICLQ) is available online - without charge - here.
Claude Chase
Arif Bulkan
Ming-Sung Kuo
Janeen Carruthers
Jean Allain and Robin Hickey
Stephen Bouwhuis
Jamie Trinidad
that the book reviews also include a review article by David Nelken, of Friedman,
Perdomo, and Gomez (eds), Law in Many Societies: A Reader (2011).
additional classics are available here.
VACANCIES: British Institute of International and Comparative Law
The British Institute of International and Comparative Law is advertising vacancies.
These include:
Senior Research Fellow in the Rule of Law and Deputy Director of the Bingham Centre
Research Fellow in the Rule of Law
Visit http://www.biicl.org/vacancies/ for additional vacancies and information.NOTICE: The Centre for Comparative Law in Africa and the Cape Town Resolution
From Africa, for Africa and the World
The Centre for Comparative Law in Africa held its inaugural methodology workshop from 22 to 24 October 2012. Some 40 scholars from various universities in South Africa, Africa, Europe and the United States of America participated in plenary and panel discussions around comparative law in cultural, interdisciplinary and subject context, Western legal traditions and mixed jurisdictions in African comparative legal studies, traditional and informal law in Africa, religious law in Africa and its comparative implications and the role of African comparative legal studies in the development of law in Africa.
The workshop closed with agreement on a Cape Town Resolution:

- to encourage and promote the diffusion of knowledge, study and teaching of comparative law in Africa
- to pursue such diffusion through multi-disciplinary comparative research across African countries considering their legal systems in their diversity and complexity
- to recognise the need for a multi-disciplinary approach since the human and social sciences in comparative legal research, including – but not limited to – linguistics, anthropology, history, sociology, cognitive sciences, economics, political science are critical for comprehensive comparative legal studies
- to encourage diffusion of this initiative both inside and outside Africa, with scholars, public and private institutions, research and academic associations, development projects, international agencies, bodies and the like.
The aim of this initiative
will be to improve knowledge and understanding as values per se, as well as a
prerequisite for application to a number of fields, including governance, law
reform, dispute resolution and capacity building.”
Signatories included: Waheeda Amien,Tom Bennett, Ignazio Castellucci, Jacques du Plessis, Charles Fombad, Marco Guadagni, Rajendra Parsad Gunputh, Nazeem Goolam, Kebreab Habtemichael, Chuma Himonga, John Kabudi, Jimmy Kodo, Timothy Kyepa, Fernando Loureiro Bastos, Claire Moore Dickerson, Salvatore Mancuso, Margaret Munalula, James Odek, Chris Okeke, Ada Ordor, Gianluca Parolin, Christa Rautenbach, Moussa Samb, Sylvester Shikyil, and Mathilda Twomey.
PUBLICATION: van Rhee and Uzelac on Truth and Efficiency in Civil Litigation
Intersentia has just published CH van Rhee and Alan Uzelac (eds), Truth and Efficiency in Civil Litigation: Fundamental Aspects of Fact-finding and Evidence-taking in a Comparative context (2012):
In the pursuit of justice, truth always
plays a prominent role. Few if any legal systems are willing to waive the right
to claim that the results of their legal processes are fair, just and above all
based on the truth. In most legal systems, elaborate rules on the taking of
evidence try to guarantee that an accurate, factual basis is used for the
application of the law. Such rules are the core of most methods of adjudication
and they are the main theme of the present volume, which focuses specifically on
the rules of evidence within the context of efficiency in civil proceedings.
This is not without a reason. Apart from the fact that a link between the
pursuit of truth and efficiency has been emphasised since the time of ancient
Rome, all legal systems must find the right balance between the amount of time
and money invested in the civil trial and the thoroughness of the proof-taking
stage in litigation. Obviously, a system of proof that can produce trustworthy
results is in need of considerable investment of time and resources, but the
amount of time available and resources is not without its limits. If a proper
balance between truth and the necessary time and resources cannot be found, the
whole process of litigation may be endangered.

PUBLICATION: Popelier, Mazmanyan and Vandenbruwaene (eds), The Role of Constitutional Courts in Multilevel Governance
Intersentia has just published Patricia Popelier, Armen Mazmanyan, and Werner Vandenbruwaene
(eds), The Role of Constitutional Courts in Multilevel Governance (2012):

