12 April 2024




Human rights are avowedly universal but must be translated by local activists to make sense in specific contexts, a process Sally Engle Merry called vernacularization. Human rights progress is conventionally measured through global quantitative indicators which give the illusion of control and comparability, but radically oversimplify social and political processes. How can we avoid “the seductions of quantification” and understand how human rights are materialized, appropriated, and implemented in everyday social justice activism? In her decades-long research on human rights, Sally Engle Merry brought to light the complex social dynamics in which human rights are embedded and demonstrated how their presentation as single, universal, and immutable elides their flexibility and many strengths.

To celebrate a new book in her honour, The Complexity of Human Rights: From Vernacularization to Quantification, leading human rights scholars come together to discuss how the concepts Merry pioneered help us to understand current human rights challenges and crises.

Where: Online with Allegra Lab

Who: Philip Alston, Julie Billaud, Jane Cowan, Meg Davis, Mark Goodale, César Rodriguez-Garavito, Jack Snyder, Richard Wilson with Sridhar Venkatapuram as discussant.

When: 16 May, 4 PM (CEST), 3 PM (UK), 11 AM (EDT)

Registration link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwoc-CqpjMqH9QTdKLQnjb25Ax6w3mFCUZJ

Call for Papers Spring 2014: A Symposium on Transnational Criminal Law


Transnational Legal Theory

Call for Papers Spring 2014: A Symposium on Transnational Criminal Law

Transnational Legal Theory (http://www.hartjournals.co.uk/tlt/) publishes high-quality theoretical scholarship that addresses transnational dimensions of law and legal dimensions of transnational fields, regulatory regimes and evolving normative-institutional arenas.


The journal is currently accepting submissions for a special symposium issue that addresses the potential and substance of Transnational Criminal Law (TCL), an evolving and still largely under-explored field of law. TCL is at the intersection of domestic, international and comparative criminal law and reaches deep into contemporary debates over conceptions of crime and illegality, social values and regulatory politics.


Submissions to the symposium may approach the topic from any number of angles, including (but not limited to):

  • Theory and Definition
    • What is transnational criminal law?
    • What are the implications or added value of transnational criminal law to domestic criminal law?
  • Actors and Participants
    • Who benefits from regimes of transnational criminal law? Who is disadvantaged?
    • Who has agency to define and shape transnational criminal law?
    • How does culture inform the development or acceptance of transnational criminal law?
  • Existing and Emerging Regulatory Regimes
    • What issues arise related to legitimacy of such regimes?
    • What problems would arise in the application of transnationalized criminal law with regards to, for example, effectiveness or enforcement?
    • What trends are emerging in the politics of criminalization/decriminalization?
  • Outlook and Prospects
    • How do we address and resolve such issues?
    • What will transnational criminal law regimes change over the next few years? Over the next decade?


We are inviting abstracts and/or full paper submissions for anonymous peer review. Abstracts outlining the direction of the planned submission are invited by Monday 17 February 2014 and final papers are due by Monday 28 April 2014. Abstracts and/or submissions as well as any inquiries should be directed to tlteditorial@hartpub.co.uk or PZumbansen@osgoode.yorku.ca.


The Principle of Personification. Visual Intelligence and Epistemic Tradition, 1300-1800"

 The Principle of Personification. Visual Intelligence and Epistemic Tradition, 1300-1800"

Dr. Cornelia Logemann

Hardly any imaging technique was more successful in the early modern period than personification. Allegorical interpretive contexts, which were largely made up of these embodiments, dominated the arts - and it was not uncommon for the extensive and increasingly complex image programs to begin to oscillate ambivalently for the viewer.

While there was already a new interest in this central cultural technique in the late Middle Ages, the principle of 'personification' received further impetus from the 'rediscovery' and connection with mythological elements from the late 14th and 15th centuries.

All over Europe people celebrated the return of the ancient gods, who, now removed from their context, embodied primarily abstract properties and principles for the contemporary observer.

Walter Benjamin already described the discrepancy between the 'disembodied projection' of the Middle Ages and the physical figures of gods that the Renaissance rediscovered for its purposes - and the success of this new form of representation seems to be explained not least by this tension.

The aim of the junior research group is to demonstrate from various disciplinary perspectives the forms and functions of this central cultural technique in the crucial early phase from the late Middle Ages to the 18th century, which must be considered fundamental for the reconstruction of the modern understanding of images.

