07 March 2014
06 March 2014
CONFERENCE: Oxford Lawyers Without Borders Annual Conference on "The Rule of Law and International Development"
Oxford Lawyers Without Borders has announced Annual Conference on
"The Rule of Law and International Development" next Saturday 8th March at T S Eliot Theatre, Merton College.
Early Bird Tickets: £7 (conference only - Sponsored by
Linklaters), £27 (conference and dinner - Sponsored by DLA Piper).
Oxford Lawyers Without Borders is delighted to extend
an invitation to upcoming annual conference. After a successful inaugural
conference last year, we seek to continue building a legacy of thought
provoking, inspiring conversations about international law with some of the
world's foremost practitioners and advocates in the field. This year, we will
be hosting a human rights colloquium unlike any seen in Oxford before.
Already announced:
- A keynote address on the "Rule of Law and Innovation" from leading law and development practitioner Monjurul Kabir, UNDP's Rule of Law, Human Rights and Justice Adviser and Team Leader for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States
- A panel discussion on "Does a International Rule of Law Exist?" (in Development) with leading lawyers and development practitioners from Transparency International, Advocates for International Development, Namati and the IBA Human Rights Institute
- An "innovation competition", in which six student teams from universities across the UK will be presenting prospective, plausible one-year projects geared towards implementing and improving the rule of law in developing countries.
- Creative workshops to help you better understand the rule of law and implementing legal innovation
- A "Pro Bono in the City" Fair with representatives from several major firms including Linklaters, Gibson Dunn, and DLA Piper
- A dinner for delegates, which will allow for ample opportunities to interact with invited speakers, law firm representatives, and fellow law students.
If you are interested in finding out more, please see website http://oxlwob.wordpress.com/
Please also follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/OxLWOB<htt
And on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
CALL FOR PAPERS: Procedural Fairness in International Courts and Tribunals
The Surrey International Law Centre of the School of
Law of the University of Surrey with the support of the Institute of Advanced
Studies, the McCoubrey Centre of the University of Hull and the British
Institute of International and Comparative Law ('BIICL') will host a two-day
workshop on the identification of core standards of procedural fairness before
international courts and tribunals 19 - 20 September 2014. A topical and timely subject for study, the
question of procedural fairness entails the identification of fundamental
principles inherent to the judicial and arbitral processes. Whilst the
manifestation of such core standards of fairness will necessarily diverge
according to the particular forum, the workshop aims to identify their essence
with reference to the procedural issues arising in practice.
The aim of this workshop is to bring academics and
practitioners together to initiate ground-breaking research into this novel
topic. The workshop employs a comparative approach whereby participants will
analyse the procedures and practices of various international courts and
tribunals. It aims to identify patterns of commonality and divergence in the
core standards of procedural fairness of international courts and to develop a
holistic understanding of the nature of procedural fairness and the challenges
to its realisation in the international judicial system.
Proposals are invited on topics relating to the
aforementioned themes in addition to specific aspects of international judicial
procedure. In addition, the workshop welcomes contributions on the theoretical
question of the implications that fairness in international procedural law may
have for general international law, such as its systemic traits, the
'humanisation' of international procedure and the responsibility of
international courts and tribunals for failure to meet standards of fairness.
This call is directed to academics at all career
stages who wish to bring fresh perspectives to the workshop with established
scholars and practitioners.
Submissions: Interested parties should submit an
abstract of maximum 500 words by the 1st of April 2014 at:http://ocs.som.surrey.ac.uk/index.php/SILC/SILC2014. Speakers will be informed of
acceptance by the 1st of May, 2014 and will be expected to submit a paper by
the 1st of August, 2014. Participants will be expected to pay a fee and to
cover their travel and accommodation, details of which will be announced in due
05 March 2014
CONFERENCE UPDATE: The Juris Diversitas Conference Proposal Deadline Has Been Extended
17 July (evening) to 19 July 2014/17 juillet (soir) au 19 juillet 2014
Faculty of Law and Political Science/Faculté de droit et de science politique
Aix-Marseille University/Aix-Marseille Université - Aix-en-Provence, France
Inherently interdisciplinary, the conference’s primary focus will be comparative law’s links to a wide variety of other disciplines and themes (e.g., anthropology, economics, feminism, history, the humanities, legal education, legal philosophy, literature, politics …). Proposals may be theoretical analyses or case studies on the past or present, North or South, East or West …
Le congrès sera interdisciplinaire et explorera les liens entre le droit comparé et toute branche, discipline ou thématique des sciences humaines et sociales (anthropologie, économie, féminisme, histoire, éducation juridique, philosophie, littérature, science politique etc.). Les propositions peuvent prendre la forme d’approches théoriques ou pratiques, portant sur le passé ou le présent, le Nord ou le Sud, l’Orient ou l’Occident…
Proposals may be in either English or in French. Any proposal on comparative law will be considered. Panel proposals are strongly encouraged, as is the participation of doctoral students and scholars from outside of the discipline of law. Proposals of circa 250 words (or 1000 words for panel proposals) should be submitted to Olivier Moréteau at moreteau@lsu.edu by 28 February 2014. Please attach a short biography or resume.
