• Harith Al-Dabbagh (Montreal Univerity): harith.al.dabbagh@gmail.com
(University of Mosul – Iraq) ; DEA, LL.D. (University of Aix-Marseille – France)
is currently a post-doctoral researcher in CRDP (Centre de recherche en droit
public) and a part-time lecturer in the Faculty of Law of Montreal University,
where he teaches the Advanced Private International Law in postgraduate studies.
Beforehand, he was working as assistant professor in the Faculty of Law at
Mosul University (Iraq) then as contractual lecturer-researcher (ATER) in the
Faculty of Law of Saint-Étienne University (France) where he taught several
subjects in fundamental Private Law. His current research activities in
comparative law are focused on the study of phenomena related to legal
pluralism, notably to correlation between Law and religion in the Middle-East.
His researches, as well in Arabic as in French, made the object of numerous
has obtained his degrees from the University of Mosul in Iraq (Bachelor 1996,
LL.M. 1998) and from the University Paul Cézanne-Aix Marseille III in France
(DEA of private law 2003, L.L.D. 2009). His doctoral dissertation, defended in
December, 2009, entitled « Correlations between religious and secular norms in
Iraqi Legal System », acquired the very honorable mention with congratulations
of jury.
Contact information
: Centre de recherche en droit public, Faculté de droit, Université de
Montréal, C.P. 6128, succ. Centre-ville, Montréal (Québec) Canada H3C 3J7. harith.al-dabbagh@umontreal.ca
• Samir Aličić (University of Novi Sad): alicic@pf.uns.ac.rs
Research interests: Roman law, legal history, private law and comparative law as well as
publications on compensation of damages, forms of legal acts, legal rules of
Roman law and reception of Roman law.
• Dario Alparone (University of Catania): darioalpa9119@gmail.com
Research Interests: Criminology, Psychoanalysis & Legal Thought
Contact Information: psychologist - Garibaldi General Hospital, Catania; PhD Candidate - Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Catania
Contact Information: psychologist - Garibaldi General Hospital, Catania; PhD Candidate - Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Catania
• Biagio Andó (Univerity of Catania): bando@lex.unict.it
• Marie-Eve Arbour (Universities of Laval and Salento): marie-eve.arbour@fd.ulaval.ca
• Louis Assier-Andrieu (CNRS Paris & Sciences Po Law
School): louis.assier-andrieu@orange.fr
Relevant classes
taught: Law & Society, History of American Legal Thought, Legal Cultures
Research interests: Historical
Anthropology of Western Law
• Frédéric Audren (CNRS Paris & Sciences Po
Law School): frederic.audren@sciences-po.org
Relevant classes
taught: Law & Society; History of Legal Thought; Legal History
Research interests: Historical
Sociology of Western Law; Legal cultures; Law & Geography
• Tom Bennett (University of Cape
Town): thomas.bennett@uct.ac.za
Relevant classes
taught: Public and Private International Law
Research interests: African Customary Law, Human Rights, Legal Pluralism
Contact information: Department of Public Law, Law Faculty, University of the Cape Town,
PBag Rondebosch 7701, RSA
• Aldo Zammit Borda (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland): zammitba@tcd.ie
Relevant classes
taught: N/A
Research interests: Public International Law; International Criminal Law
• Shawn Boyne (Indiana University School of Law -
Indianapolis): smboyne@iupui.edu
Relevant classes
taught: Comparative national security
law; comparative criminal law.
Research interests: Comparative civil
liberties and comparative criminal
Contact information: Indiana University School of Law-Indianapolis; 530 W. New
York Street; Indianapolis, IN 46202
• Michel Cannarsa (University Jean Moulin-Lyon 3) : michel.cannarsa@univ-lyon3.fr
• Eleanor Cashin-Ritaine (Swiss Institute of Comparative Law): eleanor.cashin-ritaine@wanadoo.fr
• Margit Cohn (Hebrew University of Jerusalem): mcohn@mscc.huji.ac.il
Relevant classes
taught: Comparative Constitutional Law, Judicial
Review: Theoretic and Comparative Aspects, Administrative Law, The Executive
Research interests: Comparative public Law, judicial review, legal transplant theory and
practice, the executive branch, regulation.
Contact information: Faculty of Law and Federmann School of Public Policy, Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91905, Israel; Tel.: + 972 2 5882558; Fax: +
972 2 5823042
• Giovanni Comandé (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna): gico@sssup.it
• Mariano Croce (Sapienza – Università di Roma): mariano.croce@libero.it; mariano.croce@uniroma1.it
Relevant classes
taught: I have taught Legal Philosophy at Sapienza –
Università di Roma (Department of Philosophy) since 2007 as a contract
professor (Winter Term 2010/2011: Domination of the Form or Form of Domination?
