14 March 2013
BOOKS: Elgar on Comparative and International Criminal Law

Mike McConville and Eva Pils (eds), Comparative Perspectives On Criminal Justice In China
Perspectives on Criminal Justice in China
is an anthology of chapters on the contemporary criminal justice system in
mainland China, bringing
together the work of recognised scholars from China and around the world.
book addresses issues at various stages of the criminal justice process
(investigation and prosecution of crime and criminal trial) as well as problems
pertaining to criminal defence and to parallel systems of punishment. All of
the contributions discuss the criminal justice system in the context of China’s legal
reforms. Several of the contributions urge the conclusion that the criminal
process and related processes remain marred by overwhelming powers of the
police and Party-State, and a chapter discussing China’s 2012 revision of its
Criminal Procedure Law argues that the revision is unlikely to bring
significant improvement.
diverse comparative study will appeal to academics in Chinese law, society and
politics, members of the human rights NGO and diplomatic communities as well as
legal professionals interested in China.
Carter and Fausto Pocar (eds), International
Criminal Procedure: The
Interface of Civil Law and Common Law Legal Systems
emergence of international criminal courts, beginning with the International
Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and including the
International Criminal Court, has also brought an evolving international
criminal procedure. In this book, the authors examine selected issues that
reflect a blending of, or choice between, civil law and common law models of
procedure. The topics include background on civil law and common law legal
systems; plea bargaining; witness proofing; written and oral evidence;
self-representation and the use of assigned, standby, and amicus counsel; the
role of victims; and the right to appeal.
Criminal Procedure will appeal to academics, students, researchers, lawyers and
judges working in the field of international criminal law.
JOURNAL/BOOKS: Intersentia

Sisay Alemahu
Yeshanew, The Justiciability of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the African Regional Human Rights System
judicial and quasi-judicial enforceability of economic, social and cultural
(ESC) rights has long been disputed based on some flawed characterizations of
the rights and concerns about the role of adjudication in addressing issues of
socio-economic development. Underscoring the generally poor socio-economic
conditions in most African states, this book argues that the justiciability of
ESC rights in the African regional human rights system plays a subsidiary role
in ensuring social justice and the accountability of public authorities in the
states of the continent. It marries theory and practice relating to the
normative, institutional and procedural aspects of the justiciability of ESC
rights in exploring the actual and potential relevance of the African human
rights system to the amelioration of impoverishment, disease, illiteracy,
homelessness, starvation, marginalization and other related problems that may
be framed in terms of violations of ESC rights.
Gijsbert ter Kuile, Of Bills and Rights: Human rights proofing legislation - Comparing the United Kingdom and The Netherlands
CONFERENCE: Empires and Nations from the 18th to the 20th Century
I just discovered this conference. SPD

The topics of the meeting are related to Empires and Nations from the 18th
to the 20th century.
Papers presented to the conference will cover
a wide range of matters such as, among others, the creation of Nation States in
Modern Europe, the great Multinational empires (Hapsburg, Russian and Ottoman
Empires), the rise and decline of colonial empires (Spain, France, Great
Britain), the movements for national independence and self-determination in the
Nineteenth century (the Italian Risorgimento
and the struggle for independence of Eastern European States), the collapse of
multinational empires after World War I, the interwar and WWII period and the
rise of Fascist and Nazi “Empires”, the post war emergence of ideological
“Empires” and the division of Europe during the Cold War, post-ideological and
theoretical concepts of Empire in the late twentieth century.
The Conference also invites proposals devoted
to comparative perspectives on nationalism-related issues, as well as
theoretical approaches on the concept of empires and nations that need not be
framed to any particular geographic region.
The conference welcomes a multidisciplinary
approach inviting scholars from other
disciplines such as political science, history, anthropology, sociology,
international studies, security studies, geopolitics, area studies, economics,
geography, sociolinguistics, literature, psychology, and related fields.
The Conference encourages the submission of single papers, addressing
the above mentioned issues based on a chronological framework. Any submission must
be framed within one of the five following chronological arches with the relevant
1) Modern age: the first crisis of multinational empires and the
emergence of nation States (keywords: Westphalian Europe, sovereignty, 1648,
balance of powers),
2) 18th century: the rise of European colonial empires
(keywords suggested: geographical explorations, colonization, colonialism, trade,
non-European world, Orientalism);
3) 19th century: from Modern States to Nation States: (keywords suggested:
national minorities, identity, citizenship, revolutions, national cultures);
4) Early 20th century: the post-war rise of an International
Society (keywords suggested: nationalism, War , Wilsonianism, socialism, totalitarian
5) Late 20th century: the Cold War and the ideological
empires. (keywords suggested: communism, democracy, ideology, soft power,
12 March 2013
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS (EXTENDED): Islamic Family Law in Modern Europe And The Muslim World
The deadline for the conference Islamic
Family Law in Modern Europe And The Muslim World. Normative, Legal and Empirical
Analyses Beyond The Women’s Rights Issue has been extended.
conference will take place in Nijmegen, from 19-21 June 2013. Keynote speakers
will be prof. Lynn Welchman, dr. Ziba Mir-Hosseini and dr. Prakash Shah.
Abstracts (max. 300 words)can be submitted to CMRCongress@jur.ru.nl Before March
There will be limited grant possibilities
for early career researchers from low and lower-middle income economies (as
classified by the World Bank). If you would like to qualify for one of the
grants, please mention this when submitting your abstract.
Further information can be found at http://www.ru.nl/rechten/cmr/nieuws/nieuws/@877893/conference-islamic/
CONFERENCE: Postwar Decolonisation and Its Impact on Europe

