I'm pleased to note the publication of Matteo
Solinas, Legal evolution and
hybridisation: The law of shares transfer in England (2014).
While I confess that I still have to read the book, it appears to closely parallel my work, and that of others in Juris Diversitas, over the last few years on hybridity, diffusion, colonialism, etc:
But as its table of contents indicates, Legal evolution and hybridisation:
does not rest exclusively on theoretical grounds. The complexities of the themes involved are explored and tested by focusing on a case study. This is the legal mechanism by which shares in companies are transferred in England under the direct and indirect holding systems.
Note, too, that Intersentia now offers readers of the Juris Diversitas Blog a 20% discount on its books. More information is available here.
does not rest exclusively on theoretical grounds. The complexities of the themes involved are explored and tested by focusing on a case study. This is the legal mechanism by which shares in companies are transferred in England under the direct and indirect holding systems.
Note, too, that Intersentia now offers readers of the Juris Diversitas Blog a 20% discount on its books. More information is available here.
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