Trading Diasporas in the Eastern Mediterranean (1250-1450)


Trading Diasporas in the Eastern Mediterranean (1250-1450)

 Dr. phil. des. Georg Christ

The research group ‘Trading Diasporas’ analyses how trading diasporas such as Venetian, Jewish, Greek or Persian communities, shaped the cultural boundaries in the late medieval Eastern Mediterranean.

Trading diasporas stood at the intersection of Mediterranean civilisations and were shaped by transcultural trade contacts as much as by “cultural” antagonisms. They acted as vanguards of their entities in foreign lands and thus mediated between “cultures” by constantly redrawing linguistic, legal, and economic borders.

The research group studies tensions within and between different diasporic groups and their “host” societies. We are interested in how these diasporas positioned themselves between their homeland and their host environment in the context of religious warfare and the concepts of jihad and crusade. To what extent was their internal organisation shaped by transcultural exchange and cultural antagonisms? Did they develop into parallel societies or did the merge with their host culture?  Ultimately, our research and public events are intended to contribute to a better understanding of historic and modern societies between transcultural integration and antagonistic conception of ‘cultures’. 

12 March 2024

Juris Diversitas 9th General Conference: Call for Papers Prolonged

In case you missed the deadline, submissions for the 9th General Conference to be held in Macau, 24-25 octobre, 2024, will be accepted until 14 April 2024.

La date limite de réponse à l'appel à communications pour le 9e Congrès général de Juris Diversitas, Macau, 24 et 25 octobre2024, a été repoussée au 14 avril 2024. 

‘Convivencia’: Com-paring Legal Scenarios of a Life Together in Harmony

In a seemingly dystopian present or era of post-truth, can the various dichotomous conceptions of law based on dualistic reasoning still be maintained? Or, are we no longer able to maintain the narrative of a normative universe by constantly creating and maintaining ‘a world of right and wrong, of lawful and unlawful, of valid and void’, as Robert M. Cover wrote?

In view of the apparent contradictions caused by a growing number of complex cross-cutting, cross-boundary and cross-cultural phenomena, such as artificial intelligence, climate change or zoonotic diseases, the time may have come again to rethink and transcend the dualisms that guided human thinking for a long time creating wide gaps between not only law and law, but also between law and other scientific areas?

Juris Diversitas invites abstracts for papers that seek to not only identify different legal problems by contrasting their underlying causes but also by ‘com-paring’ them in the spirit of ‘convivencia or Iiving together in harmony and in a way respectful of difference’. Conviviencia is a term the late comparatist H. Patrick Glenn applied to explain ‘com-paring’ by describing it as ‘an enduring process of peaceful co-existence (in spite of difference in spite of potential conflict), in a way which ensures not uniformity but ongoing diversity’. While this call for papers is as open as it can be in a spirit of conviviencia, we welcome proposals that apply a new legal logic aiming to break free from the ironclad shackles limiting the imaginative and creative power of the legal mind.


Panel proposals and interdisciplinary presentations are strongly encouraged, as is the participation of doctoral students and scholars from outside of the discipline of law. While parallel sessions featuring three presentations of twenty-minute each will be the pattern, more creative arrangements are encouraged.

Proposals should be in English or French. Proposals of circa 250 words (or 1000 words for panel proposals with three or more speakers) should be submitted to Professors Salvatore Mancuso (smancuso63@yahoo.it) and Christa Rautenbach (Christa.Rautenbach@nwu.ac.za) by 15 January 2024, with a short biography paragraph listing major or relevant publications. Make this a single Word document with minimal formatting, so that proposal and biography can be copied easily into the conference program.

Registration Fees:

€200 or €125 for Juris Diversitas members who paid their 2024 dues. Special rate for young scholars under the age of thirty and scholars in developing nations: €150 or €75 for Juris Diversitas members who paid their 2024 dues. Note that fees do not cover travel, accommodation, or the conference dinner (€50).

A reduction of €25 will be applied to the fees for registration before 30 April 2024.

Dates & Venue:

24-25 October 2024

University of Macau

Faculty of Law/Department of Global Legal Studies

Avenida da Universidade E32

999078 Taipa, Macao (China)

« Convivencia » : comparaison des scénarios juridiques du vivre ensemble en harmonie

Dans un présent apparemment dystopique ou une ère de post-vérité, les diverses conceptions dichotomiques du droit fondées sur un raisonnement dualiste peuvent-elles encore être maintenues ? Ne sommes-nous plus capables de maintenir le récit d’un univers normatif en créant et en entretenant « un monde de bien et de mal, de licite et d’illicite, de valide et de nul », comme l’écrivait Robert M. Cover ?