Toute proposition portant sur le droit comparé, en anglais ou en français, sera considérée. Les offres de table ronde sont bienvenues, de même que la participation de doctorants et d’universitaires non juristes. Les propositions de 250 mots environ (ou 1000 mots pour une proposition de table ronde) sont à envoyer à Olivier Moréteau (moreteau@lsu.edu) avant le 28 février 2014. Merci de joindre une biographie ou un bref CV.
Registration fees are €200 (€125 for Juris Diversitas members paid up for 2014). Membership information and information on fee payment is available on the Juris Diversitas Blog (http://jurisdiversitas.blogspot.ie/). Note that registration fees don’t cover travel, accommodation, or the conference dinner (€50).
Les droits d’inscription sont de €200 (€125 pour les membres de Juris Diversitas à jour de leur cotisation pour 2014). Les informations pratiques sont disponibles sur http://jurisdiversitas.blogspot.ie/. Les droits ne couvrent pas les frais de voyage et de logement, ni le banquet du congrès (€50).
03 March 2014
OPPORTUNITY: PhD Top Up Scholarship - Law Reform and Development in Plural Legal Regimes
PhD Top Up Scholarship - Law Reform and Development in Plural Legal Regimes
Job No: 3018561
Area: TC Beirne School of Law
Salary (FTE): Research Scholar BAND
Work type: Full Time - Scholar
Location: St Lucia
TC Beirne School of Law
Generous PhD Top Up Scholarship: A PhD candidate is being sought to research the issues raised by legal pluralism. The project is supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Partnership Project: ‘The State and Indigenous Legal Cultures: Law in Search of Legitimacy’. A top-up scholarship is offered to students who successfully secure a fully funded national or international scholarship and are enrolled through the TC Beirne School of Law to do a PhD.
The TC Beirne School of Law is one of the largest Schools of this type in Australia with 34 full-time academic staff who are widely published internationally and have extensive research backgrounds. It is a vibrant, multidisciplinary School with extensive teaching and research programs. The School has a strong international research profile with active Research Centres across its fields of expertise.
Job No: 3018561
Area: TC Beirne School of Law
Salary (FTE): Research Scholar BAND
Work type: Full Time - Scholar
Location: St Lucia
TC Beirne School of Law
Generous PhD Top Up Scholarship: A PhD candidate is being sought to research the issues raised by legal pluralism. The project is supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Partnership Project: ‘The State and Indigenous Legal Cultures: Law in Search of Legitimacy’. A top-up scholarship is offered to students who successfully secure a fully funded national or international scholarship and are enrolled through the TC Beirne School of Law to do a PhD.
The TC Beirne School of Law is one of the largest Schools of this type in Australia with 34 full-time academic staff who are widely published internationally and have extensive research backgrounds. It is a vibrant, multidisciplinary School with extensive teaching and research programs. The School has a strong international research profile with active Research Centres across its fields of expertise.
02 March 2014
ARTICLE: Prof. Basedow on "Exclusive Choice-of-Court Agreements as a Derogation from Imperative Norms"
By an exclusive choice-of-court agreement the parties to a contract may avoid the imperative provisions of a country whose courts would have jurisdiction in the absence of such an agreement. A comparative survey shows that the reactions of the deselected courts differ considerably in European countries. While some courts accept their deselection, others invoke the overriding mandatory character of the provisions they would have enforced in order to disregard the choice-of-court agreement. The article discusses the proper approach under the recast version of the Brussels I Regulation, under other emerging international rules and under national law. It distinguishes the deselection of a forum from the deselection of a national law and advocates the recognition of forum selection clauses even where they lead the non-application of mandatory laws of the deselected forum.
Prof Jürgen Basedow :
Director of Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law
To download this paper, please click here.
JOURNAL: Trade, Law and Development
It is a great pleasure to inform you of the publication of the latest issue of Trade, Law and Development (Vol. 5, No.1) [TL&D]. This issue is a Special Issue on India & The World Economic Order and deals with a wide range of topics, from investment treaties of India to its pharmaceutical policies . The issue and its contents can be accessed online on our website here
The Contents of this Special Issue are as follows:
I. Editorials
A Bittersweet Celebration
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Shashank P Kumar, Meghana Sharafudeen, Yogesh Pai
First Generation Indian External Sector Reforms In Context
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Raj Bhala
CONFERENCE: Juris Diversitas Conference (Aix - 17-19 July 2014)
If you're planning on being with us at the Juris Diversitas Conference in Aix, let us know on our Facebook Event Page.
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