PUBLICATION: Chen and van Rhee on the Chinese Civil Code
Brill has just published Lei Chen and CH (Remco) van Rhee (eds),
Towards a Chinese Civil Code: historical
and comparative perspectives (2012):
Currently, China
is drafting its new Civil Code. Against this background, the Chinese legal
community has shown a growing interest in various legal and legislative ideas
from around the world. Within this context, the present book aims at providing
the necessary historical and comparative legal perspectives. It concentrates on
substantive private law and civil procedure, both in China and in other jurisdictions.
These perspectives are of considerable importance for the present codification
work. Additionally, the book is dedicated to commemorating the centennial of
the first Western-influenced and civil law-oriented Civil
Code of China, the Da Qing Min Lü Cao An of 1911.
The following topics are addressed: property law, contract
law, tort law and civil procedure. The book also contains contributions on
codification experiences in Europe and on the
concept of codification in general. The topics are discussed by leading Chinese
and international scholars. Most of the Chinese contributors have taken part in
preparing the Chinese Draft Civil Code.
05 December 2012
CALL FOR PAPERS: 5th Central and Eastern European Forum forYoung Legal, Political and Social Theorists
The 5th Central and Eastern European Forum for Young Legal, Political and Social Theorists will be held on 3-4 May 2013 at the
University of Griefswald (Germany).
The Forum:
Is a platform for young legal, political and social theorists
who come from, currently study or work in Central and Eastern Europe or have a research
interest in the region. The regional boundaries are understood widely. The
target audiences of the conference are young researchers, especially doctrinal students
and post-docs, without a specific age limit. As in the previous Forums, the
conference will be organised in three concurrent panels and will put its
special emphasis on two major general topics.
For more information, see http://www.cee-forum.org/2013.
NOTICE: Muravyeva and Toivo on Gender in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe
Routledge has just published Marianna Muravyeva and Raisa Maria Toivo (eds), Gender in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe (2012):
This project is an attempt to challenge the canonical gender concept while trying to specify what gender was in the medieval and early modern world. Despite the emphasis on individual, identity and difference that past research claims, much of this history still focuses on hierarchical or dichotomous paring of masculinity and femininity (or male and female). The emphasis on differences has been largely based on the research of such topics as premarital sex, religious deviance, rape and violence; these are topics that were, in the early modern society, criminal or at least easily marginalizing. The central focus of the book is to test, verify and challenge the methodology and use the concept(s) of gender specifically applicable to the period of great change and transition.
The volume contains two theoretical sections supplemented by case-studies of gender through specific practices such as mysticism, witchcraft, crime, and legal behaviour. The first section, "Concepts", analyzes certain useful notions, such as patriarchy and morality. The second section, "Identities", seeks to deepen this analysis into the studies of female identities in various situations, cultures and dimensions and to show the fluidity and flexibility of what is called femininity nowadays. The third part, "Practises", seeks to rethink the bigger narratives through the case-studies coming from Northern Europe to see how conventional ideas of gender did not work in this particular region. The case studies also challenge the established narratives in such well-research historiographies as witchcraft and sexual offences and at the same time suggest new insights for the developing fields of study, such as history of homicide.
The contents include:
NOTICE: Lemke on Polycentricism, self-governance and the case of married women’s rights reform
Jaymes S Lemke's ‘Polycentricism, self-governance and the case of married women’s rights reform’, published in (2011-12) The Annual Proceedings of the Wealth and
Well-Being of Nations: Volume IV, is available on SSRN
Self-enforcing constitutional
constraints provide the means for individuals to discipline government actors.
This paper utilizes the theory of polycentric orders as developed by Vincent
and Elinor Ostrom to analyze jurisdictional competition as one such
self-enforcing constraint. The historical case study of married women’s rights
reform in the 19th century is suggested as an appropriate test case for
evaluating the feasibility of this mechanism as a means of preserving the
self-governing nature of a society. This paper was prepared for the Miller
Upton Forum on the Wealth and Well-Being of Nations at Beloit College.
04 December 2012
NOTICE: Juris Diversitas 2013 Conference (Updated Information)
Co-Sponsored by the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law and Juris
3-4 June 2013
Swiss Institute of Comparative Law
While any proposal on
comparative law will be considered, the conference’s primary theme is diffusion—transplantation, reception, migration, contamination,
both laws and law-like norms, past and present and around the globe. A critical
element in the creation of all legal and normative traditions, diffusion takes
many forms. It may be overt or covert, voluntary or involuntary, concentrated
or diffuse, colonial or neo-colonial, etc.

Scholars from
outside of the discipline of law are strongly
encouraged to participate.
Proposals of @250 words (or @1000 words for panel proposals) should be submitted
to Seán Patrick Donlan at sean.donlan@ul.ie by 15 January 2013.
Proposals will be selected on the
basis of their quality and originality, as well as their engagement with the
conference theme and their fit with other papers being presented at the
conference. The selection will be made by a scientific committee. Presenters
whose proposals are accepted will be expected to meet their own travel and accommodation
Conference registration fee
(excluding optional conference dinner, €50):
€50: Juris Diversitas Members (Full membership 2012 and 2013)
€100: Juris Diversitas Members (Full membership 2013) or Members of the AiSDC
€200: Non-Members
03 December 2012
NOTICE: Bayir on Minorities and Nationalism in Turkish Law

Examining the on-going dilemma of the management of diversity in Turkey from a historical and legal perspective, this book argues that the state’s failure to accommodate ethno-religious diversity is attributable to the founding philosophy of Turkish nationalism and its heavy penetration into the socio-political and legal fibre of the country. It examines the articulation and influence of the founding principle in law and in the higher courts’ jurisprudence in relation to the concepts of nation, citizenship, and minorities. In so doing, it adopts a sceptical approach to the claim that Turkey has a civic nationalist state, not least on the grounds that the legal system is generously littered by references to the Turkish ethnie and to Sunni Islam. Also arguing that the nationalist stance of the Turkish state and legal system has created a legal discourse which is at odds with the justification of minority protection given in international law, this book demonstrates that a reconstruction of the founding philosophy of the state and the legal system is necessary, without which any solution to the dilemmas of managing diversity would be inadequate.
Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, this timely book will interest those engaged in the fields of Middle Eastern, Islamic, Ottoman and Turkish studies, as well as those working on human rights and international law and nationalism.
For additional information, see http://www.ashgate.com/isbn/9781409420071
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