Face aux contradictions apparentes causées par un nombre croissant de phénomènes transversaux, transfrontaliers et transculturels complexes, tels que l’intelligence artificielle, le changement climatique ou les maladies zoonotiques, le moment est peut-être venu de repenser et de transcender les dualismes qui ont longtemps guidé la pensée humaine, créant de grands écarts non seulement entre le droit et le droit, mais aussi entre le droit et les autres domaines scientifiques ?

Juris Diversitas fait appel à des contributions qui cherchent non seulement à identifier différents problèmes juridiques en contrastant leurs causes sous-jacentes, mais également en les « comparant » dans l’esprit de « convivencia ou vivre ensemble en harmonie et dans le respect de la différence ». Conviviencia est un terme que le regretté comparatiste H. Patrick Glenn a utilisé pour expliquer la « comparaison » en la décrivant comme « un processus durable de coexistence pacifique (en dépit des différences et des conflits potentiels), d'une manière qui garantit non pas l’uniformité mais une diversité dynamique ». Bien que cet appel à communications soit aussi ouvert que possible dans un esprit de convivialité, nous accueillons favorablement les propositions qui appliquent une nouvelle logique juridique visant à se libérer des chaînes qui limitent le pouvoir imaginatif et créatif de l’esprit juridique.

Communications :

Les propositions de tables rondes et présentations interdisciplinaires sont encouragées, de même que la participation de doctorants et d’universitaires non-juristes. En plus des sessions parallèles avec trois orateurs parlant chacun vingt minutes, les organisateurs invitent à une organisation plus originale.

Les propositions, en anglais ou en français, de 250 mots environ (ou 1.000 pour une table ronde de trois présentateurs ou plus) sont à adresser aux Pr Salvatore Mancuso (smancuso63@yahoo.it et Pr Christa Rautenbach (Christa.Rautenbach@nwu.ac.za) avant le 15 janvier 2024 avec une brève notice biographique donnant la liste des principales publications. Merci de composer la proposition et la notice biographique dans un seul document Word, avec le minimum de mise en forme, pour faciliter la composition du programme.

Droits d’inscription :

€200 ou €125 pour les membres de Juris Diversitas à jour de leur cotisation pour 2024. Tarif spécial pour jeune universitaire de moins de 30 ans et pour universitaire venant d’un pays en développement : €150 ou €75 pour les membres de Juris Diversitas à jour de leur cotisation pour 2024. Les droits ne couvrent pas les frais de voyage et de logement, ni le banquet du congrès (€50).

Une réduction de €25 sera appliquée sur les droits en cas d'inscription avant le 30 avril 2024.

Dates & lieu :

24-25 Octobre 2024 

University of Macau

Faculty of Law/Department of Global Legal Studies

Avenida da Universidade E32

999078 Taipa, Macao (China)

08 March 2024

“Law and Behold: Reveries of the Connected World” - 17th Annual McGill Graduate Law Conference, May 9-10, 2024

 17 th Annual McGill Graduate Law Conference 


The Graduate Law Students Association (GLSA) of McGill University’s Faculty of Law is pleased to announce the 17th Annual McGill Graduate Law Conference, to be held on May 9-10, 2024, in Montréal Québec, Canada. 

The theme of the 2024 McGill Graduate Law Conference focuses on how technologies and increasing social interconnectedness influence and shape the world and legal systems. The central question we ask is: how does technology interact with the law? 

We welcome submissions in English and French from current master’s and doctoral students, recent graduates, and early-career academics specializing in law and related disciplines. The conference is intended to build community among graduate students from different institutions and to provide participants with a stimulating environment to discuss their work and an opportunity to learn and develop the skills necessary to communicate and animate their research. For information about previous years’ conferences, see https://www.mcgill.ca/agcl/previous-conferences. 

