A conference on Law and Religion in the 21st Century will be held on Friday, 23 September from 9:30-18:30. The conference is chaired by Prof. dr. H.S. Taekema and will be held at Huub Bals Zaal, Hotel New York, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Attendance is free, but places are limited. If you wish to attend, you should register by e-mail with Wouter de Been: debeen@law.eur.nl:
In recent years the separation of church and state has become a topical issue once more. With the arrival of sizable groups of immigrants for whom religion remains an integral part of their identity and the emergence of new forms of transcendence and spirituality, religion is back in the public square. In his recent work Habermas even speaks of the rise of a post-secular society, a society that needs to adjust to the enduring presence of religion even under conditions of continuing modernization.
This renewed vitality of religion, in turn, has elicited a vehement defense of the separation of church and state from defenders of secularism. The separation of church and state, they believe, is an historical achievement of the Enlightenment that should not be sold out to accommodate Muslim immigrants, evangelicals, or new age religionists.
This renewed vitality of religion, in turn, has elicited a vehement defense of the separation of church and state from defenders of secularism. The separation of church and state, they believe, is an historical achievement of the Enlightenment that should not be sold out to accommodate Muslim immigrants, evangelicals, or new age religionists.