Law and Social Order; Winter Term 2009/2010: The effects of law on reality:
legal institutes and political organisms before and beyond the state; Winter
Term 2008/2009: Law as a Concept and as a Social Practice. The Source of
Normative Systems; Spring Term 2007/2008: Foundations for Fundamental Rights?;
Winter Term 2007/2008: The Twofold Nature of Law: ius and lex)
Research interests: Legal theory, legal pluralism, critical theory, history of legal and
political ideas, theory of democracy.
Contact information: Sapienza – Università di Roma, Department of Philosophy, Via
Carlo Fea 2, 00161 Rome, Italy
• Nora V Demleitner (Dean, Hofstra University, Deane School of Law): lawnvd@hofstra.edu
Relevant classes
taught: Various classes in comparative law, criminal law and justice, and
immigration law.
Research interests: Comparative law,
criminal law and justice, and immigration law
Contact information: Hofstra University School of Law; 121 Hofstra University; Hempstead,
NY 11549
• Dave De ruysscher (Assistant professor at the Vrije Universiteit of Brussels andpostdoctoral fellow of the Fund of Scientific Research Flander:dave.deruysscher@ua.ac.be)
Relevant classes
taught: Legal History; Comparative Law
Research interests: Commercial law (common and civil law tradition, in particular company
law, financial law and bankruptcy); private law (history of the law of
obligations, the late-medieval and early modern ius commune).
Contact information:
-Vakgroep Onderneming en Recht - Business and Law Institute; Universiteit Antwerpen - University of
Antwerp; Venusstraat 23; B-2000 Antwerpen;Tel. 03/2655720
-Vakgroep Interdisciplinaire studies van het recht (JURI) -
Department of Interdisciplinary Legal Studies (DILS); Pleinlaan 2; B-1050 Brussel(s); Tel. +3226292635
• Vicenç Feliú (University of the District of Columbia): vfeliu@udc.edu
• David Gruning (University of Loyola (New Orleans)): gruning@loyno.edu
• Haider Ala Hamoudi (University of Pittsburgh): hamoudi@pitt.edu
• Nikitas Hatzimihail (University of Cyprus): nhatzimi@ucy.ac.cy
• Dirk Heirbaut (University of Ghent): dirk.heirbaut@ugent.be
• Adam Hofri-Winogradow
BMus (Berklee
College of Music), LLB (Tel-Aviv University), MA (Tel-Aviv University), DPhil
(Oxford University
Assistant Professor
at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, my teaching focuses on comparative law,
the history of Israeli law and trusts. I have published on Adam Smith,
Eighteenth Century English law, and present-day Israeli developments, including
Israel's constitutional regime, Arab Israeli women's 'custom' of giving up
their shares in their parental inheritance, and the current renaissance of
Halachic (Jewish Rabbinical) adjudication in private and commercial matters. I
am an (academic) member of STEP - the Society of Trusts and Estates
Practitioners, and am, appropriately, currently researching Israeli trusts
practice - both its history and its current formations.
information: Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mt. Scopus,
Jerusalem 91905, ISRAEL; 972 2 5881281 (office); 972 523 592980 (mobile); hofri@mscc.huji.ac.il
• Justin Holbrook (Widener): jgholbrook@widener.edu
• Jaakko Husa (Professor at the University of
Lapland (Finland), Invited Fellow with the Maastricht European Private Law
Institute): jaakko.husa@ulapland.fi
Relevant classes
taught: Legal cultures, comparative legal linguistics,
comparative law, Nordic law, constitutional law.
Research interests: Theory of comparative law, comparative legal history, law &
language, comparative constitutional law, legal theory/methodology
Contact information: University of Lapland, Faculty of Law; PO Box 122; FI-96101Rovaniemi;
• Nir Kedar (Bar Ilan University Faculty of Law): nir.kedar@biu.ac.il
Relevant classes
taught: Israeli Legal History, basic course and seminars in Comparative Law.
Research interests: Modern Legal
History, Comparative Law, Legal and Political Theory
information: Faculty of Law; Bar-Ilan University; Ramat-Gan 52900; Israel
• Pasquale
Laghi (University of Calabria
– University of Malta): pasqualelaghi1@virgilio.it
Relevant classes taught: Law of Obligations and Tort Law
in comparative perspective.