Conference Theme: “Law and Behold: Reveries of the Connected World” 




a state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream 

(See https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/reverie#:~:text=%2F%CB%88rev%C9%99ri%2F- ,%2F%CB%88rev%C9%99ri%2F,reverie%20as%20the%20door%20opened )

We have chosen the conference theme based on the documentary bearing a similar name. The documentary uses the phrase “reveries of the connected world” to focus on the widespread consumption of new technologies like the internet which have an existential impact on our lives, societies, and culture – and, as we invite you to think about, on our legal systems. The omnipresence of technologies may create a state of paranoia for some, while some others may raise concerns around its risks and questions of ethical responsibilities. Still others may extol it for its ability to provide access to resources, foster greater inclusivity, satiate scientific curiosity, and improve cost and time efficiencies, making lives easier and better. These competing voices often look to the law for an answer. However, law itself remains caught up in a quandary when it comes to its relation with science and technology. On one hand, increasing interconnectedness and dependence on technology in the digital age require legal frameworks to develop and adjust to evolving social norms. At the same time, developments in science and technology continue to influence our understanding of the objects of legal inquiry and legal concepts and to question the assumptions that legal systems work with by building in the perspectives of different communities. On the other hand, legal frameworks and processes are enmeshed with the production and advancement of scientific knowledge and technological tools. 

Against this background, some questions that arise under this year’s theme include: How do developments in science and technology shape the lifeworlds and social norms which form the foundation for different sets of laws? When the law crosses paths with changing social norms around technology, how does it react? And what influence does it have? How has social interconnectedness impacted the law? And how does the law, in turn, impact social interconnectedness? We welcome submissions inspired by these questions as well as those that interpret this year’s theme differently. We particularly invite new theoretical, practical and/or interdisciplinary perspectives. 

The General Conference 

The General Conference provides a platform for legal scholars to engage in discussions on current legal topics and share different perspectives. In previous years, the General Conference has provided opportunities for graduate students to present their research and receive feedback as well as interact with their peers and engage in the graduate community. Continuing this tradition, we invite abstracts for the General Conference on the theme of Law and Behold: Reveries of the Connected World. 

Submissions to the General Conference are open to master’s students, doctoral students, recent graduates, and early career academics. For submission details, please see below. 

Dean Maxwell and Isle Cohen Doctoral Seminar Series in International Law 

The General Conference will be held in collaboration with the Dean Maxwell and Isle Cohen Doctoral Seminar Series in International Law, which is held in honor of the late Maxwell Cohen and his wife Isle. As Dean of McGill University’s Faculty of Law (from 1964 to 1969), Maxwell Cohen was pivotal in establishing McGill as an institution at the forefront of legal education in Canada. He remains renowned for his international law scholarship. 

The Dean Maxwell and Isle Cohen Doctoral Seminar Series presents an opportunity exclusively for doctoral students to present their research. 

Submissions must relate the conference theme to international law. Doctoral students who present at the Seminar Series have the chance to participate in a unique forum which celebrates the pursuit of international law research. Please note that a monetary prize will be awarded to the doctoral student who gives the best presentation. 

The Seminar will take the form of a half-day panel discussion on international law topics inspired by the conference theme, led by up to eight doctoral students: up to four authors of papers, and four discussants. The papers will be circulated to the discussants and the attendees of the seminar in advance. Each discussant will commence the discussion of each paper, to which the author will have an opportunity to respond, before opening up to the rest of the panel for a general discussion. 

 Please indicate in your submission whether you would like to be considered for this Seminar, as a paper presenter or a discussant. You may make an application to be a discussant notwithstanding whether you also apply to present a paper during the rest of the conference. 

 Submission Details 

 To apply, please send an email to gradlawconference.law@mcgill.ca with subject line “2024 GradLawConference – [Your Name]” by 22 February 2024 which includes: 

 o the title of the work; 

 o a 300-word (maximum) abstract; 

 o up to 5 keywords; 

 o your name, full institutional affiliation, and contact information. 

 If you wish to apply only to be a discussant during the Dean Maxwell and Isle Cohen Doctoral Seminar: 

 o your name, full institutional affiliation, and contact information; 

 o the areas and/or questions of research which you would feel comfortable discussing. 

 If your paper relates to any aspect of sustainability, please consider highlighting that in the abstract. Though not a criterion for evaluation or selection at the conference, we would be happy to provide a platform for research and meaningful conversations that connect sustainability with the conference theme. 

Selected participants will be notified by March 2024. 

Travel & Accommodation 

Due to limited funds, we are unable to accommodate all requests for travel support from accepted participants. Please contact the organizing committee with any further questions. 

Enquiries and Information 

 For all enquiries, please contact the organizing committee at: gradlawconference.law@mcgill.ca. All relevant information about the conference can be found on the conference website, which will be updated regularly: http://www.mcgill.ca/agcl/

From the University to the Grand Chamber: How can Academic Work on Asylum and Immigration have greater Impact in the European Court of Human Rights?

