Readers interested in our work on legal and normative hybridity, including our conference in Malta (2010) and subsequent collection on the subject, might be interested in the
The Mediterranean Institute at the University of Malta and the Institute of Mediterranean Studies of Busan University announce a conference on “Secularization, Mysticism and Religious Hybridities in the Mediterranean” to be held in Malta 7- 9 February 2013.

The aim of this International Conference is to bring leading international experts from diverse humanistic and social sciences to discuss both the historical and the contemporary aspects of religion in the Mediterranean. The theme of Secularization, Mysticism and Hybridities will be explored through the continuous interplay and/or influence that exists between Religion and Society in Mediterranean Cultures.
The conference organisers invite academics and other experts who would like to act as panel convenors to submit proposals for panels for consideration by the organizing committee. Panels should be composed of 3-5 contributors with each contribution not exceeding 30 minutes in length. Panel convenors should identify the topic and the contributors and will be responsible for the organization of the panels. Furthermore, the panel convenors will be invited to act as reviewers in the call for contributions from individual academics and researchers who would like to participate in this conference.
The panels will discuss themes ranging from Inter-religious Dialogue and Extremism (Fundamentalism), Pilgrimages and Places of Worship, Secularization versus Religious Hybridities, Mysticism and Popular Religion, Conflict and Gender Identities within Religions
The panels will be expected to focus on specific aspects since the subjects per se are vast.
More often than not, contemporary dialogue forgets the origins of secularism, which comes from the dichotomy or differences within religion itself; separating the priest (secular) from the religious (monk and/or friar). This form of separation has taken the word secularism to a further extreme, meaning the separation between the lay and the religious. Religious is here understood as meaning both secular and regular clergy as well as all type of believers. By mysticism we understand popular religion, pilgrimages, while hybridities comprise places of worship, gender and conflict.
Those who are interested in acting as panel convenors are invited to fill in the online proposal form by not later than 31 August 2012.
For queries regarding the academic programme contact:
Dr Simon Mercieca
Director Mediterranean Institute
University of Malta
Msida MSD 2080
Tel: (00356) 2340 2097, (00356) 2340 2985
Conference Website:
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