A one-day conference on ‘Colonies and Postcolonies of law’ will be held at Princeton University on 18 March 2011.
Presenters include:
• Patrick Peel, The American Justice of the Peace, Legal Populism and Social Intermediation: 1645 to 1860

• Paul Swanepoel, Judicial Choice during the Mau Mau Rebellion in Kenya, 1952-1960
• Anna Leah Fidelis T. Castañeda, Civilizing the Filipino Public: Colonialism and the American Constitutional Tradition in the Philippine Islands, 1900-1935
• Joseph Younger, “Monstrous and Illegal Proceedings:” Law, Violence and the Local Politics of Cross-Border Property in Alegrete, Brazil (1852-1864)
• Catherine Evans, One flew east, one flew west: Medical jurisprudence and British readings of the Indian criminal mind, 1850-1900
• Poornima Padipati, Time Zones: Anthropology, Tribes and Contractual Space in Colonial India
• Julia Stephens, Defining a Lex Loci for British India: Sovereignty, Evangelicalism, and the Origins of Personal Law
• Nada Moumtaz, What of the “interest of the waqf?” French mandate legislation and articulations of the Lebanese public good
• Sarah Ghabrial, Le ‘Fiqh francisé’?: Law reform and the Modern Muslim Family in Algeria, 1890-1918
• Omar Cheta, What Did Commerce Mean in Late Ottoman Egypt?
• Doreen Lustig, Abolition of Slavery in the League of Nations: The Case of Firestone in Liberia
• Michael Fakhri, The 1937 International Sugar Agreement: Neo-Colonial Cuba And Economic Aspects Of the League Of Nations
The conference’s plenary speech will be by Lauren Benton on ‘Justice by Despots: Patterns of Imperial Legal Politics’
The conference has been organized by Nurfadzilah Yahaya (
nyahaya@princeton.edu) and Rohit De (
rohitde@princeton.edu). Questions should be addressed to