 Call for Papers: 'From the University to the Grand Chamber: How can Academic Work on Asylum and Immigration have greater Impact in the European Court of Human Rights?

The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) plays a major role in shaping access to protection in Europe for refugees and other migrants, and the content of that protection.

The jurisprudence of the ECtHR on asylum and immigration has long been analysed (and critiqued) by legal academics, some of whom inhabit the dual role of academic and practitioner and who have brought their research before the Court, for example as counsel or through third party interventions. Yet, relatively little is known about how practitioners (such as lawyers, judges and Registry staff) engage with academic work and how legal academic work can develop practical impact in the ECtHR’s courtrooms.

This workshop aims to bring together legal academics working on the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) with practitioners who have worked at, or engaged with, the ECtHR to discuss how practitioners use academic work, how academics and practitioners can work more closely together, and how academic work can have real impact in the ECtHR’s courtrooms.

To do so, we particularly encourage the following types of contributions:

  • Contributions from academics who wish to present work (in progress) which could have a practical impact on the protection of asylum seekers and other migrants under the ECHR, in particular on topics such as access to territory and asylum procedures; search and rescue at sea; immigration detention; protection from removal and transfers (to the country of origin or ‘safe’ third countries); economic and social rights, child and family rights; and human trafficking;
  • Contributions from academics who conduct empirical work on whether and why practitioners use academic work – at the ECtHR and other courts;
  • Contributions from practitioners (broadly conceived, including those working at NGOs/charities) who have worked at / litigated in the ECtHR and who want to speak to how and why they have used legal academic work in this context, what type of legal academic work would be useful and how practitioners and academics can work more closely together

Confirmed speakers:

Judge Emeritus Françoise Tulkens: Dr Françoise Tulkens has been a judge at the European Court of Human Rights, Section President and Vice-President of the Court. She also holds a doctorate in Law and was a professor at the University of Louvain.

Sue Willman (Deighton Pierce Glynn Solicitors): Sue established DPG’s public law and human rights team and has represented the applicant in JN v The United Kingdom before the ECtHR. She also works at King’s Legal Clinic, Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College as a lecturer and supervising solicitor.

Abstract submission:

Interested researchers and practitioners are invited to send abstracts in word document format (250 words max) to maja.grundler@rhul.ac.uk by 30 January 2024. Please include your name, position and institution (if applicable). Accepted applicants will be informed by 20 February 2024.

Practicalities and funding:

The workshop will take place on 9 May 2024 at Royal Holloway, University of London in Egham, Surrey. Catering will be provided. The workshop is funded by an SLSA Impact Grant

DCU Law Research Centre Webinar: Regulating AI: Ireland, UK and the EU

 DCU Law Research Centre Webinar: 

Regulating AI: Ireland, UK and the EU

14 March 2024

12:00 - 13:00 Dublin Time

Live on Zoom

Introduction and Greetings - Prof. Federico Fabbrini (Director of the Law Research Centre & DCU Brexit Institute) 

Ireland and AI - Colin Rooney, Partner at Arthur Cox 

UK and AI - Dr. Edina Harbinja, Reader at Aston University, Birmingham 

EU and AI - Prof. Lilian Mitrou, Professor of Law at the University oof Law at the University of the Aegean, Greece 

Conclusion and launch of 'Data Protection and Digital Sovereignty Post-Brexit' (Hart 2023)

Dr. Edoardo Celeste, Assoc. Prof. of Law, Technology and Innovation and Chair of the European Master in Law, Data and AI

2024 Comparative Animal Law Postgraduate Workshop

2024 Comparative Animal Law Postgraduate Workshop

2nd Annual Workshop: June 20 - 21, 2024

June 20-21, 2024 is the 2nd Annual Comparative Animal Law Postgraduate Workshop! The Workshop will be free and open to the public and will operate virtually and simultaneously on Pacific Time, UK, and European clocks. Each day will begin with an opening keynote from a distinguished scholar in animal law. The keynote presentation will be followed by general discussion. The remainder of the Workshop will feature up to 8 presentations by LLM, MSL, PhD candidates and post-doctoral research fellows. Each presentation will benefit from constructive recommendations by experts in animal law and comparative law.

This Workshop pursues various aims:

  • to promote innovative research on animal law from a comparative perspective;
  • to provide postgraduate students with an opportunity to discuss their current research on comparative animal law with their peers and a team of experts; and
  • to allow for the creation of networks between young researchers from a wide range of cultural backgrounds having an interest in comparative animal law.

