26 July 2024

Cultures and Law - Cultures et droit


Call For Submissions: American University Law Review, Spring 2025 Symposium, Law and Popular Culture @AmULRev

The American University Law Review has issued a Call For Papers for its annual symposium. Here is the call.

The American University Law Review is placing a call for submissions of original legal articles and scholarly commentaries for its forthcoming issue dedicated to pop culture and the law. Specifically, the Law Review seeks submissions analyzing the sports, media and entertainment, fashion, and social media industries and their effect on the law. However, other topics related to pop culture will be considered. The target publication date is slated for mid-2025.

Next year, the Law Review’s Spring Symposium will be held on February 7, 2025. This symposium will explore and engage with burgeoning legal issues in pop culture. Selected authors may have the opportunity to present their work as a panelist in the Symposium, but participation is not a requirement for consideration.

Legal imaginaries across the Asia-Pacific: Vernacular laws and literatures

Thursday 5th September
Phillipa Weeks Staff Library, Level 4, ANU College of Law

This event represents the first fruits of a new network that targets a specific geographic constellation and identifies, through the language of ‘the imaginary’ and ‘vernacular’, a specific set of theoretical resources. ‘Laws and literatures’ both frames the endeavour in relation to the rich field of studies in law and literature, and pluralises it in significant ways. Collaborative partners in the broader project include University of Wollongong, Hong Kong University, National University of Singapore, and University of British Columbia.

This one-day workshop would be of interest to academics and HDR students in literature, law and the humanities, legal theory, and postcolonial studies. It features new work from prominent and emerging scholars working in law and literature from right across the region -- from Australia, Aotearoa, the Pacific and Mexico to Hong Kong, Singapore, and Indonesia – showcasing new directions with what we might call a common indicazione geografica tipica, and indicazione teorica tipica. 

International Academy of Comparative Law - 2024 Congress // Académie internationale de droit comparé - Congrès 2024

15 et 16 novembre 2024 
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne 

Programme provisoire 

Vendredi, 15 novembre

  • Bienvenue au Congrès 
  • Hommage à notre ancien Secrétaire Général, le regretté Professeur Dr Jürgen Basedow
  • Introduction aux thèmes du congrès et aux sessions parallèles par les Rapporteurs généraux 
    • Histoire du droit comparé et de l’Académie (Helge Dedek, Université McGill) 
    • L’avenir du droit comparé (Maria-Chiara Malaguti, Présidente d’Unidroit, et Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) 
    • L’enseignement du droit comparé (Bui Ngoc Son, Université d’Oxford, assisté de Gary F Bell, National University of Singapore)

Samedi 16 novembre ;

  • Sessions parallèles sur les différents thèmes
  • Table ronde avec les Rapporteurs Généraux présidée par Giuditta Cordero-Moss, Présidente de l’Académie
  • Table ronde : Perspectives régionales sur le droit comparé par divers centres et institutions présidée par Gary F Bell, Secrétaire-Général de l’Académie. 
    • Europe : 
      • François Molinié, Société de législation comparée
      • Marie Goré, Institut de droit comparé, Centre français de droit comparé 
      • Michele Graziadei, Società Italiana per la Ricerca nel Diritto Comparato 
    • Amérique du nord: 
      • Hannah Buxbaum, American Society of Comparative Law 
    • Afrique 
      • Makane Moïse Mbengue, Société africaine de droit international 
    • Asie 
      • Dan Puchniak, Centre for Commercial Law in Asia à la Singapore Management University 
      • Bui Ngoc Son, Oxford Programme in Asia Law 
    • Amérique Latine 
      • Jorge A Sánchez Cordero, Mexican Center of Uniform Law


* * *

15 and 16 November 2024 
Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University 

Programme (subject to change) 

Friday, 15 November: 

  • Welcoming to Congress
  • Tribute to our former Secretary-General, the late Professor Dr Jürgen Basedow
  • Introduction to the themes of the congress and the parallel sessions by the General Rapporteurs 
    • History of Comparative law and of the Academy (Helge Dedek, McGill University)
    • Future of Comparative Law (Maria-Chiara Malaguti, President of Unidroit, and Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)
    • Teaching of Comparative Law (Bui Ngoc Son, University of Oxford, assisted by Gary F Bell, National University of Singapore)

Saturday, 16 November:

