- The London the Promised Land Revisited conference in celebration of 15 years of the Centre to be held on 15 May 2010. For registration and further information, contact louise.mead@qmul.ac.uk.
- The launch of Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture at a conference on 1-2 July 2010. The conference explore the points of nexus between migration and culture from theoretical and interdisciplinary angles as well as from artistic and pragmatic ones.
03 April 2010
NOTICE: Centre for the Study of Migration (Queen Mary University)
02 April 2010
NOTICE: Stigall and Picker on Comparative and International Law

NOTICE: SSRN's Indigenous Nations & Peoples Law e-Journal
- The Substantial Burden Mountain: Implications of the United States Supreme Court’s Denial of Certiorari in Navajo Nation v. United States Forest Service- Kristine Pham, affiliation not provided to SSRN
Indigenizing Intellectual Property Law: Customary Law, Legal Pluralism, and the Protection of Indigenous Peoples’ Rights, Identity, and Resources - Danielle M. Conway, University of Hawaii at Manoa - William S. Richardson School of Law, Institute of Asian-Pacific Business Law at William S. Richardson Law School
- Formal and Informal Justice in Palestine: Dealing with the Legacy of Tribal Law - Asem Khalil, Birzeit University, NYU - School of Law
- Legal Subversion of the Criminal Justice Process? Judicial, Prosecutorial and Police Discretion in R. v. Edmondson, Kindrat and Brown - Lucinda Vandervort, University of Saskatchewan
01 April 2010
Asian Journal of Comparative Law
Berkeley Electronic Press announced the following articles recently published in Asian Journal of Comparative Law.
. The Same Difference: Protecting Same-Sex Couples under the Domestic Violence Ordinance (Puja Kapai)
. Schisms in Humanitarianism -- The Khmer Rouge Tribunal's First Hearing (Mahdev Mohan)
The Transformation of Land Law in Indonesia: The Persistence of Pluralism (Daryono)
Book Reviews
. Review of Emergencies and the Limits of Legality (Michael Dowdle)
. Review of Corporate Governance in the 21st Century -- Japan's Gradual Transformation (Colin P. A. Jones)
Featured Article
. Changing Mindsets: How China's Abnormal Sex Ratio Is Turning Its Government into a Champion of Gender Equality (Liang Ying Tan)
The Asian Journal of Comparative Law is a definitive new peer-reviewed journal for Asian perspectives on the law and legal perspectives on Asia. An initiative of the Asian Law Institute, an association of thirteen leading law schools in Asia, the journal's editors and authors come from top institutions across the Asian-Pacific region and South Asia. The journal publishes articles from scholars with intimate knowledge of local practices that offer unique insight into how legal solutions are tailored to local culture and circumstance. Recent topics include Korean corporate governance, the political culture of blogging in Malaysia, and Asian discourses on legal education. One of the few English-language law journals based in Asia, and the only pan-Asian one, Asian Journal of Comparative Law is an invaluable resource for scholars of comparative and international law as well as scholars of Asian area studies.
Source: http://www.bepress.com/asjcl/announce/20100331/
FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS: Mediterranean Symposium (Malta 11-12 June 2010)

Those interested in making a presentation (twenty minutes long) should email me with a short (250 word) proposal. The conference fee is €100; transportation and accommodation are not included.
The symposium is being hosted by the Department of Civil Law of the Faculty of Law and the Mediterranean Institute, both of the University of Malta. It is organised in conjunction with Juris Diversitas.
NOTICE: Legal theory - a comparative study?
NOTICE: SSRN's Law & Culture e-Journal
- Danielle Conway, 'Indigenizing Intellectual Property Law: Customary Law, Legal Pluralism, and the Protection of Indigenous Peoples’ Rights, Identity, and Resources'

Don't forget that you can sign up for automatic updates for this e-Journal. See SSRN for details.
31 March 2010
NOTICE: SSRN's Law, Norms & Informal Orders abstracts
- Catherine Dauvergne and Jenni Millbank, 'Forced Marriage as a Harm in Domestic and International Law'

- Darren Azman,'Don’t Tell Mom I Didn’t Pay My Taxes!: The Efficacy of State Shaming Campaigns on Taxpayer Compliance and Ideas for the Future'
Don't forget that you can sign up for automatic updates for this series. See SSRN for details.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Juris Diversitas Advisory Board
- Marco Guadagni (Emeritus, Trieste)
- Patrick Glenn (McGill)
- Roderick Macdonald (McGill)
- Werner Menski (SOAS, London)
- Esin Örücü (Emeritus, Glasgow)
- Vernon Valentine Palmer (Tulane)
- Rodolfo Sacco (Emeritus, Turin)
- Boaventura de Sousa Santos (Coimbra, Wisconsin, and Warwick)
- William Twining (Emeritus, University College London and Miami)
- Jacques Vanderlinden (Emeritus, Free University of Brussels and Moncton)
Sunde and Skodvin on the Rendezvous of European Legal Cultures

This book also has a third aim: To be fun and provide thought-provoking reading. Enjoy!
Posted by Dirk Heirbaut on 30 March 2010
29 March 2010
CONFERENCE: Independence and Decolonization
Inspired by the upcoming bicentenary of Mexican independence, this conference will bring together scholars traveling from Europe, the U.S. and Canada, and Africa for this three-day meeting to critically reevaluate the varied ends to empire and colonialism around the globe.
The following link has the program and a link to the free registration: http://www.utexas.edu/cola/insts/historicalstudies/conferences/listing.php.
Sponsored by the Institute for Historical Studies and the Department of History at The University of Texas at Austin
Organizers: Professors Susan Deans-Smith, Mark Metzler, and Ben Brower, Department of History