Postgraduate students who want to present their research at the Workshop must submit an abstract by March 31, 2024. See our Call for Abstracts link for details on submission requirements.

Inquiries can be addressed to cals@lclark.edu.


The Workshop is seeking submissions from current LLM, MSL, PhD candidates, and post-doctoral research fellows from around the world working in the field of comparative animal law broadly understood. Up to 8 selected participants will benefit from the opportunity to present their work at our 2nd Annual Postgraduate Workshop on Comparative Animal Law on June 20-21, 2024; as well as have their work peer-reviewed for potential publication in the Journal of Comparative Law (JCL)*.

Students who want to present their research at the Workshop must complete this application by March 31, 2024. Within the application candidates are required to submit an abstract of no more than 250 words and a biographical note of no more than 250 words. Candidates are also asked to explain how their work features a comparative dimension.

Participants are invited to reflect on a variety of topics pertaining to comparative animal law such as:

  • histories of animals in law;
  • the constitutionalization of animal rights;
  • tensions between animal rights and local cultures;
  • interpretation and translation issues in animal law;
  • epistemological and methodological aspects of animal law research;
  • the economics and politics of animal law;
  • the transferability of legal rules related to animals;
  • conflicts between animal rights and human rights;
  • intersections between animal law and environmental law;
  • the inadequacies of regional and international animal rights protection regimes;
  • the challenges of global animal law;
  • the future of comparative animal law.

This list is not exhaustive, and other topics regarding comparative animal law are also welcome.

Candidates selected to present will be advised by April 15, 2024 and will be given the opportunity to submit a longer summary of their work of no more than 750 words by June 1, 2024; which will then be circulated to the discussants joining the Workshop.

*For participants who so choose, the work presented at the workshop will enjoy the opportunity of having their work peer-reviewed for potential publication in the Journal of Comparative Animal Law. Students will be provided with more detailed information about the publication process at the workshop.

Inquiries can be addressed to cals@lclark.edu.

29 February 2024

Undecidabilities and Law


The Coimbra Journal for Legal Studies 


VOLUME V (2025) 



Anne Wagner 

Centre de Recherche Droits et Perspectives du droit (ULR 4487), équipe René Demogue Lille University 


Sarah Marusek

Department of Political Science 

 University of Hawai’i Hilo 


Our Special Issue delves into the intricate and dynamic nature of legal systems, contrasting concepts of linear progression with those of the perpetual pendulum in law. This exploration integrates the rhizomatic theory of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, proposed in 1987, which suggests a non-linear, network-like framework for understanding legal changes. It challenges conventional views of law as a hierarchy, instead presenting it as a complex web of interconnections where various factors, including political, cultural, economic, and social energies, interact in unpredictable ways. This approach acknowledges the multifaceted nature of legal evolution, encompassing both steady, predictable developments and cyclical, reactionary shifts. 

This exploration extends to consider the non-hierarchical, network-like nature of legal evolution. This theory challenges traditional, tree-like conceptions of knowledge and organization by proposing a model where any point can connect to any other, without having a central or primary node. Applying this to legal evolution offers a more complex and interconnected view of how law changes and adapts, recognizing the multiplicity of influences and pathways of development. 

Topics for Submission:

1. Rhizomatic Perspectives in Legal Evolution: Exploration of Deleuze and Guattari’s rhizome theory in the context of legal systems, examining how law evolves in a non-linear, network-like fashion, creating multiple entry and exit points for legal changes and influences. 

2. Law-Making in a Networked Society: Analyzing how the concept of the rhizome influences the development of law-making tools and their societal impacts, emphasizing the interconnected and often unpredictable nature of legal evolution. 

3. Interplay of Linear and Rhizomatic Legal Interpretations: Investigating the balance between linear progression and rhizomatic complexity in legal interpretation, focusing on how these approaches impact the adaptability and responsiveness of legal systems to societal changes. 

4. Polarization and Connectivity in Legal Concepts: Analyzing the dual nature of law as both polarized (perpetual pendulum) and interconnected (rhizomatic), exploring how these contrasting dynamics influence legal theory and practice. 

5. Legal Systems Amidst Global Crises: Discussing the rhizomatic responses of legal systems to global crises, such as pandemics or climate change, and how these events disrupt linear progressions, necessitating a more networked, adaptable approach to legal reform. 