  • Parallel sessions on the different themes (continuation) 6:00 pm 
  • Round table with the General Rapporteurs presided by Giuditta Cordero-Moss, President of the Academy 3:30-4:00 pm • Coffee Break
  • Round table: Regional Perspectives on comparative law from different centres and institution presided par Gary F Bell, Secretary General of the Academy. 
    • Europe : 
      • François Molinié, Société de législation comparée
      • Marie Goré, Institut de droit comparé, Centre français de droit comparé
      • Michele Graziadei, Società Italiana per la Ricerca nel Diritto Comparato 
    • North America
      • Hannah Buxbaum, American Society of Comparative Law 
    • Africa
      • Makane Moïse Mbengue, African Society of International Law 
    • Asia 
      • Dan Puchniak, Centre for Commercial Law in Asia at the Singapore Management University
      • Bui Ngoc Son, Oxford Programme in Asia Law 
    • Latin America
      • Jorge A Sánchez Cordero, Mexican Center of Uniform Law

Rivista di diritti comparati

 Rivista di diritti comparati

Rivista quadrimestrale 

Anno VIII – N. 1/2024 


Andrea Buratti – Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” 

Alessandra Di Martino – Università degli studi di Roma “La Sapienza” 

Cristina Fasone – LUISS 

Guido Carli Giuseppe Martinico – Scuola Universitaria Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa 

Anna Mastromarino – Università di Torino 

Oreste Pollicino – Università commerciale “Bocconi” di Milano 

Giorgio Repetto – Università di Perugia 

Francesco Saitto – Università degli studi di Roma “La Sapienza” 

Raffaele Torino – Università Roma Tre


Atti del IX Convegno annuale di Diritti Comparati: “Cancellazione, Spazio pubblico, Memoria” 

ANNA MASTROMARINO, Memoria, cancellazione, spazio pubblico [pp. 1-20]

SERGE NOIRET, Spazio pubblico e memorie nelle pratiche della Public History [pp. 21-45]

PASQUALE ANNICCHINO, Culture wars e potere giudiziario. Corte Suprema degli Stati Uniti e Corte europea dei diritti dell'uomo nel geo-diritto occidentale [pp. 46-68]

STÉPHANE PIERRÉ-CAPS, La Constitution et la mémoire historique : progrès ou régression du constitutionnalisme ? [pp. 69-77] 

GIORGIO RESTA, La memoria attraverso il processo. Tecniche risarcitorie e politiche di riparazione degli illeciti storici [pp. 78-93] 

EDUARDO BARRETO MARTÍN, Memoria y cultura: un análisis del caso audiovisual español [pp. 94-130]

MICHELE GRAZIADEI, La storia, la memoria e il diritto [pp. 131-139] 

Saggi FIORE FONTANAROSA, Law and obesity: analisi comparatistica del fenomeno obesità tra strumenti di hard law e misure di soft law [pp. 140-178] 

VITTORIA MARGHERITA SOFIA TRIFILETTI, Il Data Privacy Framework e il trasferimento dei dati personali tra Stati Uniti e Unione Europea. Appunti di una comparazione [pp. 179-199] 

Note e commenti 

CESARE PINELLI, Old and New Oligarchs. Introduction to the money-democracy issue [pp. 200-207] 

VIRGINIA LEMME, La pronuncia pregiudiziale di C-621/21: le donne come gruppo sociale, una tutela effettiva? [pp. 208-234] 

ROSA IANNACCONE, Considerazioni sul ruolo della legislazione elettorale nelle “democrazie imperfette” a partire dai casi messicano e cileno [pp. 235-253] 

CLAUDIO LASPERANZA, The Japanese pontifex: A study on State-religion separation and its criticalities [pp. 254-286] 

Fadel, Sovereignty, Territoriality, and Private International Law in Classical Muslim International Law


Sovereignty, Territoriality, and Private International Law in Classical Muslim International Law



Scholars in recent years have shown interest in challenging the historical origins of international law and its normative claims to universality. This Article challenges the prevailing conceptions of Islamic international law (al-siyar), first set out in English-language scholarship by Majid Khadduri, as primarily an ad-hoc response to the failed aspiration of a universal Muslim commonwealth. It shows that Islamic international law, in its classical phase (eighth–thirteenth centuries), as first formulated by Iraqi, and later, Central Asian, scholars (who together later came to be known as Ḥanafīs), understood all legal order as being rooted in sovereignty and territoriality, with shared religion a secondary concern. This theory of legal order arose out of an understanding of political order as emerging from a natural and universal condition of war that is incidental to the individual’s natural sovereignty. I trace the genealogy of this conception to the founding moment of the Muslim commonwealth and describe its manifestation in classical Ḥanafī solutions to a series of cases in “private international law.”