University of Exeter, United Kingdom, 2-3 December 2013
The unravelling of European empires was foundational to the making of the modern world. An old imperial order was swept away, and a new age of nation states rapidly replaced it. Whilst decolonisation played a fundamental role in the shaping of postwar world, its repercussions for Europe itself, in a host of political, social and cultural spheres, are still relatively little examined. Its impact outside Europe's so-called 'western core' has attracted even less attention.
This conference will examine how the global dynamics of decolonisation impacted upon different parts of the continent. To this end, we would like to encourage papers from a diverse range of countries and political areas within Cold War Europe, and, where possible, comparative (and even collaborative) proposals that explore impacts across national or regional boundaries. In doing so, we seek to explore the diversity of the continent's responses to decolonisation, as well as shared experiences across eastern, southern and western Europe.
Proposals are welcomed on the following themes.
1. How did decolonisation impact on cultural, political or economic debates about Europe's role in the world and how Europeans thought collectively about themselves and their futures? In what ways did elites re-imagine a role for Europe after the end of empire, whether of the capitalist or state socialist variety?
2. What were the impacts of decolonisation on different national identities in Europe?
3. How did decolonisation impact on the relationship between blocs in a divided Europe?
4. How did decolonisation reshape ideas of race, immigration and citizenship?
5. What impact did decolonisation have on the domestic political sphere - how did political parties, labour and social movements respond to the end of empire?
6. How did decolonisation shape ideas about extra-European 'interventions', whether in terms of development, aid, or humanitarian, peace-keeping or military assistance? How did decolonisation reshape debates about human or social rights?
The organisers are open to suggestions for other panels relevant to the theme. We welcome papers that deal with major transnational and national debates, alongside those which focus on case studies. Some funding is available for the conference, but speakers are also encouraged to look to their universities or other funders to help support their participation. The conference is organised by the University of Exeter, with the assistance of the Imre Kertész Kolleg, Jena and the Centre for Area Studies, Leipzig.
Proposals should be sent to James Mark - j.a.mark@ex.ac.uk - by 5 May 2013.
This conference will followed by an event hosted by the Imre Kertész Kolleg, Jena and the Centre for Area Studies, Leipzig, in March/ April 2014, focusing on the interaction between eastern Europe and the 'global South' during and after the Cold War.
CONFERENCE: Multilingual Legal Education
Registration – No Charge, but required
To register,
go to www.wcl.american.edu/secle/registration. For further information, contact
Office of Special Events & Continuing Legal Education,
202.274.4075 or secle@wcl.american.edu
Wednesday, April 10, 2013 ~ 9AM-5PM
American University Washington College of Law
4801 Massachusetts
Avenue, N.W. ~ Room 603
conference will bring together law school faculty, staff, and language
specialists to discuss
best to prepare U.S.
law students for the multilingual practice of law. The one-day gathering
involve panel discussions and
working groups. Specific
topics for discussion include:
- Best practices for non-English-language instruction, including language-for-lawyers courses, hybrid courses, experiential learning opportunities, and summer and overseas programs.
- Models for promoting this instruction more systematically within law schools, through comprehensive programs and the development of teaching materials.
- Pedagogical objectives that underlie instruction in other languages.
- The forces – both within and outside of the academy – that are driving efforts to integrate non-English-language instruction into law school curricula.
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