These themes aim to enrich our understanding of legal evolution by highlighting the interplay between linear and cyclical dynamics, and introducing the complexity and interconnectedness of the rhizomatic approach. This perspective acknowledges the multi-dimensional nature of legal change, influenced by a myriad of societal, cultural, and technological factors. 

Submission Guidelines: 

Contributors are invited to delve into the multifaceted dynamics of legal evolution as framed in “Rhizomatic Law: Understanding the Linearity and Pendulum of Legal Evolution”. Submissions should focus on the intricate interplay of factors influencing the oscillation between linear progression and the cyclical shifts of the perpetual pendulum in legal systems. We welcome theoretical and empirical contributions that shed light on these dynamics. Interdisciplinary approaches, integrating insights from legal studies, philosophy, sociology, and other relevant fields, are especially encouraged. This call for papers aims to create a comprehensive platform for discussing and understanding the complex, network-like nature of legal change and adaptation, guided by the rhizomatic perspective. 

Submission of Abstracts (of 300 words) should be addressed to Anne Wagner (valwagnerfr@yahoo.com) and Sahra Marusek (marusek@hawaii.edu) until 30 June 2024. After selection, final papers should be submitted directly to the platform (https://impactumjournals.uc.pt/undecidabilitiesandlaw) by 31 January 2025, always indicating the Journal’s volume to which they correspond. 

 Rules for submission: 


07 February 2024

Connecting Legislators and Researchers, Leads to Policies Based on Scientific Evidence


Connecting Legislators and Researchers, Leads to Policies Based on Scientific Evidence

Scott, T.

"... Researchers want the results of their studies to have an impact in the real world. Policymakers want to make effective policies that serve the people. The public wants to benefit from tax-funded research.

But there’s a disconnect between the world of science and the world of policy decision-making that keeps information from flowing freely between them. There are hundreds of evidence-based programs that receive minimal public investment despite their promise to curb social ills and save taxpayer dollars."

Technologies quantiques et transformations du droit – Premières pistes de réflexion

'Technologies quantiques et transformations du droit – Premières pistes de réflexion'

Maurel, R

"... Les technologies quantiques ont véritablement fait leur apparition en 2023 dans la loi française, en matière militaire (A). Pourtant, l’Union européenne s’intéresse depuis 2016 au moins à ce thème, de sorte que la France aurait certainement pu légiférer plus en amont voire être un moteur des initiatives européennes, ce qu’elle n’a pas été. Surtout, l’Union est porteuse d’une démarche davantage axée sur la création d’infrastructures de communications quantiques à usage non militaire (B).".

La vie du pluralisme juridique


La vie du pluralisme juridique

Otis, G.; Leclair, J., Thériault, S.

Ce livre propose une étude comparative de la gestion du pluralisme juridique. Les auteurs décrivent et analysent la manière dont les acteurs des systèmes juridiques étatiques et non étatiques appréhendent le pluralisme juridique  – défini comme la coexistence de systèmes juridiques étatiques et non étatiques sur un même territoire, pour une même matière et une même population. L’ouvrage met en lumière les procédés de gestion déployés par les systèmes juridiques étatiques et non étatiques en Afrique, au Canada, en Europe centrale et dans le Pacifique Sud, ainsi que les multiples facteurs paramétrant l’action des opérateurs des systèmes et des individus dans un environnement juridique plural. Il s’intéresse également aux effets des stratégies et des processus de gestion sur les systèmes, sur leurs opérateurs, et sur les individus.

L’ouvrage jette un nouvel éclairage – pratique et analytique – sur le pluralisme juridique appliqué, un domaine de recherche et de pratique professionnelle en plein essor. S’appuyant sur des données empiriques originales recueillies dans plusieurs pays par une équipe multilingue et pluridisciplinaire, il brosse un tableau méticuleux du faisceau complexe d’enchevêtrements normatifs engendrés par les pratiques étatiques et non étatiques dans un contexte marqué par la coexistence de plusieurs ordres juridiques. L’approche non prescriptive des auteurs leur a également permis de révéler et de re-mettre en question les postulats de certains décideurs politiques, universitaires et experts du développe-ment concernant la nature et les con-séquences du pluralisme juridique.

Cet ouvrage intéressera les universitaires et les praticiens dans les disciplines du droit, des études de développement, des sciences politiques et des sciences sociales.

Les auteurs

Ghislain OTIS : membre du Barreau du Québec, PhD (Université de Cambridge), membre de l’Académie des sciences sociales de la Société royale du Canada. Professeur à la section de droit civil de l’Université d’Ottawa, titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du Canada sur la diversité juridique et les peuples autochtones (niveau 1).