Research interests: The impact of Human Rights on the Private Law, Contracts,
European Private Law, Comparative Law
• David Lametti (McGill University): david.lametti@mcgill.ca
• Stephanie Law (European University Institute): stephanie.law@eui.eu
Relevant classes
taught: International Private Law (University of
Research interests: My doctoral research concerns the development of private law in an
increasingly global world, and focuses particularly on developing the concept
of hybridity as a means of explaining the nature and quality of private law (in
particular, with developing the concept beyond the traditional mixed legal
systems, considering normative and legal hybridity). In general, I am
interested in emerging theories of transnational private law, the development
of transnational private regulation and the European private law discourse (and
especially, the role of the CJEU in furthering this project).
• François-Xavier Licari (Université de Metz, France): fx.licari@sfr.fr
Relevant classes
taught: Comparative business law, law of suretyship,
commercial law, law of obligations
Research interests: comparative business law, liberative prescription in comparative law
and PIL, punitive damages, mixed jurisdictions, legal theory
• Assaf Likhovski (Tel Aviv): likhovsk@post.tau.ac.il
Relevant classes
taught: Introduction to Legal History, Israeli
Legal History, comparative law
Research interests: Legal history (especially the history of legal transplants)
• Letizia Mancini (Law Faculty, Milan University, Italy) letizia.mancini@unimi.it
Relevant classes
taught: Sociology of Law, Legal Anthropology
Research interests: Multiculturalism, Legal Cultures, Legal Pluralism, Human Rights,
• Michael McAuley (Carey Olsen, St Peter Port
(Guernsey)): michael.mcauley@careyolsen.com
Relevant classes
taught: 2001-2006 Louisiana State University: civil law
property, successions, conflict of laws, matrimonial regimes, comparative law
Research interests: African Customary Law, Human Rights, Legal Pluralism
• Olivier Moréteau (Louisiana State University): moreteau@lsu.edu
• Agustín Parise:
LLB (Buenos Aires),
LLM (Louisiana)
Agustín Parise was
born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he received his degree of LL.B.
(abogado) at the Universidad de Buenos Aires. He is a Lecturer in Legal History
(Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos) at the same school (on leave of absence) and a
Research Associate at the Center of Civil Law Studies at Louisiana State
University. He received his LL.M. from the Paul M. Hebert Law Center at
Louisiana State University, where his thesis focused on historical aspects of
the Louisiana Civil Code and moral damages. While at LSU he also wrote his
doctorate in law (S.J.D.) dissertation for the Universidad de Buenos Aires on
the history of the Louisiana Civil Code and its influence in the Argentine
Civil Code. He received invitations from the Max Planck Institutes of
Comparative Law (Hamburg) and Legal History (Frankfurt) to visit during the
academic year 2010-2011.
Contact information: Research Associate, Center of Civil Law Studies, W326, Law Center,
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA; +1 225/578-7574. agustin.parise@law.lsu.edu
•Gianluca P
Parolin (American University
in Cairo): gparolin@aucegypt.edu
Relevant classes
taught: Comparative Law, Comparative
Constitutional Law, Islamic Law Reform, and Egyptian Law
Research interests: Constitutional transitions in the Gulf (with special attention to
Bahrain), concepts and regulations of citizenship in the region, the teleological
readings of Islamic law developed in the last couple of centuries, and the
intersections and interaction of different legal systems
• Colin Picker (University of New South Wales): c.picker@unsw.edu.au
• Christa Rautenbach (North-West University (Potchefstroom
Campus) South Africa):
Relevant classes
taught: Law of Succession; Legal Pluralism; Child Law
Research interests: Legal pluralism, cultural diversity; African customary law
Contact information: Faculty of Law; North-West University; 2520 Potchefstroom; South
Africa. Tel:+27 (0)18 299 1939. Fax:+27 (0)18 299 1955
• Teresa Sartore Senigaglia (Heidelberg): teresa.sartore@gmail.com teresa.sartore@uni-heidelberg.de
Relevant classes
taught: Paleography Workshop, Summer 2010, Heidelberg
Research interests: clash/encounter between social/religious/ethnic groups in
transcultural societies; emergence of diasporic identities and legal pluralism
Contact information: Transcultural Studies; Universität Heidelberg; Marstallstraße 6; 69117
Heidelberg; +49(0)6221/54-7856; Fax:+49(0)6221/54-7862
• Mosa Sayed (Faculty of Law, Uppsala Univeristy, Sweden): mosa.sayed@jur.uu.se
Relevant classes taught: Private international
law, Family law, Legal history and comparative law, Islamic law, Law and multicultural
Research interests: Islamic Law, Private international law, Legal pluralism, Comparative
law and Family and succession law
• Ron Scalise (Tulane University): rscalise@tulane.edu
• David Schorr (Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law): dschorr@tau.ac.il
Relevant classes
taught: English Legal History, Law and History Workshop
Research interests: legal history of Palestine and British Empire
Contact information: dschorr@tau.ac.il
• Michel Séjean (Université Paris II -
Panthéon-Assas): msejean@yahoo.fr
Relevant classes
taught: French civil law, French business law and
English-American Common Law
Research interests: Comparative civil law; Legal Translation; Jurilinguistics
Contact information: 5 rue Guillaumot; 75012 Paris, France; Phone number: +33-6-62-84-47-45
• Lionel Smith:
BSc (Toronto), LLB
(Western Ontario), LLM (Cambridge), DPhil (Oxford), LLB (Montréal).
