02 May 2013
JOURNAL: European Law Journal

CONFERENCE: Journal of Private International Law
Building on the very successful Journal
of Private International Law conferences in Aberdeen (2005), Birmingham
(2007), New York (2009), and Milan (2011), the 5th Journal of Private
International Law conference will take place in Madrid on Thursday
12th September - Friday 13th September 2013.
The organization of the Conference
is shared by the Law Faculties of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) and
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM).
For all
the information about the conference please visit here.
To book your place and
for all enquiries please e-mail: Jpil.2013.Madrid@gmail.com
OPPORTUNITY: Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellowship, 2013-2015

The USC Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration (CSII) and
the USC Department of Sociology announce a two-year
post-doctoral Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship, beginning
Fall 2013. The fellowship focuses on immigrant populations and the
potential impact and/or need for Comprehensive Immigration reform (CIR)
for the 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 academic years. While we would prefer a
post-doctoral teaching fellow looking at the populations likely to benefit from
CIR in order to help us build a research project looking at the
longitudinal effects, we would also be open to candidates who would study
the politics of change. We would prefer an interdisciplinary researcher
who could utilize and teach mixed methods approaches (i.e., both
quantitative and qualitative) to Sociology graduates and undergraduates in
his/her teaching role. The fellow will teach one course each semester
at USC and is expected to conduct research with CSII.
The fellowship will offer a competitive salary, a yearly
$2,000 research allowance, and fringe benefits. The fellow must have
completed all requirements for the Ph.D. by mid-August, 2013.
Review of applications will commence on May 03, 2013, with a decision expected approximately May 17, 2013.
Review of applications will commence on May 03, 2013, with a decision expected approximately May 17, 2013.
OPPORTUNITY: Law and Society - Assistant or Associate Professor

Law and Society Program at the Brantford campus of Wilfrid Laurier University
invites applications for a tenure-stream appointment at the rank of
Assistant or Associate Professor, subject to budgetary approval, starting
July 1, 2013. Applicants must have a completed PhD in law and society,
socio-legal studies, sociology, or a cognate discipline that critically
examines the relationships between legal forms and social phenomena.
The preferred candidate will have a strong research record, as evidenced by publications in peer-reviewed sources, and a demonstrated record of excellence in teaching. The research and teaching interests of the preferred candidate will address the intersectionality of law and society with an emphasis on surveillance, security and social movements, regulation and governance, or social justice. Preference will be given to candidates with proven and / or promise of leadership skills and who would be able to take on the role and responsibilities of a Program Coordinator at hiring or soon after. The teaching workload norm at the University is four one-term courses. Program Coordinators are granted an appropriate course release and/or administrative stipend as outlined in the Full-Time Collective Agreement (http://www.wlufa.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/FT-CA-2011-July-31-2012_2-Final.pdf).
The preferred candidate will have a strong research record, as evidenced by publications in peer-reviewed sources, and a demonstrated record of excellence in teaching. The research and teaching interests of the preferred candidate will address the intersectionality of law and society with an emphasis on surveillance, security and social movements, regulation and governance, or social justice. Preference will be given to candidates with proven and / or promise of leadership skills and who would be able to take on the role and responsibilities of a Program Coordinator at hiring or soon after. The teaching workload norm at the University is four one-term courses. Program Coordinators are granted an appropriate course release and/or administrative stipend as outlined in the Full-Time Collective Agreement (http://www.wlufa.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/FT-CA-2011-July-31-2012_2-Final.pdf).
OPPORTUNITY: Associate Professor in Criminal Law

Associate Professor in Criminal Law
The University of Luxembourg is a multilingual, international research University. The Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance of the University of Luxembourg has an opening for 1 Associate Professor in Criminal Law (M/F) Ref: F2-080002 (to be mentioned in all correspondence).
MISSION: The responsibilities contain the education at the levels BA, MA and doctorate, the research and the management of research projects and the tutoring of students in the various levels.
- Ph.D in Criminal Law, since at least 3 years.
- Significant postdoctoral research in the fields of European Criminal Law, comparison of criminal justice systems or criminal law theory.
- Preference will be given to candidates with relevant publications in economic and financial criminal law and who can demonstrate a strong interdisciplinary orientation with research in criminology, legal philosophy or economic analysis of criminal law.
- Large experience of teaching also within an international context. The candidate will be ready to become acquainted to foreign criminal justice systems, namely to Luxembourg's Criminal Law.
- The candidate should speak at least two of the three languages of the University: English, French and German.
29 April 2013
SEMINAR: Legal Pluralism in Family Law

Expert Seminar
Legal Pluralism in Family Law
on Wednesday 22 May 2013 – 13.30 – 16.00 – A.202
Participation free of charge – RSVP at familierecht@ua.ac.be
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