Jean LECLAIR : LL. B. Montréal 1985 ; LL. M. Montréal 1990 (récipiendaire de la bourse Duff-Rinfret). Membre du Barreau du Québec depuis 1987. Auxiliaire juridique auprès d’un juge de la Cour fédérale, division d’appel, 1986-1988. Professeur depuis 1991 à la faculté de droit de l’Université de Montréal ; professeur titulaire depuis 2002.

Sophie THÉRIAULT : professeure titulaire et vice-doyenne aux études à la Faculté de droit (Section droit civil) de l’Université d’Ottawa. Elle est aussi membre du Barreau du Québec et de la Global Young Academy.

Private Law Theory - New entries February 6th and 7th 2024


Private Law Theory - New entries February 6th and 7th 2024:

James Chang, ‘The Psychologists are Coming! On Neuroscience and Psychology’s Role in Affecting Our View on Moral and Legal Culpability’

Camilla Alexandra Hrdy, ‘Keeping ChatGPT Secret While Selling It Too

Safira De La Salac and Rachelle Alterman, ‘Land, Property and Urban Rights

Alexis Alvarez-Nakagawa, ‘A Critical Introduction to Non-Human Rights

Risky Speech Systems: Tort Liability For AI-Generated Illegal Speech

  • Jane Bambauer, ‘Negligent AI Speech: Some Thoughts about Duty’, 3 Journal of Free Speech Law 344 (2023); 
  • Nina Brown, ‘Bots Behaving Badly: A Products Liability Approach to Chatbot-Generated Defamation’, 3 Journal of Free Speech Law 389 (2023).

Growing AI litigation risk requires business response

Julien Jacob and Caroline Orset, ‘Innovation, information, lobby and tort law under uncertainty

Dicey + 100

David Hemous and others, ‘Trade, Innovation and Optimal Patent Protection

Genevieve Heng, Martin Husovec and Jorge Contreras, ‘Patentomania: The Cost of Embedding Patents in Social Policies

"AI in the Courtroom: Navigating the Maze of Ethics and Law in the Age of Artificial Intelligence"


On February 13, there will be a webinar about "AI in the Courtroom: Navigating the Maze of Ethics and Law in the Age of Artificial Intelligence".

The speakers will be Dota Szymborska (Poland) and Leopoldo Cruz Balbuena (Mexico). They have both studied in Oñati, both hold a PhD in Philosophy and Law, and both have a scientific interest in artificial intelligence. Professor Karina Ansolabehere has invited them to share some thoughts with the current students in Oñati.

More information: https://www.iisj.net/en/ai-courtroom-navigating-maze-ethics-and-law-age-artificial-intelligence

If you want to attend this talk, please  complete this form: https://www.iisj.net/en/octalkai-courtroom-navigating-maze-ethics-and-law-age-artificial-intelligence

11 January 2024

Civil Disobedience and its Limits - 2024/01/15

 Civil Disobedience and its Limits


Lecture by Tatjana Hörnle 

(Max-Planck-Institut zur Erforschung von Kriminalität, Sicherheit und Recht, Freiburg i. Br.)

Also via Zoom. Please register in advance: office@normativeorders.net

A standard assumption of research is that trust and conflict stand in opposition and exclude one another. The ConTrust Speaker Series questions that assumption and inquires into the dynamics of trust and conflict in various contexts of social life. Can trust arise in, manifest itself and be stabilized in conflicts rather than apart from them? What are the conditions for that?

For further information: Click here…

Unveiling Equality: The Transformative Role of the Parliament in Recognising Same-Sex Marriages in India


Svrivastava, H., Chaturvedi, S.

Marriage as a social institution is significant in recognising the rights of the people who enter into a lawful civil union. The institution must adapt itself to changing times to ensure the growth of society is not stagnant due to age-old constructs. 

The Supreme Court by a majority verdict in Supriyo v. Union of India ruled against the constitutional validity of same-sex marriages. The judgement comes as a major blow to the expectations of the queer community, from one of the most anticipated judgements of the year. They will now have to wait for the Parliament to decide on the conferment of marital rights to the queer community. 

In this piece, the authors emphasise the transformative role of the Parliament and argue that the Government of India has a constitutional obligation to grant legal status to same-sex marriages with significant changes in the socio-legal fabric of the nation.