I have been at
McGill University since 2000, and I teach obligations and trusts, as well
corporate law and unjust enrichment, in common law and civil law. My published
scholarship is mainly on unjust enrichment, trusts and commercial law, along
with some legal history and legal theory. I have been the Director of the
Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law since 2007, where I
co-ordinate our ongoing work on bilingual civil codes and dictionaries of civil
law, along with launching new projects on trusts in civil law, transsystemic
legal education, and the digitization of the archives of Quebec's Civil Code
Revision Office. I am member of the American Law Institute, the International
Academy of Estate and Trust Law, and the World Society of Mixed Jurisdiction
Jurists, and also of the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History, the Selden
Society, the Canadian Association of Law Teachers, the Association des
professeurs et des professeures de droit du Québec, the Association québécoise
de droit comparé, and the Association Henri Capitant des Amis de la Culture
Juridique Française.
information: Faculty of Law, McGill University, 3644 Peel St., Montreal, Quebec
Canada H3A 1W9. + 1 514 398 4670. lionel.smith@mcgill.ca. http://www.mcgill.ca/crdpcq/
• Dan Stigall:
BA (Louisiana State
University), JD (Louisiana State University), LLM (George Washington
Dan E Stigall has
spent his career as an attorney for the United States federal government,
including service as a military lawyer in Europe, the Middle East, and
throughout the United States. He researches and writes on topics related to
international law and comparative law. His articles have appeared in the George
Washington International Law Review, the Cardozo Journal of International and
Comparative Law, the Military Law Review, and numerous other publications.
information: dstigall@law.gwu.edu
• Martin Sychold (Swiss Institute of Comparative Law): martin.sychold@isdc-dfjp.unil.ch
• Giovanni Tamburrini (Solbridge International School of
Business, Korea): giovanni@solbridge.ac.kr
Relevant classes
taught: Business Law & Ethics - Social
Research interests: International Business Law - Corporate Governance
• Mathilda Twomey (Judge, Court of Appeal of
Seychelles): mattitwomey@gmail.com
Research interests: Legal history,
comparative law, and mixed jurisdictions, including the mixing of common
law and and civil law in Seychelles.
• Catherine Valcke (Toronto): c.valcke@utoronto.ca
Relevant classes
taught: Contracts, Civil Law Obligations, Intro to Civil Law Tradition,
Comparative Law Theory, Alternative Approaches to Legal Scholarship, Contract
Research interests: Private Law,
Contracts, Legal theory, Jurisprudence, Comparative Law
information: Fac. Law, Univ. Toronto; 78 Queen's Pk Cresc.;
Toronto (Ontario); Canada M5S 2C5; Tel: (514) 258-4484
• Mark van Hoecke (Ghent): mark.vanhoecke@ugent.be
Relevant classes
taught: Research Professor Legal Theory &
Comparative Law
Research interests: Theory of comparative law, methodology of legal research,
interpretation of contracts
Contact information: Department of Jurisprudence and Legal History, Ghent University
• Remco van Rhee (Maastricht): remco.vanrhee@maastrichtuniversity.nl
• Adelyn L M Wilson (Aberdeen): adelyn.wilson@abdn.ac.uk
Relevant classes
taught: Scottish Legal History, European Legal History,
Roman law, Legal History in Recent Court Practice, Foundations of Private Law
Research interests: C17th Scottish legal history, C16th-C17th western continental European
legal history, Roman law
Contact information: University of Aberdeen School of Law; Taylor Building; Aberdeen, AB24
• David Zammit (University of Malta): david.zammit@um.edu.m
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