18 July 2013

JOURNAL - SPECIAL ISSUE: No Foundations on Judging Democracy, Democratic Judgment

A special issue of (2013) 10 No Foundations: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Law and Justice [NoFo], on 'Judging Democracy, Democratic Judgment', is out. 

It includes:


Judging Democracy in the 21st Century: Crisis or Transformation?
Alessandro Ferrara

Political Judgment for an Agonistic Democracy
Albena Azmanova

Neoliberal Politics of the ‘Market’
Sakari Hänninen

The Politics of Public Things: Neoliberalism and the Routine of Privatization
Bonnie Honig

The Democracy in Courts: Jeremy Bentham, 'Publicity', and the Privatization of Process in the Twenty-First Century
Judith Resnik

‘The Greatest Enemy of Authority’—Arendt, Honig and the Authority of Post-Apartheid Jurisprudence
Jaco Barnard-Naudé


Desmond Manderson: Kangaroo Courts and the Rule of Law. The Legacy of Modernism. Routledge, Abingdon 2012.
Luis Gómez Romero

François Ost: Shakespeare. La Comédie de la Loi. Michalon, Paris 2012.

No Foundations is currently accepting general submissions and book reviews for (June 2014) 11 NoFo. Please include an abstract of no more than 200 words with your submission.

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