O'Brien Human Rights Fellows in Residence Program
at the McGill Centre for
Human Rights and Legal Pluralism

DURATION & LOCATION: 1 to 6 months in residence at the Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism, McGill Faculty of Law.
As the target group of the program is young professionals to renowned experts, the residency program is aimed at providing flexibility for the Fellow and Centre to determine a mutually convenient time frame for the Fellowship. It is expected that Fellows will spend the entire duration of their fellowship in residence, preferably during the academic terms (September - December and January - April).
FUNDING: The fellowship will cover costs associated with travel and provide a stipend based on the duration of the fellowship and the candidate's profile.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Please email the following documents to chrlp.law@mcgill.ca with the email subject title "Application: O'Brien Human Rights Fellows in Residence program." Electronic applications only.
- A Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- A cover letter elaborating your professional trajectory, specific area of interest in human rights, and reasons or motivations for seeking affiliation with the Centre
- A plan or list of goals for the period spent "in residence" at the Centre. This may include: identification of a mentor(s), a specific project requiring access to academic resources, proposed facilitation of a seminar course, willingness to speak at events related to your work/research experience, or means of engaging with student groups or research bodies at the Faculty and in Montreal generally.
- Two letters of recommendation
DEADLINE: Rolling basis
SELECTION PROCESS: A Selection Committee consisting of members and individuals from CHRLP's partner network will be formed. Candidates will be chosen on a rolling basis. The selection process may include an interview. In identifying potential Fellows, CHRLP may focus on specific priority areas based on the interests and expertise available at the Centre or in the extended network of the Centre.
FELLOWSHIP EXPECTATIONS: Fellows will directly enrich CHRLP's intellectual life and broaden its understanding of pivotal human rights issues. Fellows are expected to take full advantage of the Centre, Faculty and the University's resources and engage with these rich and diverse academic, social, and cultural communities. The visitors are expected to bring new ideas and approaches to the life and work of the Centre. The program expects that Fellows will spend the entire duration of their fellowship in residence, preferably during the academic term. While in residence, Fellows are strongly encouraged to organize and participate in programs and events organized by students, the Centre and the Faculty and may be asked to teach or facilitate a seminar.
FURTHER INFORMATION: Further information about the Centre could be found at: http://www.mcgill.ca/humanrights