56th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association - Mobility, Migration and Flows
November 21-24, 2013, Marriott Baltimore Waterfront Hotel
- Jamie Monson, Professor of History, Macalaster College
- Dianna Shandy, Professor of Anthropology, Macalester College
ABOUT THE MEETING: We are soliciting proposals for papers, panels, and roundtables. Presentations may focus on the theme of "Mobility, Migration and Flows" or on broader social science, humanities, and applied themes relating to Africa. We strongly encourage the submission of formed panels.
PAPER SUBMISSIONS/MEMBERSHIP: Please see the call for papers, submit a proposal or become a member/renew your membership from the ASA website at: http://www.africanstudies.org
ABOUT THE AFRICAN STUDIES ASSOCIATION: Established in 1957, the African Studies Association is the largest organization in the world devoted to enhancing the exchange of information about Africa. Our members include scholars, students, teachers, activists, development professionals, policy makers, donors and many others. We encourage interdisciplinary interactions with Africa. We provide access to path breaking research and key debates in African studies. We bring together people with scholarly and other interests in Africa through our annual meeting and seek to broaden professional opportunities in the field of African studies. The organization publishes two leading interdisciplinary journals on Africa, African Studies Review and History in Africa and promotes an informed understanding of Africa to the public and in educational institutions as well as to businesses, media, and other communities that have interests in Africa.
ENQUIRIES: asameeting2013@gmail.com
We welcome your participation in this exciting conference and in the ASA!
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