Juris Diversitas has, with the Swiss Institute of Comparative law (SICL), organised a conference on The concept of 'law' in context: comparative law, legal philosophy, and the social sciences to be held from 21-22 October 2011 at the Institute in Lausanne, Switzerland.

In addition to the 'interventions' of Werner Menski (SOAS) and William Twining (UCL and Miami), many others will participate:
Marc Amstutz (Fribourg), Gerhard Anders (Edinburgh), Mauro Bussani (Trento), Seán Patrick Donlan (Limerick), Baudouin Dupret (CNRS) Julia Ekert (Berne), Lukas Heckendorn Urscheler, (SICL), Alessio Lo Giudice (Catania), Emmanuel Melissaris (LSE), Alexander Morawa (Lucerne), David Nelken (Cardiff and Macerata), and Mark van Hoeke (Catholic University Brussels).
The conference themes are explained as:

Our project on Legal Philosophy in Context will also be discussed and a volume will be published based on papers delivered at the conference.
In addition, the collection from Juris Diversitas' previous conference with the SICL in 2009—Comparative law and hybrid legal traditions—is now available for free online at http://www.e-collection.isdc.ch/ (it's volume 67).
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