The Society is looking for an editorial team or individual editor who can build on the success
of both the present and past editors. The editors are ex officio members of the Society’s Council and Executive Committee and are appointed for five years.
The current editors, Professors Imelda Maher, Blanaid Clarke, Fiona de Londras and Colin Scott have indicated their wish to stand down by September 2016, allowing a handover period to ensure a smooth transition so the new editor or editorial team can take responsibility for the first issue of 2017.
The journal is in a healthy position: competition for space in the journal is intense, with a large number of high quality submissions, and it has one of the biggest print-runs of UK academic law journals. The Society is also well served by its current publishers, Wiley-Blackwell. It now has an International Advisory Board and submissions and reviews are managed via ‘ScholarOne’.
Individuals, pairs or teams of individuals who wish to be considered for the editorship of Legal Studies should submit applications which include the following:
(1) A “mission statement” setting out the following:
(a) the proposed editorial policy for the journal;
(b) any proposed changes to the journal’s format;
(c) a brief description of how the administration of the journal would be dealt with and, where there would be a team editorial board, how the responsibilities would be divided.
Statements should be limited to 2,000 words.
(2) A summary CV (max 2 sides of A4) for each individual who is proposed to have an editorial role, which should provide details of previous editorial experience.
(3) The name, address and full contact details of either the individual applicant or a nominated individual contact where two or more individuals are applying together.
Applications should be sent by email to the Honorary Secretary, Professor Richard Taylor (RDTaylor@uclan.ac.uk) to arrive by 31 December 2015. The Society's Executive Committee is expected to appoint a sub-committee to consider applications. That sub-committee may decide to invite shortlisted applicants for interview in February or March 2016.
Professor Imelda Maher would be happy to respond to enquiries to the current Editors. She can be contacted at imelda.maher@ucd.ie
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